
2024-07-26 20:24:26 UTC


本指南旨在为分布式复制块设备Distributed Repliated Block Device 版本9(DRBD-9)的用户提供最终参考指南和手册。

It is being made available to the DRBD community by LINBIT, the project’s sponsor company, free of charge and in the hope that it will be useful. The guide is constantly being updated. We try to add information about new DRBD features simultaneously with the corresponding DRBD releases. An online HTML version of this guide is always available at https://linbit.com/drbd-user-guide/drbd-guide-9_0-en/.

This guide assumes, throughout, that you are using the latest version of DRBD and related tools. If you are using an 8.4 release of DRBD, please use the matching version of this guide from https://linbit.com/drbd-user-guide/users-guide-drbd-8-4/.

请使用the drbd-user mailing list提交评论。


  • DRBD简介介绍DRBD的基本功能。本文简要概述了DRBD在Linux I/O堆栈中的位置,以及基本的DRBD概念。它还详细研究了DRBD最重要的特性。

  • Building and Installing the DRBD Software讨论从源代码构建DRBD,安装预构建的DRBD包,并包含在集群系统上运行DRBD的概述。

  • 使用DRBD讲述如何使用资源配置文件管理DRBD,以及常见的故障排除方案。

  • [p-apps]利用DRBD为应用程序添加存储复制和高可用性。它不仅涵盖了Pacemaker cluster manager中的DRBD集成,还包括高级LVM配置、DRBD与GFS的集成,以及为Xen虚拟化环境添加高可用性。

  • [p-performance]包含从DRBD配置中获得最佳性能的要点。

  • [p-learn]深入了解DRBD的内部,还包含指向其他资源的指引,本指南的读者可能会发现这些指引很有用。

  • [P-Appendices]:

欢迎对DRBD培训或支持服务感兴趣的用户通过 [email protected][email protected] 与我们联系。


1. DRBD基础

DRBD is a software-based, shared-nothing, replicated storage solution mirroring the content of block devices (hard disks, partitions, logical volumes, and so on) between hosts.


  • 实时: 当应用程序修改设备上的数据时,数据的副本更改是连续进行的。

  • 透明: 应用程序不会意识到数据实际上是存储在多台主机上的。

  • 同步 or 异步: 当使用同步镜像数据时,只有在所有(连接上的)主机上都完成写操作后,才会通知应用程序写完成。当使用异步镜像数据时,在本地完成写入时(通常在镜像数据传输到其他节点前),就会通知应用程序写入完成。

1.1. Kernel Module


DRBD is, by definition and as mandated by the Linux kernel architecture, agnostic of the layers above it. Therefore, it is impossible for DRBD to miraculously add features to upper layers that these do not possess. For example, DRBD cannot auto-detect file system corruption or add active-active clustering capability to file systems like ext3 or XFS.

drbd in kernel
插图 1. DRBD在Linux I/O堆栈中的位置

1.2. User Space Administration Tools

DRBD includes a set of administration tools which communicate with the kernel module to configure and administer DRBD resources. From top-level to bottom-most these are:


The high-level administration tool of the DRBD-utils program suite. Obtains all DRBD configuration parameters from the configuration file /etc/drbd.conf and acts as a front-end for drbdsetup and drbdmeta. drbdadm has a dry-run mode, invoked with the -d option, that shows which drbdsetup and drbdmeta calls drbdadm would issue without actually calling those commands.


Configures the DRBD module that was loaded into the kernel. All parameters to drbdsetup must be passed on the command line. The separation between drbdadm and drbdsetup allows for maximum flexibility. Most users will rarely need to use drbdsetup directly, if at all.


允许创建、转储、还原和修改DRBD元数据结构。与 drbdsetup 一样,大多数用户很少直接使用 drbdmeta

1.3. 资源

在DRBD中,资源 是指特定复制数据集的所有方面的集合术语。其中包括:


This can be any arbitrary, US-ASCII name not containing white space by which the resource is referred to.

Beginning with DRBD 9.2.0, there is a stricter naming convention for resources. DRBD 9.2.x accepts only alphanumeric, ., +, _, and - characters in resource names (regular expression: [0-9A-Za-z.+_-]*). If you depend on the old behavior, it can be brought back by disabling strict name checking: echo 0 > /sys/module/drbd/parameters/strict_names.

任何资源都是一个复制组,由共享同一复制流的多个 之一组成。DRBD确保了资源中所有卷的写保真度。卷的编号以 0 开头,一个资源中最多可以有65535个卷。卷包含复制的数据集和一组供DRBD内部使用的元数据。

drbdadm 级别,可以通过资源名称和卷号将资源中的卷寻址为 resource/volume



Depending on how you installed DRBD, you might need to install the drbd-udev package on RPM based systems to install the DRBD udev rules. If your DRBD resources were created before the DRBD udev rules were installed, you will need to manually trigger the udev rules to generate the udev symlinks for DRBD resources, by using the udevadm trigger command.
Very early DRBD versions hijacked NBD’s device major number 43. This is long obsolete; 147 is the allocated DRBD device major.

A connection is a communication link between two hosts that share a replicated data set. With DRBD 9 each resource can be defined on multiple hosts; with the current versions this requires a full-meshed connection setup between these hosts (that is, each host connected to every other for that resource).

drbdadm 级别,连接由资源和连接名(后者默认为对等主机名)寻址,如 resource:connection

1.4. Resource Roles

在DRBD中,每个resource都有一个角色,该角色可以是 PrimarySecondary

The choice of terms here is not arbitrary. These roles were deliberately not named “Active” and “Passive” by DRBD’s creators. Primary compared to Secondary refers to a concept related to availability of storage, whereas active compared to passive refers to the availability of an application. It is usually the case in a high-availability environment that the primary node is also the active one, but this is by no means necessary.
  • A DRBD device in the primary role can be used unrestrictedly for read and write operations. It may be used for creating and mounting file systems, raw or direct I/O to the block device, and so on.

  • 处于 secondary 角色的DRBD设备接收来自对等节点设备的所有更新,但在其他情况下完全不允许访问。它不能被应用程序使用,也不能用于读写访问。甚至不允许对设备进行只读访问的原因是必须保持缓存一致性,如果以任何方式访问辅助资源,这是不可能的。

当然,资源的角色可以通过manual intervention,调用集群管理应用程序的一些自动算法,或者automatically来更改。将资源角色从次要角色更改为主要角色称为 promotion (升级),而反向操作称为 demotion (降级)。

1.5. Hardware and Environment Requirements

DRBD’s hardware and environment requirements and limitations are mentioned below. DRBD can work with just a few KiBs of physical storage and memory, or it can scale up to work with several TiBs of storage and many MiBs of memory.

1.5.1. Maximum Device Size

DRBD’s maximum device size is 1PiB (1024TiB).

1.5.2. Required Memory

DRBD needs about 32MiB of RAM per 1TiB of storage[1]. So, for DRBD’s maximum amount of storage (1PiB), you would need 32GiB of RAM for the DRBD bitmap alone, even before operating system, userspace, and buffer cache considerations.

1.5.3. CPU Requirements

DRBD 9 is tested to build for the following CPU architectures:

  • amd64

  • arm64

  • ppc64le

  • s390x

Recent versions of DRBD 9 are only tested to build on 64 bit CPU architecture. Building DRBD on 32 bit CPU architecture is unsupported and may or may not work.

1.5.4. Minimum Linux Kernel Version

The minimum Linux kernel version supported in DRBD 9.0 is 2.6.32. Starting with DRBD 9.1, the minimum Linux kernel version supported is 3.10.

1.5.5. Maximum Number of DRBD Volumes on a Node

Due to the 20 bit constraint on minor numbers, the maximum number of DRBD volumes that you can have on a node is 1048576.

1.5.6. Maximum Number of Volumes per DRBD Resource

The maximum number of volumes per DRBD resource is 65535, numbered 0 through 65534.

1.5.7. Maximum Number of Nodes Accessing a Resource

There is a limit of 32 nodes that can access the same DRBD resource concurrently. In practice, clusters of more than five nodes are not recommended.

1.6. FIPS Compliance

This standard shall be used in designing and implementing cryptographic modules…​

Since DRBD version 9.2.6, it is possible to encrypt DRBD traffic by using the TLS feature. However, DRBD itself does not contain cryptographic modules. DRBD uses cryptographic modules that are available in the ktls-utils package (used by the tlshd daemon), or that are referenced by the Linux kernel crypto API. In either case, the cryptographic modules that DRBD uses to encrypt traffic will be FIPS compliant, so long as you are using a FIPS mode enabled operating system.

If you have not enabled the TLS feature, then DRBD does not use any cryptographic modules.

In DRBD versions before 9.2.6, it was only possible to use encryption with DRBD if it was implemented in a different block layer, and not by DRBD itself. Linux Unified Key Setup (LUKS) is an example of such an implementation. You can refer to details in the LINSTOR User’s Guide about using LINSTOR as a way that you can layer LUKS below the DRBD layer.

If you are using DRBD outside of LINSTOR, it is possible to layer LUKS above the DRBD layer. However, this implementation is not recommended because DRBD would no longer be able to disklessly attach or auto-promote resources.

2. DRBD特征


2.1. Single-primary Mode

In single-primary mode, a resource is, at any given time, in the primary role on only one cluster member. Since it is guaranteed that only one cluster node manipulates the data at any moment, this mode can be used with any conventional file system (ext3, ext4, XFS, and so on).


2.2. Dual-primary Mode

In dual-primary mode a resource can be in the primary role on two nodes at a time. Since concurrent access to the data is therefore possible, this mode usually requires the use of a shared cluster file system that uses a distributed lock manager. Examples include GFS and OCFS2.

Deploying DRBD in dual-primary mode is the preferred approach for load-balancing clusters which require concurrent data access from two nodes, for example, virtualization environments with a need for live-migration. This mode is disabled by default, and must be enabled explicitly in DRBD’s configuration file.

See [s-enable-dual-primary] for information about enabling dual-primary mode for specific resources.

2.3. Replication Modes


Protocol A

Asynchronous replication protocol. Local write operations on the primary node are considered completed as soon as the local disk write has finished, and the replication packet has been placed in the local TCP send buffer. In case of forced fail-over, data loss may occur. The data on the standby node is consistent after fail-over; however, the most recent updates performed prior to the fail-over could be lost. Protocol A is most often used in long distance replication scenarios. When used in combination with DRBD Proxy it makes an effective disaster recovery solution. See Long-distance Replication through DRBD Proxy, for more information.

Protocol B

Memory synchronous (semi-synchronous) replication protocol. Local write operations on the primary node are considered completed as soon as the local disk write has occurred, and the replication packet has reached the peer node. Normally, no writes are lost in case of forced fail-over. However, in case of simultaneous power failure on both nodes and concurrent, irreversible destruction of the primary’s data store, the most recent writes completed on the primary may be lost.

Protocol C

Synchronous replication protocol. Local write operations on the primary node are considered completed only after both the local and the remote disk write(s) have been confirmed. As a result, loss of a single node is guaranteed not to lead to any data loss. Data loss is, of course, inevitable even with this replication protocol if all nodes (respective of their storage subsystems) are irreversibly destroyed at the same time.

到目前为止,DRBD设置中最常用的复制协议是protocol C。

复制协议的选择影响部署的两个因素: 保护延迟 。相比之下, 吞吐量 在很大程度上独立于所选的复制协议。


2.4. More than Two-way Redundancy

使用DRBD 9,可以将数据同时存储在两个以上的集群节点上。

While this has been possible before through stacking, in DRBD 9 this is supported out-of-the-box for (currently) up to 16 nodes. (In practice, using three-, four- or perhaps five-way redundancy through DRBD will make other things the leading cause of downtime.)


2.5. 自动提升资源

在DRBD 9之前,可以使用 drbdadm primary 命令提升资源。在DRBD 9下,当启用 auto promote 选项时,DRBD将自动将资源提升为主角色,并装入或打开其中一个卷进行写入。一旦卸载或关闭所有卷,资源的角色就变回次要角色。

只有在群集状态允许时(即,如果显示 drbdadm primary 命令成功),自动提升才会成功。否则,安装或打开设备将失败,就像在DRBD 9之前一样。

2.6. Multiple Replication Transports


2.6.1. TCP传输

drbd_transport_tcp.ko 传输实现包含在drbd本身的分发文件中。顾名思义,这个传输实现使用TCP/IP协议在机器之间移动数据。







SDP是BSD风格的套接字的实现,用于支持RDMA的传输,如InfiniBand。SDP是大多数发行版OFED堆栈的一部分,但现在 被视为已弃用 。SDP使用IPv4风格的寻址方案。SDP通过InfiniBand互连使用,为DRBD提供了一个高吞吐量、低延迟的复制网络。


SuperSockets用一个单一的、单片的、高效的、支持RDMA的套接字实现来替换堆栈的TCP/IP部分。DRBD可以使用这种套接字类型进行非常低延迟的复制。SuperSockets必须运行在特定的硬件上,而这些硬件目前只能从一家供应商Dolphin Interconnect Solutions获得。

2.6.2. RDMA传输

Since DRBD version 9.2.0, the drbd_transport_rdma kernel module is available as open source code.

You can download the open source code from LINBIT’s tar archived DRBD releases page, or through LINBIT’s DRBD GitHub repository.

Alternatively, if you are LINBIT customer, the drbd_transport_rdma.ko kernel module is available in LINBIT’s customer software repositories.

This transport uses the verbs/RDMA API to move data over InfiniBand HCAs, iWARP capable NICs or RoCE capable NICs. In contrast to the BSD sockets API (used by TCP/IP) the verbs/RDMA API allows data movement with very little CPU involvement.

At high transfer rates it might be possible that the CPU load/memory bandwidth of the tcp transport becomes the limiting factor. You can probably achieve higher transfer rates using the RDMA transport with appropriate hardware.


2.7. Multiple Paths

DRBD allows configuring multiple paths per connection. The TCP transport uses only one path at a time for a connection, unless you have configured the TCP load balancing feature. The RDMA transport is capable of balancing the network traffic over multiple paths of a single connection. see Configuring multiple paths for more details.

2.8. Efficient Synchronization



  • 同步速度很快,因为发生多个连续写操作的块只同步一次。

  • 同步还与很少的磁盘查找相关,因为块是根据磁盘上块的自然布局进行同步的。

  • 在同步过程中,备用节点上的数据集部分过时,部分已更新。这种数据状态称为 不一致


A node with inconsistent data generally cannot be put into operation, therefore it is desirable to keep the time period during which a node is inconsistent as short as possible. DRBD does, however, include an LVM integration facility that automates the creation of LVM snapshots immediately before synchronization. This ensures that a consistent copy of the data is always available on the peer, even while synchronization is running. See [s-lvm-snapshots] for details on using this facility.

2.8.1. Variable-rate Synchronization



2.8.2. Fixed-rate Synchronization


插图 2. 同步时间

tsync is the expected sync time. D is the amount of data to be synchronized, which you are unlikely to have any influence over (this is the amount of data that was modified by your application while the replication link was broken). R is the rate of synchronization, which is configurable — bounded by the throughput limitations of the replication network and I/O subsystem.


2.8.3. Checksum-based Synchronization

通过使用数据摘要(也称为校验和)可以进一步提高DRBD的同步算法的效率。当使用基于校验和的同步时,DRBD在同步前先 读取 块,并计算当前在磁盘上找到的内容的哈希,而不是对标记为不同步的块执行强制覆盖。然后,它将此哈希与从对等机上的同一扇区计算的哈希进行比较,如果哈希匹配,则省略重新写入此块。如果文件系统在DRBD处于断开模式时用相同的内容重新写入了扇区,这可以显著缩短同步时间。


2.9. Suspended Replication

如果配置正确,DRBD可以检测复制网络是否拥塞,在这种情况下可以暂停复制。在这种模式下,主节点会”超前”于次节点 即 暂时不同步,但仍在次节点上保留一致的副本。当有更多带宽可用时,复制将自动恢复并进行后台同步。



2.10. Online Device Verification

Online device verification enables users to do a block-by-block data integrity check between nodes in a very efficient manner.

Note that efficient refers to efficient use of network bandwidth here, and to the fact that verification does not break redundancy in any way. Online verification is still a resource-intensive operation, with a noticeable impact on CPU utilization and load average.

It works by one node (the verification source) sequentially calculating a cryptographic digest of every block stored on the lower-level storage device of a particular resource. DRBD then transmits that digest to the peer node(s) (the verification target(s)), where it is checked against a digest of the local copy of the affected block. If the digests do not match, the block is marked out-of-sync and may later be synchronized. Because DRBD transmits just the digests, not the full blocks, online verification uses network bandwidth very efficiently.

The process is termed online verification because it does not require that the DRBD resource being verified is unused at the time of verification. Therefore, though it does carry a slight performance penalty while it is running, online verification does not cause service interruption or system down time — neither during the verification run nor during subsequent synchronization.

It is a common use case to have online verification managed by the local cron daemon, running it, for example, once a week or once a month. See [s-use-online-verify] for information about how to enable, invoke, and automate online verification.

2.11. Replication Traffic Integrity Checking


These message digest algorithms are not provided by DRBD, but by the Linux kernel crypto API; DRBD merely uses them. Therefore, DRBD is capable of using any message digest algorithm available in a particular system’s kernel configuration.

With this feature enabled, DRBD generates a message digest of every data block it replicates to the peer, which the peer then uses to verify the integrity of the replication packet. If the replicated block can not be verified against the digest, the connection is dropped and immediately re-established; because of the bitmap the typical result is a retransmission. Therefore, DRBD replication is protected against several error sources, all of which, if unchecked, would potentially lead to data corruption during the replication process:

  • 在主存储器和发送节点上的网络接口之间传输的数据上会发生按位错误(”位翻转”)(如果将其卸载到网卡,则TCP校验和无法检测到该错误,这在最近的实现中很常见);

  • 在从网络接口传输到接收节点的主存储器的数据上发生的位翻转(同样的考虑适用于TCP校验和卸载);

  • 由于网络接口固件或驱动程序中的竞争条件或错误而导致的任何形式的损坏;

  • 通过在节点之间重新组装网络组件(如果不使用直接的背对背连接)注入的位翻转或随机损坏。

See [s-configure-integrity-check] for information about how to enable replication traffic integrity checking.

2.12. Split Brain Notification and Automatic Recovery

Split brain is a situation where, due to temporary failure of all network links between cluster nodes, and possibly due to intervention by a cluster management software or human error, both nodes switched to the Primary role while disconnected. This is a potentially harmful state, as it implies that modifications to the data might have been made on either node, without having been replicated to the peer. Therefore, it is likely in this situation that two diverging sets of data have been created, which cannot be trivially merged.

DRBD split brain is distinct from cluster split brain, which is the loss of all connectivity between hosts managed by a distributed cluster management application such as Pacemaker. To avoid confusion, this guide uses the following convention:

  • 裂脑 是指如上文所述的DRBD裂脑。

  • 所有集群连接的丧失被称为 集群分片,是集群裂脑的另一个术语。


虽然在这种情况下,建议的操作过程是manually resolve处理脑裂,然后消除其根本原因,但在某些情况下,可能需要自动化该过程。DRBD有几种可用的解决方案列举如下:

  • 放弃较新主节点上的修改。 在这种模式下,当重新建立网络连接并发现裂脑时, DRBD在_最后_切换到主模式的节点上,会放弃在该节点上的更改。

  • 放弃较旧主节点上的修改。 在这种模式下,DRBD会放弃先前切换到 主模式的节点上所做的修改。

  • 放弃改动小的主节点上的修改。 在这种模式下, DRBD将检查两个节点中的哪个节点记录了较少的修改,然后将丢弃在该主机上进行的所有修改。

  • Graceful recovery from split brain if one host has had no intermediate changes. In this mode, if one of the hosts has made no modifications at all during split brain, DRBD will simply recover gracefully and declare the split brain resolved. Note that this is a fairly unlikely scenario. Even if both hosts only mounted the file system on the DRBD block device (even read-only), the device contents typically would be modified (for example, by file system journal replay), ruling out the possibility of automatic recovery.

Whether or not automatic split brain recovery is acceptable depends largely on the individual application. Consider the example of DRBD hosting a database. The discard modifications from host with fewer changes approach may be fine for a web application click-through database. By contrast, it may be totally unacceptable to automatically discard any modifications made to a financial database, requiring manual recovery in any split brain event. Consider your application’s requirements carefully before enabling automatic split brain recovery.


2.13. Support for Disk Flushes


为了解决这个问题,DRBD使用了磁盘刷新。磁盘刷新是一种写入操作,仅当关联的数据已提交到稳定(非易失性)存储时才完成,也就是说,它已有效地写入磁盘,而不是缓存。DRBD使用磁盘刷新对其复制的数据集和元数据进行写操作。实际上,DRBD在其认为必要的情况下绕过写缓存,如在activity log更新或强制隐式写后依赖项中。这意味着即使在停电的情况下,也会有额外的可靠性。

It is important to understand that DRBD can use disk flushes only when layered on top of backing devices that support them. Most reasonably recent kernels support disk flushes for most SCSI and SATA devices. Linux software RAID (md) supports disk flushes for RAID-1 provided that all component devices support them too. The same is true for device-mapper devices (LVM2, dm-raid, multipath).


2.14. Trim and Discard Support

Trim and Discard are two names for the same feature: a request to a storage system, telling it that some data range is not being used anymore[2] and can be erased internally.
This call originates in Flash-based storages (SSDs, FusionIO cards, and so on), which cannot easily rewrite a sector but instead have to erase and write the (new) data again (incurring some latency cost). For more details, see for example, the wikipedia page.

从8.4.3版开始, DRBD包含了对 Trim/Discard 的支持。您不需要配置或启用任何东西;如果DRBD检测到本地(底层)存储系统允许使用这些命令,它将透明地启用这些命令并传递这些请求。

The effect is that for example, a recent-enough mkfs.ext4 on a multi-TB volume can shorten the initial sync time to a few seconds to minutes – just by telling DRBD (which will relay that information to all connected nodes) that most/all of the storage is now to be seen as invalidated.

稍后连接到该资源的节点将不会看到 Trim/Discard 请求,因此将启动完全重新同步;不过,依赖于内核版本和文件系统,对`fstrim`的调用可能会给出所需的结果。

即使您没有支持 Trim/Discard 的存储,一些虚拟块设备也会为您提供相同的功能,例如精简LVM。

2.15. Disk Error Handling Strategies



If DRBD is configured to pass on I/O errors, any such errors occurring on the lower-level device are transparently passed to upper I/O layers. Therefore, it is left to upper layers to deal with such errors (this may result in a file system being remounted read-only, for example). This strategy does not ensure service continuity, and is therefore not recommended for most users.


如果DRBD被配置为在低层I/O错误时分离, 即 detach ,DRBD将在第一个低层I/O错误发生时自动这样做。当DRBD通过网络从对等节点透明地获取受影响的块时,I/O错误从上层被屏蔽。从那时起,DRBD被称为在无盘模式下操作,并且仅在对等节点上执行所有后续的读写I/O操作。此模式下的性能将降低,但服务不会中断,并且可以在方便的时候经过验证后再移动到对等节点。

See [s-configure-io-error-behavior] for information about configuring I/O error handling strategies for DRBD.

2.16. Strategies for Handling Outdated Data

DRBD distinguishes between inconsistent and outdated data. Inconsistent data is data that cannot be expected to be accessible and useful in any manner. The prime example for this is data on a node that is currently the target of an ongoing synchronization. Data on such a node is part obsolete, part up to date, and impossible to identify as either. Therefore, for example, if the device holds a file system (as is commonly the case), that file system would be unexpected to mount or even pass an automatic file system check.

Outdated data, by contrast, is data on a secondary node that is consistent, but no longer in sync with the primary node. This would occur in any interruption of the replication link, whether temporary or permanent. Data on an outdated, disconnected secondary node is expected to be clean, but it reflects a state of the peer node some time past. To avoid services using outdated data, DRBD disallows promoting a resource that is in the outdated state.

DRBD has interfaces that allow an external application to outdate a secondary node as soon as a network interruption occurs. DRBD will then refuse to switch the node to the primary role, preventing applications from using the outdated data. A complete implementation of this functionality exists for the Pacemaker cluster management framework (where it uses a communication channel separate from the DRBD replication link). However, the interfaces are generic and may be easily used by any other cluster management application.

每当过时的资源重新建立其复制链接时,其过时标志将自动清除。参阅background synchronization

2.17. Three-way Replication Using Stacking


When using three-way replication, DRBD adds a third node to an existing 2-node cluster and replicates data to that node, where it can be used for backup and disaster recovery purposes. This type of configuration generally involves Long-distance Replication through DRBD Proxy.

三向复制通过在保存生产数据的现有资源上添加另一个堆叠 stacked 的DRBD资源来工作,如下图所示:

drbd resource stacking
插图 3. DRBD资源堆叠

堆叠(stack)资源使用异步复制(DRBD Protocol A)进行复制,而生产数据通常使用同步复制(DRBD Protocol C)。


2.18. Long-distance Replication through DRBD Proxy

DRBD的protocol A是异步的,但是一旦套接字输出缓冲区满了,写入应用程序就会阻塞(请参见 DRBD.conf 手册页中的 sndbuf size 选项)。在这种情况下,写入应用程序必须等到某些写入的数据, 这些数据可能要通过可能很小的带宽网络,而使得链路耗尽。


You can mitigate this by DRBD Proxy’s buffering mechanism. DRBD Proxy will place changed data from the DRBD device on the primary node into its buffers. DRBD Proxy’s buffer size is freely configurable, only limited by the address room size and available physical RAM.

Optionally DRBD Proxy can be configured to compress and decompress the data it forwards. Compression and decompression of DRBD’s data packets might slightly increase latency. However, when the bandwidth of the network link is the limiting factor, the gain in shortening transmit time outweighs the added latency of compression and decompression.

Compression and decompression were implemented with multi core SMP systems in mind, and can use multiple CPU cores.

事实上,大多数块I/O数据压缩得非常好,因此对带宽的使用更加有效,这证明了即使使用DRBD Protocol B和C也可以使用DRBD代理。

See [s-using-drbd-proxy] for information about configuring DRBD Proxy.

DRBD Proxy是DRBD产品系列中少数未在开源许可下发布的部分之一。请联系 [email protected][email protected] 获取评估许可证。

2.19. Truck-based Replication

Truck-based replication, also known as disk shipping, is a means of preseeding a remote site with data to be replicated, by physically shipping storage media to the remote site. This is particularly suited for situations where

  • 要复制的数据总量相当大(超过几百GB);

  • 要复制的数据的预期变化率不太大;

  • 站点之间的可用网络带宽是有限的。

In such situations, without truck-based replication, DRBD would require a very long initial device synchronization (on the order of weeks, months, or years). Truck based replication allows shipping a data seed to the remote site, and so drastically reduces the initial synchronization time. See [s-using-truck-based-replication] for details on this use case.

2.20. Floating Peers

此功能在DRBD 8.3.2及以上版本中可用。

DRBD的一个有点特殊的用例是 浮动节点 。在浮动节点设置中,DRBD节点不绑定到特定的命名主机(如在传统配置中),而是能够在多个主机之间浮动。在这种配置中,DRBD通过IP地址而不是主机名来标识对方。


2.21. Data Rebalancing (Horizontal Storage Scaling)


Now, as your storage demands grow, you will encounter the need for additional servers. Rather than having to buy 3 more servers at the same time, you can rebalance your data across a single additional node.

插图 4. DRBD data rebalancing

In the figure above you can see the before and after states: from 3 nodes with three 25TiB volumes each (for a net 75TiB), to 4 nodes, with net 100TiB.

DRBD 9使在线实时迁移数据成为可能;请参见[s-rebalance-workflow]了解所需的确切步骤。

2.22. DRBD Client

With the multiple-peer feature of DRBD, several interesting use cases have been added, for example the DRBD client.

The basic idea is that the DRBD back end can consist of three, four, or more nodes (depending on the policy of required redundancy); but, as DRBD 9 can connect more nodes than that. DRBD works then as a storage access protocol in addition to storage replication.

在主 DRBD客户端 上执行的所有写请求都会被发送到配备了存储设备的所有节点。读取请求仅传送到其中一个服务器节点。DRBD客户端 将在所有可用的服务器节点之间平均分配读取请求。

See [s-permanently-diskless-nodes] for more information.

2.23. Quorum(仲裁)

To avoid split brain or diverging data of replicas you have to configure fencing. It turns out that in real world deployments, node fencing is not popular because often mistakes happen in planning or deploying it.

In the moment a data-set has three replicas you can rely on the quorum implementation within DRBD rather than cluster manager level fencing. Pacemaker gets informed about quorum or loss-of-quorum through the master score of the resource.

DRBD’s quorum can be used with any kind of Linux based service. In case the service terminates in the moment it is exposed to an I/O error the on quorum loss behavior is very elegant. If the service does not terminate upon I/O error, the system needs to be configured to reboot a primary node that loses quorum.


2.23.1. 断路器(Tiebreaker)

quorum tiebreaker功能在DRBD版本9.0.18及更高版本中可用。



2.24. Resync-after

DRBD runs all its necessary resync operations in parallel so that nodes are reintegrated with up-to-date data as soon as possible. This works well when there is one DRBD resource per backing disk.

However, when DRBD resources share a physical disk (or when a single resource spans multiple volumes), resyncing these resources (or volumes) in parallel results in a nonlinear access pattern. Hard disks perform much better with a linear access pattern. For such cases you can serialize resyncs using the resync-after keyword within a disk section of a DRBD resource configuration file.

See here for an example.

2.25. Failover Clusters

In many scenarios it is useful to combine DRBD with a failover cluster resource manager. DRBD can integrate with a cluster resource manager (CRM) such as DRBD Reactor and its promoter plug-in, or Pacemaker, to create failover clusters.

DRBD Reactor is an open source tool that monitors DRBD events and reacts to them. Its promoter plug-in manages services using systemd unit files or OCF resource agents. Since DRBD Reactor solely relies on DRBD’s cluster communication, no configuration for its own communication is needed.

DRBD Reactor requires that quorum is enabled on the DRBD resources it is monitoring, so a failover cluster must have a minimum of three nodes. A limitation is that it supports ordering of services only for collocated services. One of its advantages is that it makes possible fully automatic recovery of clusters after a temporary network failure. This, together with its simplicity, make it the recommended failover cluster manager. Furthermore, DRBD Reactor is perfectly suitable for deployments on clouds as it needs no STONITH or redundant networks in deployments with three or more nodes (for quorum).

Pacemaker is the longest available open source cluster resource manager for high-availability clusters. It requires its own communication layer (Corosync) and it requires STONITH to deal with various scenarios. STONITH might require dedicated hardware and it can increase the impact radius of a service failure. Pacemaker probably has the most flexible system to express resource location and ordering constraints. However, with this flexibility, setups can become complex.

Finally, there are also proprietary solutions for failover clusters that work with DRBD, such as SIOS LifeKeeper for Linux, HPE Serviceguard for Linux, and Veritas Cluster Server.

2.26. DRBD Integration for VCS

Veritas Cluster Server (or Veritas InfoScale Availability) is a commercial alternative to the Pacemaker open source software. In case you need to integrate DRBD resources into a VCS setup please see the README in drbd-utils/scripts/VCS on github.

Building and Installing the DRBD Software

3. Installing Prebuilt DRBD Binary Packages

3.1. LINBIT Supplied Packages

LINBIT, the DRBD project’s sponsor company, provides binary packages to its commercial support customers. These packages are available through repositories and package manager commands (for example, apt, dnf), and when reasonable through LINBIT’s Docker registry. Packages and images from these sources are considered “official” builds.


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), versions 7, 8 and 9

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES), versions 12 and 15

  • Debian GNU/Linux, 9 (stretch), 10 (buster), and 11 (bullseye)

  • Ubuntu Server Edition LTS 18.04 (Bionic Beaver), LTS 20.04 (Focal Fossa), and LTS 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish)

  • Oracle Linux (OL), versions 8 and 9

Refer to the LINBIT Kernel Module Signing for Secure Boot section for information about which specific DRBD kernel modules have signed packages for which distributions.


LINBIT与DRBD在source release中也同时发布了二进制版本。

Package installation on RPM-based systems (SLES, RHEL, AlmaLinux) is done by simply using dnf install (for new installations) or dnf update (for upgrades).

For DEB-based systems (Debian GNU/Linux, Ubuntu) systems, drbd-utils and drbd-module-`uname -r` packages are installed by using apt install,

3.1.1. Using a LINBIT Helper Script to Register Nodes and Configure Package Repositories

If you are a LINBIT customer, you can install DRBD and dependencies that you may need from LINBIT’s customer repositories. To access those repositories you will need to have been set up in LINBIT’s system and have access to the LINBIT Customer Portal. If you have not been set up in LINBIT’s system, or if you want an evaluation account, you can contact a sales team member: [email protected].

Using the LINBIT Customer Portal to Register Nodes

Once you have access to the LINBIT Customer Portal, you can register your cluster nodes and configure repository access by using LINBIT’s Python helper script. See the Register Nodes section of the Customer Portal for details about this script.

Downloading and Running the LINBIT Manage Nodes Helper Script

To download and run the LINBIT helper script to register your nodes and configure LINBIT repository access, enter the following commands on all nodes, one node at a time:

# curl -O https://my.linbit.com/linbit-manage-node.py
# chmod +x ./linbit-manage-node.py
# ./linbit-manage-node.py
The script must be run as superuser.
If the error message no python interpreter found :-( is displayed when running linbit-manage-node.py, enter the command dnf -y install python3 (RPM-based distributions) or apt -y install python3 (DEB-based distributions) to install Python 3.

The script will prompt you to enter your LINBIT Customer Portal username and password. After validating your credentials, the script will list clusters and nodes (if you have any already registered) that are associated with your account.

Joining Nodes to a Cluster

Select the cluster that you want to register the current node with. If you want the node to be the first node in a new cluster, select the “new cluster” option.

Saving the Registration and Repository Configurations to Files

To save the registration information on your node, confirm the writing of registration data to a JSON file, when the helper script prompts you to.

Writing registration data:
--> Write to file (/var/lib/drbd-support/registration.json)? [y/N]

To save the LINBIT repository configuration to a file on your node, confirm the writing of a linbit.repo file, when the helper script prompts you to.

Enabling Access to LINBIT Repositories

After registering a node by using the LINBIT manage node helper script and joining the node to a cluster, the script will show you a menu of LINBIT repositories.

To install DRBD, its dependencies, and related packages, enable the drbd-9 repository.

The drbd-9 repository includes the latest DRBD 9 version. It also includes other LINBIT software packages, including LINSTOR®, DRBD Reactor, LINSTOR GUI, OCF resource agents, and others.
Installing LINBIT’s Public Key and Verifying LINBIT Repositories

After enabling LINBIT repositories and confirming your selection, be sure to respond yes to the questions about installing LINBIT’s public key to your keyring and writing the repository configuration file.

Before it closes, the script will show a message that suggests different packages that you can install for different use cases.

Verifying LINBIT Repositories

After the LINBIT manage node helper script completes, you can verify that you enabled LINBIT repositories by using the dnf info or apt info command, after updating your package manager’s package metadata.

On RPM-based systems, enter:

# dnf --refresh info drbd-utils

On DEB-based systems, enter:

# apt update && apt info drbd-utils

Output from the package manager info command should show that the package manager is pulling package information from LINBIT repositories.

Excluding Packages from Red Hat or AlmaLinux Repositories

If you are using an RPM-based Linux distribution, before installing DRBD, be sure to only pull DRBD and related packages from LINBIT repositories. To do this, you will need to exclude certain packages from your RPM-based distribution’s repositories that overlap with packages in the LINBIT customer repositories.

The commands that follow insert an “exclude” line after the occurrence of every enabled repository line in all files in the repositories configuration directory, except for LINBIT repository files.

To exclude the relevant DRBD packages from enabled repositories on RPM-based distributions, enter the commands:

# RPM_REPOS="`ls /etc/yum.repos.d/*.repo|grep -v linbit`"
# PKGS="drbd kmod-drbd"
# for file in $RPM_REPOS; do sed -i "/^enabled[ =]*1/a exclude=$PKGS" $file; done
Using the Helper Script’s Suggested Package Manager Command to Install DRBD

To install DRBD, you can use the package manager command that the LINBIT helper script showed before the script completed. The relevant command was shown after this line:

If you don't intend to run an SDS satellite or controller, a useful set is:

If you need to refer to the helper script’s suggested actions some time after the script completes, you can run the script again using the --hints flag:

# ./linbit-manage-node.py --hints
On DEB based systems you can install a precompiled DRBD kernel module package, drbd-module-$(uname -r), or a source version of the kernel module, drbd-dkms. Install one or the other package but not both.

3.1.2. LINBIT Kernel Module Signing for Secure Boot

LINBIT signs most of its kernel module object files, the following table gives an overview when signing for distributions started:

Distribution Module signing since DRBD release






all available







Oracle Linux


The public signing key is shipped in the RPM package and gets installed to /etc/pki/linbit/SECURE-BOOT-KEY-linbit.com.der. It can be enrolled with the following command:

# mokutil --import /etc/pki/linbit/SECURE-BOOT-KEY-linbit.com.der
input password:
input password again:

A password can be chosen freely. It will be used when the key is actually enrolled to the MOK list after the required reboot.

3.2. LINBIT Supplied Docker Images

LINBIT provides a Docker registry for its commercial support customers. The registry is accessible through the host name ‘drbd.io’.

LINBIT’s container image repository (http://drbd.io) is only available to LINBIT customers or through LINBIT customer trial accounts. Contact LINBIT for information on pricing or to begin a trial. Alternatively, you may use LINSTOR SDS’ upstream project named Piraeus, without being a LINBIT customer.

Before you can pull images, you have to log in to the registry:

# docker login drbd.io


# docker pull drbd.io/drbd-utils
# docker run -it --rm drbd.io/drbd-utils # press CTRL-D to exit

3.3. Distribution Supplied Packages

Several Linux distributions provide DRBD, including prebuilt binary packages. Support for these builds, if any, is being provided by the associated distribution vendor. Their release cycle may lag behind DRBD source releases.

3.3.1. SUSE Linux企业服务器


On SLES, DRBD is normally installed through the software installation component of YaST2. It comes bundled with the High Availability Extension package selection.


# yast -i drbd

# zypper install drbd

3.3.2. CentOS

CentOS has had DRBD 8 since release 5; for DRBD 9 you will need examine EPEL and similar sources.

可以使用 yum 安装DRBD(请注意,要配置好正确的repository才能正常工作):

# yum install drbd kmod-drbd

3.3.3. Ubuntu Linux

对于Ubuntu LTS,LINBIT在https://launchpad.net/~LINBIT/+archive/Ubuntu/LINBIT-drbd9-stack上提供了一个PPA存储库。有关更多信息,请参见 Adding Launchpad PPA Repositories

# apt install drbd-utils drbd-dkms

3.4. Compiling Packages from Source

Releases generated by Git tags on github are snapshots of the Git repository at the given time. You most likely do not want to use these. They might lack things such as generated man pages, the configure script, and other generated files. If you want to build from a tar file, use the ones provided by us.


4. Building and installing DRBD from source

4.1. Downloading the DRBD Sources

The source tar files for both current and historic DRBD releases are available for download from https://pkg.linbit.com/. Source tar files, by convention, are named drbd-x.y.z.tar.gz, for example, drbd-utils-x.y.z.tar.gz, where x, y and z refer to the major, minor and bug fix release numbers.

DRBD’s compressed source archive is less than half a megabyte in size. After downloading a tar file, you can decompress its contents into your current working directory, by using the tar -xzf command.

For organizational purposes, decompress DRBD into a directory normally used for keeping source code, such as /usr/src or /usr/local/src. The examples in this guide assume /usr/src.

4.2. Checking out Sources from the Public DRBD Source Repository

DRBD’s source code is kept in a public Git repository. You can browse this online at https://github.com/LINBIT. The DRBD software consists of these projects:

  1. The DRBD kernel module

  2. The DRBD utilities

Source code can be obtained by either cloning Git repositories or downloading release tar files. There are two minor differences between an unpacked source tar file and a Git checkout of the same release:

  • The Git checkout contains a debian/ subdirectoy, while the source tar file does not. This is due to a request from Debian maintainers, who prefer to add their own Debian build configuration to a pristine upstream tar file.

  • The source tar file contains preprocessed man pages, the Git checkout does not. Therefore, building DRBD from a Git checkout requires a complete Docbook toolchain for building the man pages, while this is not a requirement for building from a source tar file.

4.2.1. DRBD Kernel Module

To check out a specific DRBD release from the repository, you must first clone the DRBD repository:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/LINBIT/drbd.git

This command will create a Git checkout subdirectory, named drbd. To now move to a source code state equivalent to a specific DRBD release (here 9.2.3), issue the following commands:

$ cd drbd
$ git checkout drbd-9.2.3
$ git submodule update

4.2.2. DRBD Utilities

To check out drbd-utils issue the following command:

$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/LINBIT/drbd-utils.git

drbd-utils from version 8.9.x onward supports DRBD kernel modules versions 8.3, 8.4, and 9.0.

4.3. Building DRBD from Source

After cloning the DRBD and related utilities source code repositories to your local host, you can proceed to building DRBD from the source code.

4.3.1. Checking Build Prerequisites

Before being able to build DRBD from source, your build host must fulfill the following prerequisites:

  • make, gcc, the glibc development libraries, and the flex scanner generator must be installed.

    You should verify that the gcc you use to compile the module is the same that was used to build the kernel you are running. If you have multiple gcc versions available on your system, DRBD’s build system includes a facility to select a specific gcc version.
  • For building directly from a Git checkout, GNU Autoconf is also required. This requirement does not apply when building from a tar file.

  • If you are running a stock kernel supplied by your distribution, you should install a matching kernel headers package. These are typically named kernel-devel, kernel-headers, linux-headers or similar. In this case, you can skip Preparing the Kernel Source Tree and continue with Preparing the DRBD Userspace Utilities Build Tree.

  • If you are not running a distribution stock kernel (that is, your system runs on a kernel built from source with a custom configuration), your kernel source files must be installed.

    On RPM-based systems, these packages will be named similar to kernel-source-version.rpm, which is easily confused with kernel-version.src.rpm. The former is the correct package to install for building DRBD.

“Vanilla” kernel tar files from the http://kernel.org/ archive are simply named linux-version.tar.bz2 and should be unpacked in /usr/src/linux-version, with the symlink /usr/src/linux pointing to that directory.

In this case of building DRBD against kernel sources (not headers), you must continue with Preparing the Kernel Source Tree.

4.3.2. Preparing the Kernel Source Tree

To prepare your source tree for building DRBD, you must first enter the directory where your unpacked kernel sources are located. Typically this is /usr/src/linux-version, or simply a symbolic link named /usr/src/linux:

# cd /usr/src/linux

The next step is recommended, though not strictly necessary. Be sure to copy your existing .config file to a safe location before performing it. This step essentially reverts your kernel source tree to its original state, removing any leftovers from an earlier build or configure run:

# make mrproper

Now it is time to clone your currently running kernel configuration into the kernel source tree. There are a few possible options for doing this:

  • Many reasonably recent kernel builds export the currently-running configuration, in compressed form, via the /proc filesystem, enabling you to copy from there:

# zcat /proc/config.gz > .config
  • SUSE kernel Makefiles include a cloneconfig target, so on those systems, you can issue:

# make cloneconfig
  • Some installs put a copy of the kernel config into /boot, which allows you to do this:

# cp /boot/config-$(uname -r).config
  • Finally, you can simply use a backup copy of a .config file which has been used for building the currently-running kernel.

4.3.3. Preparing the DRBD Userspace Utilities Build Tree

The DRBD userspace compilation requires that you first configure your source tree with the included configure script.

When building from a Git checkout, the configure script does not yet exist. You must create it by simply typing autoconf from the top directory of the checkout.

Invoking the configure script with the --help option returns a full list of supported options. The table below summarizes the most important ones:

表标题 1. Options supported by the DRBD configure script
Option Description Default Remarks


Installation directory prefix


This is the default to maintain Filesystem Hierarchy Standard compatibility for locally installed, unpackaged software. In packaging, this is typically overridden with /usr.


Local state directory


Even with a default prefix, most users will want to override this with /var.


System configuration directory


Even with a default prefix, most users will want to override this with /etc.


Copy a rules file into your udev(7) configuration, to get symlinks named like the resources.


Disable for non-udev installations.


Build DRBD Heartbeat integration


You can disable this option unless you are planning to use DRBD’s Heartbeat v1 resource agent or dopd.


Build DRBD Pacemaker integration


You can disable this option if you are not planning to use the Pacemaker cluster resource manager.


Build DRBD Red Hat Cluster Suite integration


You should enable this option if you are planning to use DRBD with rgmanager, the Red Hat Cluster Suite cluster resource manager. Please note that you will need to pass --with rgmanager to rpmbuild to get the rgmanager-package built.


Build DRBD Xen integration

yes (on x86 architectures)

You can disable this option if you don’t need the block-drbd helper script for Xen integration.


Installs a bash completion script for drbdadm


You can disable this option if you are using a shell other than bash, or if you do not want to use programmable completion for the drbdadm command.


Type of your init system


Type of init script to install (sysv, systemd, or both).


Create a distribution specific RPM spec file


For package builders only: you can use this option if you want to create an RPM spec file adapted to your distribution. See also Building the DRBD userspace RPM packages.

Most users will want the following configuration options:

$ ./configure --prefix=/usr --localstatedir=/var --sysconfdir=/etc

The configure script will adapt your DRBD build to distribution specific needs. It does so by auto-detecting which distribution it is being invoked on, and setting defaults accordingly. When overriding defaults, do so with caution.

The configure script creates a log file, config.log, in the directory where it was invoked. When reporting build issues on the mailing list, it is usually wise to either attach a copy of that file to your email, or point others to a location from where it can be viewed or downloaded.

4.3.4. Building DRBD Userspace Utilities

To build DRBD’s userspace utilities, invoke the following commands from the top of your Git checkout or expanded tar file:

$ make
$ sudo make install

This will build the management utilities (drbdadm, drbdsetup, and drbdmeta), and install them in the appropriate locations. Based on the other --with options selected during the configure stage, it will also install scripts to integrate DRBD with other applications.

4.3.5. Compiling the DRBD Kernel Module

The kernel module does not use GNU autotools, therefore building and installing the kernel module is usually a simple two step process.

Building the DRBD Kernel Module for the Currently Running Kernel

After changing into your unpacked DRBD kernel module sources directory, you can now build the module:

$ cd drbd-9.0
$ make clean all

This will build the DRBD kernel module to match your currently-running kernel, whose kernel source is expected to be accessible via the /lib/modules/`uname -r/build` symlink.

Building Against Prepared Kernel Headers

If the /lib/modules/`uname -r/build` symlink does not exist, and you are building against a running stock kernel (one that was shipped pre-compiled with your distribution), you can also set the KDIR variable to point to the matching kernel headers (as opposed to kernel sources) directory. Note that besides the actual kernel headers — commonly found in /usr/src/linux-version/include — the DRBD build process also looks for the kernel Makefile and configuration file (.config), which pre-built kernel headers packages commonly include.

To build against prepared kernel headers, issue, for example:

$ cd drbd-9.0
$ make clean
$ make KDIR=/usr/src/linux-headers-3.2.0-4-amd64/
Building Against a Kernel Source Tree

If you are building DRBD against a kernel other than your currently running one, and you do not have prepared kernel sources for your target kernel available, you need to build DRBD against a complete target kernel source tree. To do so, set the KDIR variable to point to the kernel sources directory:

$ cd drbd-9.0
$ make clean
$ make KDIR=/root/linux-3.6.6/
Using a Non-default C Compiler

You also have the option of setting the compiler explicitly via the CC variable. This is known to be necessary on some Fedora versions, for example:

$ cd drbd-9.0
$ make clean
$ make CC=gcc32
Checking for successful build completion

If the module build completes successfully, you should see a kernel module file named drbd.ko in the drbd directory. You can interrogate the newly-built module with /sbin/modinfo drbd.ko if you are so inclined.

Kernel Application Binary Interface warning for some distributions

Please note that some distributions (like RHEL 6 and derivatives) claim to have a stable kernel application binary interface (kABI), that is, the kernel API should stay consistent during minor releases (that is, for kernels published in the RHEL 6.3 series).

In practice this is not working all of the time; there are some known cases (even within a minor release) where things got changed incompatibly. In these cases external modules (like DRBD) can fail to load, cause a kernel panic, or break in even more subtle ways[3], and need to be rebuilt against the matching kernel headers.

4.4. Installing DRBD

Provided your DRBD build completed successfully, you will be able to install DRBD by issuing the command:

$ cd drbd-9.0 && sudo make install && cd ..
$ cd drbd-utils && sudo make install && cd ..

The DRBD userspace management tools (drbdadm, drbdsetup, and drbdmeta) will now be installed in the prefix path that was passed to configure, typically /sbin/.

Note that any kernel upgrade will require you to rebuild and reinstall the DRBD kernel module to match the new kernel.

Some distributions allow to register kernel module source directories, so that rebuilds are done as necessary. See e.g. dkms(8) on Debian.

The DRBD userspace tools, in contrast, need only to be rebuilt and reinstalled when upgrading to a new DRBD version. If at any time you upgrade to a new kernel and new DRBD version, you will need to upgrade both components.

4.5. Building the DRBD userspace RPM packages

The DRBD build system contains a facility to build RPM packages directly out of the DRBD source tree. For building RPMs, Checking Build Prerequisites applies essentially in the same way as for building and installing with make, except that you also need the RPM build tools, of course.

Also, see Preparing the Kernel Source Tree if you are not building against a running kernel with precompiled headers available.

The build system offers two approaches for building RPMs. The simpler approach is to simply invoke the rpm target in the top-level Makefile:

$ ./configure
$ make rpm

This approach will auto-generate spec files from pre-defined templates, and then use those spec files to build binary RPM packages.

The make rpm approach generates several RPM packages:

表标题 2. DRBD userland RPM packages
Package name Description Dependencies Remarks


DRBD meta-package

All other drbd-* packages

Top-level virtual package. When installed, this pulls in all other userland packages as dependencies.


Binary administration utilities

Required for any DRBD enabled host


udev integration facility

drbd-utils, udev

Enables udev to manage user-friendly symlinks to DRBD devices


Xen DRBD helper scripts

drbd-utils, xen

Enables xend to auto-manage DRBD resources


DRBD Heartbeat integration scripts

drbd-utils, heartbeat

Enables DRBD management by legacy v1-style Heartbeat clusters


DRBD Pacemaker integration scripts

drbd-utils, pacemaker

Enables DRBD management by Pacemaker clusters


DRBD RedHat Cluster Suite integration scripts

drbd-utils, rgmanager

Enables DRBD management by rgmanager, the Red Hat Cluster Suite resource manager


Programmable bash completion

drbd-utils, bash-completion

Enables Programmable bash completion for the drbdadm utility

The other, more flexible approach is to have configure generate the spec file, make any changes you deem necessary, and then use the rpmbuild command:

$ ./configure --enable-spec
$ make tgz
$ cp drbd*.tar.gz `rpm -E %sourcedir`
$ rpmbuild -bb drbd.spec

The RPMs will be created wherever your system RPM configuration (or your personal ~/.rpmmacros configuration) dictates.

After you have created these packages, you can install, upgrade, and uninstall them as you would any other RPM package in your system.

Note that any kernel upgrade will require you to generate a new kmod-drbd package to match the new kernel; see also Kernel Application Binary Interface warning for some distributions.

The DRBD userland packages, in contrast, need only be recreated when upgrading to a new DRBD version. If at any time you upgrade to a new kernel and new DRBD version, you will need to upgrade both packages.

4.6. Building a DRBD Debian package

The DRBD build system contains a facility to build Debian packages directly out of the DRBD source tree. For building Debian packages, Checking Build Prerequisites applies essentially in the same way as for building and installing with make, except that you of course also need the dpkg-dev package containing the Debian packaging tools, and fakeroot if you want to build DRBD as a non-root user (highly recommended). All DRBD sub-projects (kernel module and drbd-utils) support Debian package building.

Also, see Preparing the Kernel Source Tree if you are not building against a running kernel with precompiled headers available.

The DRBD source tree includes a debian subdirectory containing the required files for Debian packaging. That subdirectory, however, is not included in the DRBD source tar files — instead, you will need to create a Git checkout of a tag associated with a specific DRBD release.

Once you have created your checkout in this fashion, you can issue the following commands to build DRBD Debian packages:

$ dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b -uc
This (example) drbd-buildpackage invocation enables a binary-only build (-b) by a non-root user (-rfakeroot), disabling cryptographic signature for the changes file (-uc). Of course, you might prefer other build options, see the dpkg-buildpackage man page for details.

This build process will create the following Debian packages:

  • A package containing the DRBD userspace tools, named drbd-utils_x.y.z-ARCH.deb;

  • A module source package suitable for module-assistant named drbd-module-source_x.y.z-BUILD_all.deb.

  • A dkms package suitable for dkms named drbd-dkms_x.y.z-BUILD_all.deb.

After you have created these packages, you can install, upgrade, and uninstall them as you would any other Debian package in your system.

The drbd-utils packages supports Debian’s dpkg-reconfigure facility, which can be used to switch which versions of the man-pages are shown by default (8.3, 8.4, or 9.0).

Building and installing the actual kernel module from the installed module source package is easily accomplished via Debian’s module-assistant facility:

# module-assistant auto-install drbd-module

You can also use the shorthand form of the above command:

# m-a a-i drbd-module

Note that any kernel upgrade will require you to rebuild the kernel module (with module-assistant, as just described) to match the new kernel. The drbd-utils and drbd-module-source packages, in contrast, only need to be recreated when upgrading to a new DRBD version. If at any time you upgrade to a new kernel and new DRBD version, you will need to upgrade both packages.

Starting from DRBD9, automatic updates of the DRBD kernel module are possible with the help of dkms(8). All that is needed is to install the drbd-dkms Debian package.


5. Common Administrative Tasks


5.1. 配置DRBD

5.1.1. 准备底层存储


  • 硬盘分区(或完整的物理硬盘驱动器),

  • 一个软件RAID设备,

  • LVM逻辑卷或由Linux device-mapper配置出的任何其他块设备,

  • 在系统上找到的任何其他块设备类型。

您也可以使用 资源堆叠 ,这意味着您可以将一个DRBD设备用作另一个底层设备。使用堆叠资源有一些特定注意事项;它们的配置在[s-three-nodes]中有详细介绍。

虽然可以使用环路设备(loop devices)作为DRBD的底层设备,但由于死锁问题,不建议这样做。

在某个存储区域中创建DRBD资源之前, 需要将其设置为空。事实上,通常利用DRBD从以前的非冗余单服务器系统中创建出双节点集群。(如果您计划这样做,请参考[s-metadata])。


  • 两台主机都有一个名为 /dev/sda7 的可用(当前未使用)分区。

  • 我们选择使用internal metadata

5.1.2. 准备网络配置

虽然不是严格要求,但建议您通过专用连接运行DRBD复制。在撰写本文时,最合理的选择是直接、背对背(back-to-back)、千兆以太网连接。当DRBD在交换机网络上运行时,建议使用冗余组件和 bonding 驱动程序(在 active-backup 模式下)。





Since DRBD version 9.2.6, it is possible to configure a DRBD resource to support more than one TCP connection pair, for traffic load balancing purposes. Refer to the Load Balancing DRBD Traffic section for details.


  • 我们的两台DRBD主机都有一个当前未使用的网络接口eth1,其IP地址分别为

  • 无其他服务在任一主机上使用TCP端口7788到7799。

  • 本地防火墙配置允许主机之间通过这些端口进行入站和出站TCP连接。

5.1.3. 配置资源

DRBD的所有选项都在其配置文件 /etc/DRBD.conf 中进行控制。通常,此配置文件只是具有以下内容的框架:

include "/etc/drbd.d/global_common.conf";
include "/etc/drbd.d/*.res";

按照惯例,/etc/drbd.d/global_common.conf 包含drbd配置的globalcommon部分,而 .res 文件包含每个resource部分。

也可以使用 drbd.conf 作为一个单一配置文件,而不使用任何 include 语句。然而,这样的配置很快就会变得杂乱无章,难以管理,这就是为什么多文件方法是首选的方法。

无论采用哪种方法,都应该始终确保所有参与集群节点上的 drbd.conf 及其包含的任何其他文件 完全相同

DRBD 源码压缩包解压后, 在 scripts 子目录中包含一个示例配置文件。二进制安装包将直接在 /etc ,或在 /usr/share/doc/packages/drbd 等由安装包定义出的文档目录中安装此示例配置。

本节仅描述配置文件的几个部分,这些部分对于使DRBD启动和运行是绝对必要的。配置文件的语法和内容在 drbd.conf 的手册页中有详细的说明。



Listing 1. 简单的DRBD配置( /etc/DRBD.d/global_common.conf
global {
  usage-count yes;
common {
  net {
    protocol C;
Listing 2. 简单的DRBD资源配置( /etc/drbd.d/rc0.res )
resource "r0" {
  device minor 1;
  disk "/dev/sda7";
  meta-disk internal;

  on "alice" {
    node-id 0;
  on "bob" {
    node-id 1;
  connection {
    host "alice" address;
    host "bob" address;


  • 您 “决定参加” 将包含在DRBD的使用统计信息中 (参见 usage-count)。

  • 除非另有明确规定,否则资源配置为使用完全同步复制(Protocol C)。

  • 我们的集群由两个节点 alicebob 组成。

  • 我们有一个命名为 r0 的资源,它使用 /dev/sda7 作为低级设备,并配置了internal metadata

  • The resource uses TCP port 7789 for its network connections, and binds to the IP addresses and, respectively.

上面的配置隐式地在资源中创建一个卷,编号为0( 0 )。对于一个资源中的多个卷,请按如下所示修改语法(假设两个节点上使用相同的底层存储块设备):

Listing 3. 多卷DRBD资源配置( /etc/drbd.d/rc0.res )
resource "r0" {
  volume 0 {
    device minor 1;
    disk "/dev/sda7";
    meta-disk internal;
  volume 1 {
    device minor 2;
    disk "/dev/sda8";
    meta-disk internal;
  on "alice" {
    node-id 0;
  on "bob" {
    node-id 1;
    volume 1 {
      disk "/dev/sda9";
  connection {
    host "alice" address;
    host "bob" address;
  • Host sections (‘on’ keyword) inherit volume sections from the resource level. They may contain volume themselves, these values have precedence over inherited values.


For compatibility with older releases of DRBD it supports also drbd-8.4 like configuration files.

Listing 4. An old(8.4) style configuration file
resource r0 {
  on alice {
    device    /dev/drbd1;
    disk      /dev/sda7;
    meta-disk internal;
  on bob {
    device    /dev/drbd1;
    disk      /dev/sda7;
    meta-disk internal;
  • Strings that do not contain keywords, might be gives without double quotes ".

  • In the old (8.4) version, the way to specify the device was by using a string that specified the name of the resulting /dev/drbdX device file.

  • Two node configurations get node numbers assigned by drbdadm.

  • A pure two node configuration gets an implicit connection.

global 部分

此部分在配置中只允许使用一次。它通常位于 /etc/drbd.d/global_common.conf 文件中。在单个文件配置中,它应该位于配置文件的最顶端。在本节提供的少数选项中,只有一个与大多数用户相关:


The DRBD project keeps statistics about the usage of various DRBD versions. This is done by contacting an HTTP server every time a new DRBD version is installed on a system. This can be disabled by setting usage-count no;. The default is usage-count ask; which will prompt you every time you upgrade DRBD.


common 部分

本节提供了一个速记方法来定义每个资源继承的配置设置。它通常位于 /etc/drbd.d/global_common.conf 。您可以定义任何选项,也可以基于每个资源定义。

严格来说,不需要包含 common 部分,但如果您使用多个资源,则强烈建议您这样做。否则,重复使用的选项会使配置很快变得复杂。

在上面的示例中,我们在 common 部分中包含了 net {protocol C; } ”,因此每个配置的资源(包括 r0 )都继承此选项,除非它显式配置了另一个 protocol 选项。有关可用的其他同步协议,请参见Replication Modes

resource 部分

A per-resource configuration file is usually named /etc/drbd.d/resource.res. Any DRBD resource you define must be named by specifying a resource name in the configuration. The convention is to use only letters, digits, and the underscore; while it is technically possible to use other characters as well, you won’t like the result if you ever need the more specific resource:_peer/volume syntax.

每个资源配置还必须至少有两个 on host 子字节,每个群集节点一个。所有其他配置设置要么继承自 common 部分(如果存在),要么派生自DRBD的默认设置。

此外,可以在 resource 部分直接指定在所有主机上具有相同值的选项。因此,我们可以进一步压缩示例配置如下:

resource "r0" {
  device minor 1;
  disk "/dev/sda7";
  meta-disk internal;
  on "alice" {
  on "bob" {

5.1.4. 定义网络连接

目前,DRBD 9中的通信链路必须建立一个完整的网格,即在每个资源中,每个节点都必须与每个其他节点(当然,不包括自身)有直接连接。

对于两台主机的简单情况, drbdadm 将自行插入(单个)网络连接,以便于使用和向后兼容。

The net effect of this is a quadratic number of network connections over hosts. For the “traditional” two nodes one connection is needed; for three hosts there are three node pairs; for four, six pairs; 5 hosts: 10 connections, and so on. For (the current) maximum of 16 nodes there will be 120 host pairs to connect.

connection mesh
插图 5. N 个主机的连接数


resource r0 {
  device    minor 1;
  disk      "/dev/sda7";
  meta-disk internal;
  on alice {
    node-id   0;
  on bob {
    node-id   1;
  on charlie {
    node-id   2;
  connection-mesh {
    hosts alice bob charlie;

If have enough network cards in your servers, you can create direct cross-over links between server pairs. A single four-port ethernet card allows you to have a single management interface, and to connect three other servers, to get a full mesh for four cluster nodes.


resource r0 {
  connection {
    host alice   address;
    host bob     address;
  connection {
    host alice   address;
    host charlie address;
  connection {
    host bob     address;
    host charlie address;

For easier maintenance and debugging, it’s recommended that you have different ports for each endpoint. This will allow you to more easily associate packets to an endpoint when doing a tcpdump. The examples below will still be using two servers only; please see [s-4node-example] for a four-node example.

5.1.5. Configuring multiple paths

DRBD allows configuring multiple paths per connection, by introducing multiple path sections in a connection. Please see the following example:

resource <resource> {
  connection {
    path {
      host alpha address;
      host bravo address;
    path {
      host alpha address;
      host bravo address;

Obviously the two endpoint hostnames need to be equal in all paths of a connection. Paths may be on different IPs (potentially different NICs) or may only be on different ports.

The TCP transport uses one path at a time, unless you have configured load balancing (refer to Load Balancing DRBD Traffic). If the backing TCP connections get dropped, or show timeouts, the TCP transport implementation tries to establish a connection over the next path. It goes over all paths in a round-robin fashion until a connection gets established.

The RDMA transport uses all paths of a connection concurrently and it balances the network traffic between the paths evenly.

5.1.6. 配置传输实现



TCP is the default transport for DRBD replication traffic. Each DRBD resource connection where the transport option is not specified in the resource configuration will use the TCP transport.

resource <resource> {
  net {
    transport "tcp";

You can configure the tcp transport with the following options, by specifying them in the net section of a resource configuration: sndbuf-size, rcvbuf-size, connect-int, socket-check-timeout, ping-timeout, timeout, load-balance-paths, and tls. Refer to man drbd.conf-9.0 for more details about each option.

Load Balancing DRBD Traffic
It is not possible at this time to use the DRBD TCP load balancing and TLS traffic encryption features concurrently on the same resource.

By default, the TCP transport establishes a connection path between DRBD resource peers serially, that is, one at a time. Since DRBD version 9.2.6, by setting the option load-balance-paths to yes, you can enable the transport to establish all paths in parallel. Also, when load balancing is configured, the transport will always send replicated traffic into the path with the shortest send queue. Data can arrive out of order on the receiving side when multiple paths are established. The DRBD transport implementation takes care of sorting the received data packets and provides the data to the DRBD core in the original sending order.

Using the load balancing feature also requires a drbd-utils version 9.26.0 or later. If you have an earlier version of drbd-utils installed, you might get “bad parser” error messages when trying to run drbdadm commands against resources for which you have configured load balancing.

An example configuration with load balancing configured for a DRBD resource named drbd-lb-0, is as follows:

Listing 5. drbd-lb-0.res
resource "drbd-lb-0"
        load-balance-paths      yes;

    on "node-0"
        volume 0
        node-id    0;

    on "node-1"
        volume 0
        node-id    1;

    on "node-2"
        volume 0
        node-id    2;

            host "node-0" address ipv4;
            host "node-1" address ipv4;
            host "node-0" address ipv4;
            host "node-1" address ipv4;

            host "node-0" address ipv4;
            host "node-2" address ipv4;
            host "node-0" address ipv4;
            host "node-2" address ipv4;
            host "node-1" address ipv4;
            host "node-2" address ipv4;
            host "node-1" address ipv4;
            host "node-2" address ipv4;
While the above configuration shows three DRBD connection paths, only two are necessary in a three-node cluster. For example, if the above configuration was on node node-0, the connection between node-1 and node-2 would be unnecessary in the configuration. On node-1, the connection between node-0 and node-2 would be unnecessary, and so on, for the configuration on node-2. Nevertheless, it can be helpful to have all possible connections in your resource configuration. This way, you can use a single configuration file on all the nodes in your cluster without having to edit and customize the configuration on each node.
Securing DRBD Connections with TLS
It is not possible at this time to use the DRBD TCP load balancing and TLS traffic encryption features concurrently on the same resource.

You can enable authenticated and encrypted DRBD connections via the tcp transport by adding the tls net option to a DRBD resource configuration file.

resource <resource> {
  net {
    tls yes;

DRBD will temporarily pass the sockets to a user space utility (tlshd, part of the ktls-utils package) when establishing connections. tlshd will use the keys configured in /etc/tlshd.conf to set up authentication and encryption.

Listing 6. /etc/tlshd.conf


You can configure DRBD resource replication traffic to use RDMA rather than TCP as a transport type by specifying it explicitly in a DRBD resource configuration.

resource <resource> {
  net {
    transport "rdma";

You can configure the rdma transport with the following options, by specifying them in the net section of the resource configuration: sndbuf-size, rcvbuf-size, max_buffers, connect-int, socket-check-timeout, ping-timeout, timeout. Refer to man drbd.conf-9.0 for more details about each option.

The rdma transport is a zero-copy-receive transport. One implication of that is that the max_buffers configuration option must be set to a value big enough to hold all rcvbuf-size.

rcvbuf-size is configured in bytes, while max_buffers is configured in pages. For optimal performance max_buffers should be big enough to hold all of rcvbuf-size and the amount of data that might be in transit to the back-end device at any point in time.
In case you are using InfiniBand host channel adapters (HCAs) with the rdma transport, you also need to configure IP over InfiniBand (IPoIB). The IP address is not used for data transfer, but it is used to find the right adapters and ports while establishing the connection.
The configuration options sndbuf-size and rcvbuf-size are only considered at the time a connection is established. While you can change their values when the connection is established, your changes will only take effect when the connection is re-established.

通过查看pseudo文件 /sys/kernel/debug/drbd/<resource>/connections/<peer>/transport ,可以监视可用接收描述符(rx_desc)和传输描述符(tx_desc)的计数。如果某个描述符类型耗尽,则应增加 sndbuf size ”或 rcvbuf size

5.1.7. 首次启用资源



请注意,使用我们的示例配置片段( resource r0 { …​ } )时, <resource> 将是 r0



# drbdadm create-md <resource>
v09 Magic number not found
Writing meta data...
initialising activity log
NOT initializing bitmap
New drbd meta data block successfully created.
The number of bitmap slots that are allocated in the meta-data depends on the number of hosts for this resource; per default the hosts in the resource configuration are counted. If all hosts are specified before creating the meta-data, this will “just work”; adding bitmap slots for further nodes is possible later, but incurs some manual work.


# drbdadm up <resource>
运行 drbdadm status 观察状态变化

The status command output should now contain information similar to the following:

# drbdadm status r0
r0 role:Secondary
  bob role:Secondary
此时磁盘状态应该是 Inconsistent/Inconsistent


5.1.8. 初始设备同步



If you are dealing with newly-initialized, empty disks, this choice is entirely arbitrary. If one of your nodes already has valuable data that you need to preserve, however, it is of crucial importance that you select that node as your synchronization source. If you do initial device synchronization in the wrong direction, you will lose that data. Exercise caution.



# drbdadm primary --force <resource>

发出此命令后,将启动初始化全量同步。您将能够通过 drbdadm status 监视其进度。根据设备的大小,可能需要一些时间。



5.1.9. Skipping initial resynchronization

If (and only if) you are starting DRBD resources from scratch (with no valuable data on them) you can use following command sequence to skip initial resync (don’t do that with data you want to keep on the devices):

On all nodes:

# drbdadm create-md <res>
# drbdadm up <res>

The command drbdadm status should now show all disks as Inconsistent.

Then, on one node execute the following command:

# drbdadm new-current-uuid --clear-bitmap <resource>/<volume>

6. 或

drbdsetup new-current-uuid –clear-bitmap <minor>

Running `drbdadm status` now shows the disks as _UpToDate_ (even tough the
backing devices might be out of sync). You can now create a file
system on the disk and start using it.

IMPORTANT: Don't do the above with data you want to keep or it gets

==== 使用基于卡车的复制


This assumes that your local node has a configured, but disconnected DRBD resource in the _Primary_ role. That is to say, device configuration is completed, identical `drbd.conf` copies exist on both nodes, and you have issued the commands for <<s-initial-full-sync,initial resource promotion>> on your local node but the remote node is not connected yet.

* On the local node, issue the following command:

drbdadm new-current-uuid –clear-bitmap <resource>/<volume>


drbdsetup new-current-uuid –clear-bitmap <minor>

* Create a consistent, verbatim copy of the resource's data _and its
  metadata_. You may do so, for example, by removing a hot-swappable
  drive from a RAID-1 mirror. You would, of course, replace it with a
  fresh drive, and rebuild the RAID set, to ensure continued
  redundancy. But the removed drive is a verbatim copy that can now be
  shipped off site. If your local block device supports snapshot
  copies (such as when using DRBD on top of LVM), you may also create
  a bitwise copy of that snapshot using `dd`.

* On the local node, issue:

drbdadm new-current-uuid <resource>

or the matching `drbdsetup` command.
Note the absence of the `--clear-bitmap` option in this second

* Physically transport the copies to the remote peer location.

* Add the copies to the remote node. This may again be a matter of
  plugging in a physical disk, or grafting a bitwise copy of your shipped
  data onto existing storage on the remote node. Be sure to restore
  or copy not only your replicated data, but also the associated DRBD
  metadata. If you fail to do so, the disk shipping process is moot.

* On the new node you need to fix the node ID in the metadata, and exchange
  the peer-node info for the two nodes. Refer to the following command lines as
  an example for changing the node id from 2 to 1 on a resource `r0` volume `0`.
IMPORTANT: This must be done while the volume is not in use.

You need to edit the first four lines to match your needs. V is the
resource name with the volume number. NODE_FROM is the node ID of
the node the data originates from. NODE_TO is the node ID of the
node where data will be replicated to. META_DATA_LOCATION is the
location of the metadata which might be internal or flex-external.


drbdadm — –force dump-md $V > /tmp/md_orig.txt sed -e “s/node-id $NODE_FROM/node-id $NODE_TO/” \ -e “s/^peer.$NODE_FROM. /peer-NEW /” \ -e “s/^peer.$NODE_TO. /peer[$NODE_FROM] /” \ -e “s/^peer-NEW /peer[$NODE_TO] /” \ < /tmp/md_orig.txt > /tmp/md.txt

drbdmeta –force $(drbdadm sh-minor $V) v09 $(drbdadm sh-md-dev $V) $META_DATA_LOCATION restore-md /tmp/md.txt

NOTE: `drbdmeta` before 8.9.7 cannot cope with out-of-order `peer` sections. You will need to
exchange the blocks manually by using an editor.

* Bring up the resource on the remote node:

drbdadm up <resource>

After the two peers connect, they will not initiate a full device
synchronization. Instead, the automatic synchronization that now
commences only covers those blocks that changed since the invocation
of `drbdadm{nbsp}--clear-bitmap{nbsp}new-current-uuid`.

Even if there were _no_ changes whatsoever since then, there may still
be a brief synchronization period due to areas covered by the
<<s-activity-log,Activity Log>> being rolled back on the new
Secondary. This may be mitigated by the use of
<<p-checksum-sync,checksum-based synchronization>>.

You may use this same procedure regardless of whether the resource is
a regular DRBD resource, or a stacked resource. For stacked resources,
simply add the `-S` or `--stacked` option to `drbdadm`.

==== 四个节点的示例配置



resource r0 { device minor 0; disk /dev/vg/r0; meta-disk internal;

on store1 {
  node-id   1;
on store2 {
  node-id   2;
on store3 {
  node-id   3;
on store4 {
  node-id   4;
  connection-mesh {
	hosts     store1 store2 store3 store4;
In case you want to see the `connection-mesh` configuration expanded, try `drbdadm dump
_<resource>_ -v`.

As another example, if the four nodes have enough interfaces to provide
a complete mesh via direct linksfootnote:[i.e. three crossover and at least one
outgoing/management interface], you can specify the IP addresses of the

resource r0 { …​

# store1 has crossover links like 10.99.1x.y
connection {
  host store1  address port 7012;
  host store2  address port 7021;
connection {
  host store1  address  port 7013;
  host store3  address  port 7031;
connection {
  host store1  address  port 7014;
  host store4  address  port 7041;
# store2 has crossover links like 10.99.2x.y
connection {
  host store2  address  port 7023;
  host store3  address  port 7032;
connection {
  host store2  address  port 7024;
  host store4  address  port 7042;
  # store3 has crossover links like 10.99.3x.y
  connection {
    host store3  address  port 7034;
    host store4  address  port 7043;
Please note the numbering scheme used for the IP addresses and ports. Another
resource could use the same IP addresses, but ports `71__xy__`, the next one
`72__xy__`, and so on.

=== Checking DRBD Status

==== Monitoring and Performing Actions on DRBD Resources in Real-time

One convenient way to work with and monitor DRBD is by using the DRBDmon utility. DRBDmon is included in the `drbd-utils` package. To run the utility, enter `drbdmon` on a node where the `drbd-utils` package is installed.

DRBDmon is CLI-based but works with the concept of displays, similar to windows, and supports keyboard and mouse navigation. Different displays in DRBDmon show different aspects of DRBD status and activity. For example, one display lists all the DRBD resources and their statuses on the current node. Another display lists peer connections and their statuses for a selected resource. There are other displays for other DRBD components.

.Selecting multiple resources in DRBDmon
image::images/drbdmon-resources-selection.png["Selecting multiple resources in DRBDmon"]

Besides being able to get information about the status of DRBD resources, volumes, connections, and other DRBD components, you can also use DRBDmon to perform actions on them. DRBDmon has context-based help text within the utility to help you navigate and use it. DRBDmon is useful for new DRBD users who can benefit from getting status information or performing actions without having to enter CLI commands. The utility is also useful for experienced DRBD users who might be working with a cluster that has a large number of DRBD resources.

.The resource actions display page in DRBDmon
image::images/drbdmon-resource-actions.png["The resource actions display page in DRBDmon"]

==== Retrieving Status Information Through the DRBD Process File

NOTE: Monitoring DRBD status by using `/proc/drbd` is deprecated. We recommend that you switch to other means, like <<s-drbdadm-status>>, or for even more convenient monitoring, <<s-drbdsetup-events2>>.

indexterm:[/proc/drbd]`/proc/drbd` 是一个虚拟文件,显示有关drbd模块的基本信息。在DRBD 8.4之前,它被广泛使用,但无法跟上DRBD 9提供的信息量。

$ cat /proc/drbd version: 9.0.0 (api:1/proto:86-110) GIT-hash: XXX build by [email protected], 2011-10-12 09:07:35

第一行以 `version:` 为前缀,显示系统上使用的DRBD版本。第二行包含有关此特定生成的信息。

==== Retrieving Status Information Using the DRBD Administration Tool

indexterm:[drbdadm, status]在其最简单的调用中,我们只需请求单个资源的状态。

drbdadm status home

home role:Secondary disk:UpToDate nina role:Secondary disk:UpToDate nino role:Secondary disk:UpToDate nono connection:Connecting

这里表明资源_home_是本地的,在 `nina` 上以及在 `nino` 上,是 _UpToDate_ 的和 _Secondary_ 的,所以这三个节点在他们的存储设备上有相同的数据,并且目前没有人在使用这个设备。

节点 `nono` 是未连接的,其状态报告为 Connecting_ ;有关详细信息,请参见下面的<<s-connection-states>>。

您可以通过将 `--verbose` 和/或 `--statistics` 参数传递给 `drbdsetup` 来获得更多信息(为了可读性,行输出将被打断):

drbdsetup status home –verbose –statistics

home node-id:1 role:Secondary suspended:no write-ordering:none volume:0 minor:0 disk:UpToDate size:1048412 read:0 written:1048412 al-writes:0 bm-writes:48 upper-pending:0 lower-pending:0 al-suspended:no blocked:no nina local:ipv4: peer:ipv4: node-id:0 connection:Connected role:Secondary congested:no volume:0 replication:Connected disk:UpToDate resync-suspended:no received:1048412 sent:0 out-of-sync:0 pending:0 unacked:0 nino local:ipv4: peer:ipv4: node-id:2 connection:Connected role:Secondary congested:no volume:0 replication:Connected disk:UpToDate resync-suspended:no received:0 sent:0 out-of-sync:0 pending:0 unacked:0 nono local:ipv4: peer:ipv4: node-id:3 connection:Connecting

此示例中的每几行组成一个块,对于此资源中使用的每个节点重复此块,对于本地节点则有小的格式例外 - 有关详细信息,请参见下面的内容。

每个块中的第一行显示 `node id`(对于当前资源;主机在不同资源中可以有不同的 `node id` )。此外,还显示了 `role` (请参见<<s-roles>>)。

The next important line begins with the `volume` specification; normally these are numbered starting by zero, but the configuration may specify other IDs as well. This line shows the indexterm:[connection state] connection state in the `replication` item (see <<s-connection-states>> for details) and the remote indexterm:[disk state] disk state in `disk` (see <<s-disk-states>>). Then there's a line for this volume giving a bit of statistics - data `received`, `sent`, `out-of-sync`, and so on. Please see <<s-performance-indicators>> and <<s-conn-info>> for more information.

对于本地节点,在我们的示例中,第一行显示资源名 `home` 。由于第一个块始终描述本地节点,因此没有连接或地址信息。

有关详细信息,请参阅 `drbd.conf` 手册页。

本例中的其他四行组成一个块,对每个配置的DRBD设备重复该块,前缀为设备次要编号。在本例中,这是 `0` ,对应于设备 `/dev/drbd0` 。


.Replication protocol
The Replication protocol used by the resource. Either `A`, `B`, or `C`. See
<<s-replication-protocols>> for details.

==== Retrieving Status Information Using the DRBD Setup Command

NOTE: 这仅适用于8.9.3及更高版本的用户空间。
// and 8.4.6

Using the command `drbdsetup events2` with additional options and arguments is a low-level mechanism to get information out of DRBD, suitable for use in automated tools, like monitoring.

===== One-shot Monitoring


drbdsetup events2 –now r0

exists resource name:r0 role:Secondary suspended:no exists connection name:r0 peer-node-id:1 conn-name:remote-host connection:Connected role:Secondary exists device name:r0 volume:0 minor:7 disk:UpToDate exists device name:r0 volume:1 minor:8 disk:UpToDate exists peer-device name:r0 peer-node-id:1 conn-name:remote-host volume:0 replication:Established peer-disk:UpToDate resync-suspended:no exists peer-device name:r0 peer-node-id:1 conn-name:remote-host volume:1 replication:Established peer-disk:UpToDate resync-suspended:no exists –

===== Real-time Monitoring

如果没有 ''--now'' ,进程将继续运行,并发送连续更新,如下所示:

drbdsetup events2 r0

…​ change connection name:r0 peer-node-id:1 conn-name:remote-host connection:StandAlone change connection name:r0 peer-node-id:1 conn-name:remote-host connection:Unconnected change connection name:r0 peer-node-id:1 conn-name:remote-host connection:Connecting

然后,出于监控的目的,还有另一个参数 ''--statistics'',它将生成一些性能计数器和其他指标:

`drbdsetup` **verbose output**(为可读性而换行输出):

drbdsetup events2 –statistics –now r0

exists resource name:r0 role:Secondary suspended:no write-ordering:drain exists connection name:r0 peer-node-id:1 conn-name:remote-host connection:Connected role:Secondary congested:no exists device name:r0 volume:0 minor:7 disk:UpToDate size:6291228 read:6397188 written:131844 al-writes:34 bm-writes:0 upper-pending:0 lower-pending:0 al-suspended:no blocked:no exists device name:r0 volume:1 minor:8 disk:UpToDate size:104854364 read:5910680 written:6634548 al-writes:417 bm-writes:0 upper-pending:0 lower-pending:0 al-suspended:no blocked:no exists peer-device name:r0 peer-node-id:1 conn-name:remote-host volume:0 replication:Established peer-disk:UpToDate resync-suspended:no received:0 sent:131844 out-of-sync:0 pending:0 unacked:0 exists peer-device name:r0 peer-node-id:1 conn-name:remote-host volume:1 replication:Established peer-disk:UpToDate resync-suspended:no received:0 sent:6634548 out-of-sync:0 pending:0 unacked:0 exists –

您可能还喜欢 ''--timestamp'' 参数。

==== Connection States

indexterm:[drbdadm, cstate]indexterm:[connection state, using drbdadm]A resource's connection state can be observed either by issuing the `drbdadm cstate` command:

drbdadm cstate <resource>

Connected Connected StandAlone



drbdadm cstate <resource>:<peer>



indexterm:[connection state, StandAlone]没有可用的网络配置。资源尚未连接,或者已被管理性断开(使用 `drbdadm disconnect` ),或者由于身份验证失败或脑裂而断开其连接。

indexterm:[connection state, Disconnecting]断开连接期间的临时状态。下一个状态是 _StandAlone_。

indexterm:[connection state, Unconnected]临时状态,在尝试连接之前。可能的下一个状态: _Connecting_。

indexterm:[connection state, Timeout]与对等方通信超时后的临时状态。下一个状态:_Unconnected_。

indexterm:[connection state, BrokenPipe]与对等方的连接丢失后的临时状态。下一个状态: _Unconnected_ 。

indexterm:[connection, state, NetworkFailure]与伙伴的连接丢失后的临时状态。下一个状态: _Unconnected_。

indexterm:[connection state, ProtocolError]与伙伴的连接丢失后的临时状态。下一个状态:_Unconnected_。

indexterm:[connection state, TearDown]临时状态。对等方正在关闭连接。下一个状态: _Unconnected_。

indexterm:[connection state, Connecting]此节点正在等待,直到对等节点在网络上变为可见。

indexterm:[connection state, Connected]已建立DRBD连接,数据镜像现在处于活动状态。这是正常状态。

==== Replication States

Each volume has a replication state for each connection. The possible replication states are:

indexterm:[replication state, Off]由于连接未连接,因此卷未通过此连接进行复制。

indexterm:[replication state, Established]对该卷的所有写入都将在线复制。这是正常状态。

indexterm:[replication state, StartingSyncS]由管理员启动的完全同步正在启动。下一个可能的状态是: _SyncSource_ 或 _PausedSyncS_ 。

indexterm:[replication state, StartingSyncT]由管理员启动的完全同步正在启动。下一个状态:_WFSyncUUID_。

indexterm:[replication state, WFBitMapS]部分同步刚刚开始。下一个可能的状态:_SyncSource_或_PausedSyncS_。

indexterm:[replication state, WFBitMapT]部分同步刚刚开始。下一个可能的状态:_WFSyncUUID_。

indexterm:[replication state, WFSyncUUID]同步即将开始。下一个可能的状态:_SyncTarget_或_PausedSyncT_。

indexterm:[replication state, SyncSource]同步当前正在运行,本地节点是同步源。

indexterm:[replication state, SyncTarget]同步当前正在运行,本地节点是同步的目标。

indexterm:[replication, state, PausedSyncS]本地节点是正在进行的同步的源,但同步当前已暂停。这可能是由于依赖于另一个同步进程的完成,或者是由于同步已被 `drbdadm pause sync` 手动中断。

indexterm:[replication state, PausedSyncT]本地节点是正在进行的同步的目标,但同步当前已暂停。这可能是由于依赖于另一个同步进程的完成,或者是由于同步已被 `drbdadm pause sync` 手动中断。

indexterm:[replication state, VerifyS]联机设备验证当前正在运行,本地节点是验证源。

indexterm:[replicateion state, VerifyT]联机设备验证当前正在运行,本地节点是验证的目标。

indexterm:[replication state, Ahead]Data replication was suspended, since the link can not cope with the load. This state is enabled by the configuration `on-congestion` option (see <<s-configure-congestion-policy>>).

indexterm:[replication state, Behind]数据复制被对等方挂起,因为链接无法处理负载。此状态由对等节点上的配置 `on-congestion` 选项启用(请参见<<s-configure-congestion-policy>>)。

==== Resource Roles

indexterm:[resource]可以通过调用indexterm:[drbdadm, role] `drbdadm role` 命令来观察资源的角色:

drbdadm role <resource>



indexterm:[role, Primary]资源当前处于主角色中,可以读取和写入。此角色仅在两个节点中的一个节点上发生,除非启用了<<s-dual-primary-mode,dual-primary mode>>。

indexterm:[role, Secondary]资源当前处于辅助角色中。它通常从其对等方接收更新(除非在断开连接模式下运行),但既不能读取也不能写入。此角色可能出现在一个或两个节点上。

indexterm:[role, Unknown]资源的角色当前未知。本地资源角色从未具有此状态。它仅为对等方的资源角色显示,并且仅在断开连接模式下显示。

==== Disk States

可以通过调用 `drbdadm dstate` 命令来观察资源的磁盘状态:

drbdadm dstate <resource>



indexterm:[disk state, Diskless]没有为DRBD驱动程序分配本地块设备。这可能意味着资源从未连接到其备份设备,它已使用 `drbdadm detach` 手动分离,或者在发生较低级别的I/O错误后自动分离。

indexterm:[disk state, Attaching]读取元数据时的临时状态。

indexterm:[disk state, Detaching]Transient state while detaching and waiting for ongoing I/O operations to complete.

indexterm:[disk state, Failed]本地块设备报告I/O失败后的瞬态。下一个状态:_Diskless_。

indexterm:[disk state, Negotiating]在 已经__Connected__ 的DRBD设备上执行附加操作时的瞬态。

indexterm:[disk state, Inconsistent]数据不一致。在两个节点上(在初始完全同步之前)创建新资源时立即出现此状态。此外,在同步期间,在一个节点(同步目标)中可以找到此状态。

indexterm:[disk state, Outdated]资源数据一致,但<<s-outdate,outdated>>。

indexterm:[disk state, DUnknown]如果没有可用的网络连接,则此状态用于对等磁盘。

indexterm:[disk state, Consistent]没有连接的节点的一致数据。建立连接后,决定数据是 _UpToDate_ 还是 _Outdated_。

indexterm:[disk state, UpToDate_]数据的一致、最新状态。这是正常状态。

==== Connection Information Data




==== Performance Indicators

indexterm:[performance indicators] The command ``drbdsetup status --verbose --statistics`` can be used to show performance statistics. These are also available in ``drbdsetup events2 --statistics``, although there will not be a _changed_ event for every change. The statistics include the following counters and gauges:

Per volume/device:

._read_ (disk read)
Net data read from local disk; in KiB.

._written_ (disk written)
Net data written to local disk; in KiB.

._al-writes_ (activity log)

._bm-writes_ (bitmap)

._upper-pending_ (application pending)
Number of block I/O requests forwarded to DRBD, but not yet answered (completed) by DRBD.

._lower-pending_ (local count)


* _no_: No congestion.
* _upper_: I/O _above_ the DRBD device is blocked, that is, to the filesystem. Typical causes are
** 由管理员暂停I/O,请参阅 `drbdadm` 中的 `suspend-io` 命令。
** Transient blocks, for example, during attach/detach.
** Buffers depleted, see <<p-performance>>.
** Waiting for bitmap I/O.
* _lower_: Backing device is congested.
* _upper,lower_: Both _upper_ and _lower_ are blocked.

Per connection:

._ap-in-flight_ (application in-flight)
Application data that is being written by the peer. That is, DRBD has sent it to the peer and is waiting for the acknowledgement that it has been written. In sectors (512 bytes).

._rs-in-flight_ (resync in-flight)
Resync data that is being written by the peer. That is, DRBD is _SyncSource_, has sent data to the peer as part of a resync and is waiting for the acknowledgement that it has been written. In sectors (512 bytes).

Per connection and volume ("peer device"):

Percentage of data synchronized out of the amount to be synchronized.

Whether the resynchronization is currently suspended or not. Possible values are _no_, _user_, _peer_, _dependency_. Comma separated.

._received_ (network receive)
Net data received from the peer; in KiB.

._sent_ (network send)
Net data sent to the peer; in KiB.

indexterm:[out-of-sync]indexterm:[oos]Amount of data currently out of sync with this peer, according to the bitmap that DRBD has for it; in KiB.

Number of requests sent to the peer, but that have not yet been acknowledged by the peer.

._unacked_ (unacknowledged)
Number of requests received from the peer, but that have not yet been acknowledged by DRBD on this node.

Rate of synchronization within the last few seconds, reported as MiB/seconds. You can affect the synchronization rate by configuring options that are detailed in the link:https://linbit.com/drbd-user-guide/drbd-guide-9_0-en/#s-configure-sync-rate[Configuring the Rate of Synchronization] section of this user's guide.

Number of seconds remaining for the synchronization to complete. This number is calculated based on the synchronization rate within the last few seconds and the size of the resource's backing device that remains to be synchronized.

=== Enabling and Disabling Resources

==== Enabling Resources


* 由群集资源管理应用程序根据您的群集配置自行决定,或

* by the systemd units (e.g., `[email protected]`)


drbdadm up <resource>

与往常一样,如果要同时启用在 `/etc/drbd.conf` 中配置的所有资源,可以使用关键字 `all` 而不是特定的资源名。

==== Disabling Resources


drbdadm down <resource>

Here, too, you may use the keyword `all` in place of a resource name if you want to temporarily disable all resources listed in `/etc/drbd.conf` at once.

=== Reconfiguring Resources


* 对 `/etc/drbd.conf` 中的资源配置需要进行任何必要的更改,

* 在两个节点之间同步 `/etc/drbd.conf` 文件,

* 在两个节点上发出indexterm:[drbdadm,adjust] `drbdadm adjust<resource>` 命令。

`drbdadm adjust` 然后切换到 `drbdsetup` 对配置进行必要的调整。与往常一样,您可以通过使用 `-d` (dry-run)选项运行 `drbdadm` 来查看挂起的 `drbdsetup` 调用。

NOTE: 对 `/etc/drbd.conf` 中的 `common` 部分进行更改时,可以通过发出 `drbdadm adjust all` 来调整一次运行中所有资源的配置。

=== Promoting and Demoting Resources

indexterm:[resource]使用以下命令之一手动将a<<s-resource-roles,resource's role>>从次要角色切换到主要角色(提升)或反之亦然(降级):

drbdadm primary <resource>

drbdadm secondary <resource>

In <<s-single-primary-mode,single-primary mode>> (DRBD's default), any resource can be in the primary role on only one node at any given time while the <<s-connection-states,connection state>> is _Connected_. Therefore, issuing `drbdadm primary <resource>` on one node while the specified resource is still in the primary role on another node will result in an error.

A resource configured to allow <<s-dual-primary-mode,dual-primary mode>> can be switched to the primary role on two nodes; this is, for example, needed for online migration of virtual machines.

=== Basic Manual Failover

If not using a cluster manager and looking to handle failovers manually in a passive/active configuration, the process is as follows.

On the current primary node, stop any applications or services using the DRBD device, unmount the DRBD device, and demote the resource to secondary.

umount /dev/drbd/by-res/<resource>/<vol-nr>

drbdadm secondary <resource>

Now on the node you want to make primary promote the resource and mount the device.

drbdadm primary <resource>

mount /dev/drbd/by-res/<resource>/<vol-nr> <mountpoint>

If you're using the `auto-promote` feature, you don't need to change the roles (_Primary_/_Secondary_) manually; only stopping of the services and unmounting, respectively mounting, is necessary.

=== Shutting Down Gracefully By Using a systemd Service

Included with `drbd-utils` versions since 9.26.0, there is a "graceful shutdown" service, `drbd-graceful-shutdown.service`. This service ensures that the DRBD <<s-quorum_last_man_standing,"last man standing">> behavior applies to your cluster when shutting down nodes.

The graceful shutdown service is started automatically by the udev service at the moment the first DRBD device is created. At system shutdown, the graceful shutdown service ensures that all nodes hosting DRBD resources shut down services in a proper sequence so that the last node keeps quorum.

During a normal system shutdown sequence without this intervention, networking often stops before a system unmounts file systems and takes down DRBD devices. Without the graceful shutdown service, to make it so that the last node to shut down keeps DRBD quorum, you would need to manually unmount file systems and down DRBD resources before shutting down nodes.

By virtue of the graceful shutdown service running on a node, when shutting down, a node marks its DRBD resources outdated, stops its running DRBD services, and then networking services are allowed to stop. This shutdown sequence makes it so that the DRBD peer nodes leaving the cluster are able to communicate their outdated status over the network to the last node, and in this way the last node to leave the cluster will keep quorum.

=== 升级DRBD

Upgrading DRBD is a fairly simple process. This section contains warnings or important information regarding upgrading to a particular DRBD 9 version from another DRBD 9 version.

If you are upgrading DRBD from 8.4.x to 9.x, refer to the instructions within <<drbd-upgrading-8.4-to-9.x.adoc#ap-upgrading-8.4-to-9.x, the Appendix>>.

==== Upgrading to DRBD 9.2.x

If you are upgrading to DRBD 9.2.x from an earlier version not on the 9.2 branch, you will need to pay attention to the names of your resources. DRBD 9.2.x enforces strict naming conventions for DRBD resources. By default, DRBD 9.2.x accepts only alphanumeric, `.`, `+`, `_`, and `-` characters in resource names (regular expression: `[0-9A-Za-z.+_-]*`). If you depend on the old behavior, it can be brought back by disabling strict name checking:

echo 0 > /sys/module/drbd/parameters/strict_names

==== Compatibility

DRBD is _wire protocol_ compatible over minor versions. Its _wire protocol_ is independent of the host kernel version and the machines' CPU architectures.

DRBD is protocol compatible within a major number. For example, all version 9.x.y releases are protocol compatible.

==== Upgrading Within DRBD 9

If you are already running DRBD 9.x, you can upgrade to a newer DRBD 9 version by following these steps:

1. Verify that DRBD resources are synchronized, by <<s-upgrade-check,checking the DRBD state>>.

2. <<s-Upgrading-the-packages,Install new package versions>>.

3. Stop the DRBD service or, if you are using a cluster manager, put the cluster node that you are upgrading into <<s-upgrade-pausing-the-cluster,_standby_>>.

4. Unload and then <<s-upgrade-reload-kernel-mod,reload the new kernel module>>.

5. <<s-upgrade-start-drbd,Start the DRBD resources>> and bring the cluster node _online_ again if you are using a cluster manager.

These individual steps are detailed below.

// STEP 1
===== Checking the DRBD State

Before you update DRBD, verify that your resources are synchronized. The output of `drbdadm status all` should show an _UpToDate_ status for your resources, as shown for an example resource (`data`) below:

drbdadm status all

data role:Secondary disk:UpToDate node-1 role:Primary peer-disk:UpToDate

// STEP 2
===== Upgrading the Packages

If you are ready to upgrade DRBD within version 9, first upgrade your packages.


dnf -y upgrade


apt update && apt -y upgrade

Once the upgrade is finished you will have the latest DRBD 9.x kernel module and `drbd-utils` installed. However, the new kernel module is not active yet. Before you make the new kernel module active, you must first pause your cluster services.

// STEP 3
===== Pausing the Services

You can pause your cluster services manually or according to your cluster manager's documentation.
Both processes are covered below. If you are running Pacemaker as your cluster manager do not use the manual method.

====== Manual Method

systemctl stop drbd@<resource>.target

IMPORTANT: To use the `systemctl stop` command with a DRBD resource target, you would have needed to have enabled the `drbd.service` previously. You can verify this by using the `systemctl is-enabled drbd.service` command.

====== Pacemaker

Put the secondary node (the node that you are upgrading) into standby mode.

crm node standby node-2

NOTE: 您可以使用 `crm-mon-rf` 或 `cat/proc/drbd` 监视群集的状态,直到它显示您的资源为 `未配置` 。

// STEP 4
===== Loading the New Kernel Module

After pausing your cluster services, the DRBD module should not be in use anymore, so unload it by entering the following command:

rmmod drbd_transport_tcp; rmmod drbd

If there is a message like `ERROR: Module drbd is in use`, then not all resources have been correctly stopped.

Retry <<s-Upgrading-the-packages, upgrading the packages>>, or run the command `drbdadm down all` to find out which resources are still active.

Some typical issues that might prevent you from unloading the kernel module are:

  * 在DRBD支持的文件系统上有导出NFS的操作(参见 `exportfs -v` 输出)
  * File system still mounted - check `grep drbd /proc/mounts`
  * Loopback 设备仍然处于活动状态( `losetup -l` )
  * 直接或间接使用DRBD的device mapper( `dmsetup ls --tree` )
  * 有带DRBD-PV的LVM(`pvs`)

NOTE: This list is not complete. These are just the most common examples.

Now you can load the new DRBD module.

modprobe drbd

Next, you can verify that the version of the DRBD kernel module that is loaded is the updated 9.x.y version. The output of `drbdadm --version` should show the 9.x.y version that you are expecting to upgrade to and look similar to this:

DRBDADM_BUILDTAG=GIT-hash: […​] build\ by\ buildd@lcy02-amd64-080\,\ 2023-03-14\ 10:21:20 DRBDADM_API_VERSION=2 DRBD_KERNEL_VERSION_CODE=0x090202 DRBD_KERNEL_VERSION=9.2.2 DRBDADM_VERSION_CODE=0x091701 DRBDADM_VERSION=9.23.1

// STEP 5
===== Starting the DRBD Resources Again

Now, the only thing left to do is to get the DRBD devices up and running again. You can do this by using the `drbdadm up all` command.

Next, depending on whether you are using a cluster manager or if you are managing your DRBD resources manually, there are two different ways to bring up your resources. If you are using a cluster manager follow its documentation.

* 手动

systemctl start drbd@<resource>.target

* Pacemaker

crm node online node-2


When the two nodes are _UpToDate_ on all resources again, you can move your applications to the already upgraded node, and then follow the same steps on the next cluster node that you want to upgrade.

=== 启用双主模式


Dual-primary mode requires that the resource is configured to replicate synchronously (protocol C). Because of this it is latency sensitive, and ill-suited for WAN environments.


WARNING: In DRBD 9.0.x Dual-Primary mode is limited to exactly two Primaries for the use in live migration.

==== 永久双主模式

indexterm:[multiple primaries]indexterm:[dual primary mode]要启用双主模式,请在资源配置的 `net` 部分将 `allow two primaries` 选项设置为 `yes` :

[source, drbd]

resource <resource> net { protocol C; allow-two-primaries yes; fencing resource-and-stonith; } handlers { fence-peer “…​”; unfence-peer “…​”; } …​ }

之后,不要忘记同步节点之间的配置。在两个节点上都运行 `drbdadm adjust` 。

现在可以使用 `drbdadm primary` 将两个节点同时更改为role primary。

CAUTION: 您应该始终执行适当的围栏策略。使用 `allow-two-primaries` 而没有围栏策略是个坏主意,比在无围栏使用单主节点更糟糕。

==== 临时双主模式


drbdadm net-options –protocol=C –allow-two-primaries <resource>

要结束临时双主模式,请运行与上面相同的命令,但使用 `--allow two primaries=no` (以及所需的复制协议,如果适用)。

=== Using Online Device Verification

==== Enabling Online Verification

indexterm:[online device verification]<<s-online-verify,Online device verification>> for resources is not enabled by default. To enable it, add the following lines to your resource configuration in `/etc/drbd.conf`:

[source, drbd]

resource <resource> net { verify-alg <algorithm>; } …​ }

_<algorithm>_ 可能是系统内核配置中内核加密API支持的任何消息摘要算法。通常,您至少可以从 `sha1` , `md5` 和 `crc32c` 中进行选择。

如果对现有资源进行此更改,请一如既往地将 `drbd.conf` 同步到对等节点,并在两个节点上运行 `drbdadm adjust _<resource>_` 。

==== Invoking Online Verification

indexterm:[online device verification]After you have enabled online verification, you will be able to initiate a verification run using the following command:

drbdadm verify <resource>:<peer>/<volume>

When you do so, DRBD starts an online verification run for _<volume>_ to _<peer_> in _<resource>_, and if it detects any blocks that are not in sync, will mark those blocks as such and write a message to the kernel log. Any applications using the device at that time can continue to do so unimpeded, and you may also <<s-switch-resource-roles,switch resource roles>> at will.

_<Volume>_ is optional, if omitted, it will verify all volumes in that resource.

If out-of-sync blocks were detected during the verification run, you may resynchronize them using the following commands after verification has completed.

Since drbd-9.0.29 the preferred way is one of these commands:

drbdadm invalidate <resource>:<peer>/volume –reset-bitmap=no

drbdadm invalidate-remote <resource>:<peer>/volume –reset-bitmap=no

The first command will cause the local differences to be overwritten by the remote version. The second command does it in the opposite direction.

Before drbd-9.0.29 one needs to initiate a resync. A way to do that is disconnecting from a primary and ensuring that the primary changes at least one block while the peer is away.

drbdadm disconnect <resource>:<peer>

7. write one block on the primary

drbdadm connect <resource>:<peer>

==== Automating Online Verification

indexterm:[online device verification]Most users will want to automate online device verification. This can be easily accomplished. Create a file with the following contents, named `/etc/cron.d/drbd-verify` on *one* of your nodes:

[source, drbd]

42 0 * * 0 root /sbin/drbdadm verify <resource>

This will have `cron` invoke a device verification every Sunday at 42 minutes past midnight; so, if you come into the office on Monday morning, a quick examination of the resource's status would show the result. If your devices are very big, and the \~32 hours were not enough, then you'll notice _VerifyS_ or _VerifyT_ as connection state, meaning that the `verify` is still in progress.

If you have enabled online verification for all your resources (for example, by adding `verify-alg _<algorithm>_` to the `common` section in `/etc/drbd.d/global_common.conf`), you may also use:

[source, drbd]

42 0 * * 0 root /sbin/drbdadm verify all

=== Configuring the Rate of Synchronization

indexterm:[synchronization]Normally, one tries to ensure that background synchronization (which makes the data on the synchronization target temporarily inconsistent) completes as quickly as possible. However, it is also necessary to keep background synchronization from hogging all bandwidth otherwise available for foreground replication, which would be detrimental to application performance. Therefore, you must configure the synchronization bandwidth to match your hardware -- which you may do in a permanent fashion or on-the-fly.

IMPORTANT: 设置高于辅助节点上最大写入吞吐量的同步速率是没有意义的。您不能期望辅助节点奇迹般地能够比其I/O子系统所允许的写入速度快,因为它恰好是正在进行的设备同步的目标。


==== Estimating a Synchronization Speed

TIP: A good rule for this value is to use about 30% of the available replication bandwidth. Therefore, if you had an I/O subsystem capable of sustaining write throughput of 400MB/s, and a Gigabit Ethernet network capable of sustaining 110 MB/s network throughput (the network being the bottleneck), you would calculate:


Therefore, the recommended value for the `rate` option would be `33M`.



在这种情况下,`rate` 选项的建议值为 `24M` 。


==== Variable Synchronization Rate Configuration

当多个DRBD资源共享一个复制/同步网络时,以固定速率同步可能不是最佳方法。因此,在DRBD 8.4.0中,默认情况下启用了可变速率同步。在这种模式下,DRBD使用自动控制环路算法来确定和调整同步速率。该算法保证了前台复制始终有足够的带宽,大大减轻了后台同步对前台I/O的影响。

The optimal configuration for variable-rate synchronization may vary greatly depending on the available network bandwidth, application I/O pattern and link congestion.
Ideal configuration settings also depend on whether <<s-drbd-proxy,DRBD Proxy>> is in use or not. It may be wise to engage professional consultancy to optimally configure this DRBD feature. An _example_ configuration (which assumes a deployment in conjunction with DRBD Proxy) is provided below:

[source, drbd]

resource <resource> { disk { c-plan-ahead 5; c-max-rate 10M; c-fill-target 2M; } }

TIP: `c-fill-target` 的一个很好的初始值是 _BDP * 2_, 其中 _BDP_ 是复制链接上的带宽延迟产品。

For example, when using a 1GBit/s crossover connection, you'll end up with about 200µs latencyfootnote:[The rule-of-thumb is using the time reported by `ping`.]. +
1GBit/s means about 120MB/s; times 200*10^-6^ seconds gives 24000 Byte. Just round that value up to the next MB, and you're good to go.

另一个例子:一个100兆位的广域网连接,200毫秒的延迟意味着12兆字节/秒乘以0.2秒,或者说大约2.5兆字节 "on the wire""在线"。在这里, `c-fill-target` 的初始值可预设为是3MB。

有关其他配置项的详细信息,请参见 `drbd.conf` 手册页。

==== Permanent Fixed Synchronization Rate Configuration

在一些非常受限的情况下,footnote:[就像基准测试一样],使用一些固定的同步速率可能是有意义的。在这种情况下,首先需要使用 `c-plan-ahead 0;` 关闭动态同步速率控制器。

然后,资源用于后台重新同步的最大带宽由资源的 `resync-rate` 选项确定。这必须包含在 `/etc/drbd.conf` 的资源定义的 `disk` 条目中:

[source, drbd]

resource <resource> disk { resync-rate 40M; …​ } …​ }

请注意,速率设置以字节为单位,而不是以比特/秒为单位;默认单位是字节,因此值 `4096` 将被解释为 `4MiB` 。

NOTE: 这只是定义了DRBD试图达到的速率。如果存在吞吐量较低的瓶颈(网络、存储速度),则无法达到定义的速度(也称为"期望"性能;)。

==== Further Synchronization Hints

When some amount of the to-be-synchronized data isn't really in use anymore (for example, because files got deleted while one node wasn't connected), you might benefit from the <<s-trim-discard>>.

Furthermore, `c-min-rate` is easy to misunderstand - it doesn't define a *minimum* synchronization speed, but rather a limit below which DRBD will not slow down further *on purpose*. +
Whether you manage to *reach* that synchronization rate depends on your network and storage speed, network latency (which might be highly variable for shared links), and application I/O (which you might not be able to do anything about).

=== Configuring Checksum-based Synchronization

indexterm:[checksum-based synchronization]<<p-checksum-sync,Checksum-based synchronization>>默认情况下不为资源启用。要启用它,请将以下行添加到 `/etc/drbd.conf` 中的资源配置中:

[source, drbd]

resource <resource> net { csums-alg <algorithm>; } …​ }

_<algorithm>_ 可能是系统内核配置中内核加密API支持的任何消息摘要算法。通常,您至少可以从 `sha1` , `md5` 和 `crc32c` 中进行选择。

如果对现有资源进行此更改,请一如既往地将 `drbd.conf` 同步到对等节点,并在两个节点上运行 `drbdadm adjust _<resource>_` 。

=== Configuring Congestion Policies and Suspended Replication


相反,在这种情况下,您可以将DRBD配置为挂起正在进行的复制,从而使主数据集位于次数据集的 _前拉_ _pull ahead_ 位置。在这种模式下,DRBD保持复制通道打开 - 它从不切换到断开连接的模式 - 但直到有足够的带宽再次可用时才真正进行复制。


[source, drbd]

resource <resource> { net { on-congestion pull-ahead; congestion-fill 2G; congestion-extents 2000; …​ } …​ }

通常明智的做法是将 `congestion-fill` 和 `congestion-extents` 与 `pull-ahead` 选项一起设置。

`congestion-fill` 的理想值是90%

* 当通过DRBD proxy进行复制时,分配的DRBD proxy缓冲存储器,或
* 在非DRBD代理设置中的TCP网络发送缓冲区。

`congestion-extents` 的理想值是受影响资源配置的 `al-extents` 的90%。

=== Configuring I/O Error Handling Strategies

indexterm:[I/O error s]indexterm:[drbd.conf]DRBD的<<s-handling-disk-errors,strategy for handling lower-level I/O errors>>由 `/etc/drbd.conf` 文件中resource下的 `disk` 配置中的 `on-io-error` 选项确定:

[source, drbd]

resource <resource> { disk { on-io-error <strategy>; …​ } …​ }

当然,如果要为所有资源定义全局I/O错误处理策略,也可以在 `common` 部分中设置此值。

_<strategy>_ 可能是以下选项之一:



调用定义为本地I/O错误处理程序的命令。这要求在资源的 `handlers` 部分中定义相应的 `local-io-error` 命令调用。完全由管理员自行决定使用 `local-io-error` 调用的命令(或脚本)来实现I/O错误处理。

NOTE: Early DRBD versions (prior to 8.0) included another option, `panic`, which would forcibly remove the node from the cluster by way of a kernel panic, whenever a local I/O error occurred. While that option is no longer available, the same behavior may be mimicked through the `local-io-error`/`call-local-io-error` interface. You should do so only if you fully understand the implications of such behavior.


  * 在 `/etc/drbd.d/__<resource>__.res` 中编辑资源配置。

  * 将配置复制到对等节点。

  * 在两个节点上都运行 `drbdadm adjust` 命令。

=== Configuring Replication Traffic Integrity Checking

indexterm:[replication traffic integrity checking]<<s-integrity-check,Replication traffic integrity checking>>默认情况下不为资源启用。要启用它,请将以下行添加到 `/etc/drbd.conf` 中的资源配置中:

[source, drbd]

resource <resource> net { data-integrity-alg <algorithm>; } …​ }

_<algorithm>_ 可能是系统内核配置中内核加密API支持的任何消息摘要算法。通常,您至少可以从 `sha1` , `md5` 和 `crc32c` 中进行选择。

如果对现有资源进行此更改,请一如既往地将 `drbd.conf` 同步到对等节点,并在两个节点上运行 `drbdadm adjust _<resource>_` 。

WARNING: 此功能不用于生产用途。仅当需要诊断数据损坏问题并希望查看传输路径(网络硬件、驱动程序、交换机)是否有故障时才启用!

=== Resizing Resources

When growing (extending) DRBD volumes, you need to grow from bottom to top. You need to extend the backing block devices on all nodes first. Then you can tell DRBD to use the new space.

Once the DRBD volume is extended, you need to still propagate that into whatever is using DRBD: extend the file system, or make a VM running with this volume attached aware of the new "disk size".

That all typically boils down to

# on all nodes, resize the backing LV:

lvextend -L +${additional_gb}g VG/LV

# on one node:

drbdadm resize ${resource_name}/${volume_number}

# on the Primary only:

# resize the file system using the file system specific tool, see below

See also the next sections <<s-growing-online>> and following.

Note that different file systems have different capabilities and different sets of management tools. For example XFS can only grow. You point its tool to the active mount point: `xfs_growfs /where/you/have/it/mounted`.

While the EXT family can both grow (even online), and also shrink (only offline; you have to unmount it first). To resize an ext3 or ext4, you would point the tool not to the mount point, but to the (mounted) block device: `resize2fs /dev/drbd#`

Obviously use the correct DRBD (as displayed by `mount` or `df -T`, while mounted), and *not* the backing block device. If DRBD is up, that's not supposed to work anyways (`resize2fs: Device or resource busy while trying to open /dev/mapper/VG-LV Couldn't find valid filesystem superblock.`). If you tried to do that offline (with DRBD stopped), you may corrupt DRBD metadata if you ran the file system tools directly against the backing LV or partition. So don't.

You do the file system resize only *once* on the Primary, against the active DRBD device. DRBD replicates the changes to the file system structure. That is what you have it for.

Also, don't use resize2fs on XFS volumes, or XFS tools on EXT, or ... but the right tool for the file system in use.

`resize2fs: Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /dev/drbd7` is probably just trying to tell you that this is *not* an EXT file system, and you should try an other tool instead. Maybe `xfs_growfs`? But as mentioned, that does not take the block device, but the mount point as argument.

When shrinking (reducing) DRBD volumes, you need to shrink from top to bottom. So first verify that no one is using the space you want to cut off. Next, shrink the file system (if your file system supports that). Then tell DRBD to stop using that space, which is not so easy with DRBD internal metadata, because they are by design "at the end" of the backing device.

Once you are sure that DRBD won't use the space anymore either, you can cut it off from the backing device, for example using `lvreduce`.

See also <<s-shrinking-online>>, <<s-shrinking-offline>>.

==== Growing Online


. 受影响资源的备份设备必须由逻辑卷管理子系统(如LVM)管理。

. 资源当前必须处于连接状态。


drbdadm resize <resource>


如果要添加的空间是干净的,可以使用--assume clean选项跳过同步新增的空间。

drbdadm — –assume-clean resize <resource>

==== Growing Offline

indexterm:[resource]当两个节点上的备份块设备在DRBD处于非活动状态时增长,并且DRBD资源正在使用<<s-external-meta-data,external metadata>>,则自动识别新大小。不需要人为干预。下次在两个节点上激活DRBD并成功建立网络连接后,DRBD设备将具有新的大小。

然而,如果DRBD资源被配置为使用<<s-internal-meta-data,internal metadata>>,则在新的扩容空间可用之前,必须将该元数据移动到所生长设备的末端。为此,请完成以下步骤:

WARNING: 这是一个高级功能。请自己斟酌使用。

* 取消配置您的DRBD资源:

[source, drbd]

drbdadm down <resource>

* 在调整大小之前,请将元数据保存在文本文件中:

drbdadm dump-md <resource> > /tmp/metadata

必须在两个节点上执行此操作,对每个节点使用单独的转储文件。 *不要* 在一个节点上转储元数据,只需将转储文件复制到对等节点。*这. 行. 不. 通.*

* 在两个节点上扩展备份块设备。

* 在两个节点上相应地调整文件 `/tmp/metadata` 中的大小信息( `la-size-sect` )。请记住,必须在扇区中指定 `la-size-sect`。

* 重新初始化元数据区域:

drbdadm create-md <resource>

* 在两个节点上重新导入更正的元数据:

drbdmeta_cmd=$(drbdadm -d dump-md <resource>)

${drbdmeta_cmd/dump-md/restore-md} /tmp/metadata

Valid meta-data in place, overwrite? [need to type ‘yes’ to confirm] yes Successfully restored meta data

NOTE: 此示例使用 `bash` 参数替换。它可能在其他SHELL中工作,也可能不工作。如果不确定当前使用的是哪个SHELL,请检查您的 `SHELL` 环境变量。

* 重新启用DRBD资源:

drbdadm up <resource>

* 在一个节点上,升级DRBD资源:

drbdadm primary <resource>

* 最后,扩展文件系统,使其填充DRBD设备的扩展大小。

==== Shrinking Online

WARNING: 仅外部元数据支持在线缩容。

indexterm:[resource]Before shrinking a DRBD device, you _must_ shrink the layers above DRBD (usually the file system). Since DRBD cannot ask the file system how much space it actually uses, you have to be careful to not cause data loss.

NOTE: Whether or not the _filesystem_ can be shrunk online depends on the filesystem being used. Most filesystems do not support online shrinking. XFS does not support shrinking at all.

To shrink DRBD online, issue the following command _after_ you have shrunk the file system residing on top of it:

[source, drbd]

drbdadm resize –size=<new-size> <resource>

You may use the usual multiplier suffixes for _<new-size>_ (K, M, G, and so on). After you have shrunk DRBD, you may also shrink the containing block device (if it supports shrinking).

NOTE: 在调整底层设备的大小后,最好输入 `drbdadm resize _<resource>_` 命令,以便将DRBD元数据*真正*写入卷末尾的预期空间。

==== Shrinking Offline

indexterm:[resource]If you were to shrink a backing block device while DRBD is inactive, DRBD would refuse to attach to this block device during the next attach attempt, because the block device would now be too small (if external metadata was in use), or it would be unable to find its metadata (if internal metadata was in use because DRBD metadata is written to the end of the backing block device). To work around these issues, use this procedure (if you cannot use <<s-shrinking-online,online shrinking>>):

WARNING: 这是一个高级功能。请自己斟酌使用。

* 在DRBD仍然配置的情况下,从一个节点缩容文件系统。

* 取消配置您的DRBD资源:

drbdadm down <resource>

* 在缩容之前将元数据保存在文本文件中:

drbdadm dump-md <resource> > /tmp/<resource>-metadata

NOTE: If the `dump-md` command fails with a warning about "unclean" metadata, you will first need to run the command `drbdadm apply-al <resource>` to apply the activity log of the specified resource. You can then retry the `dump-md` command.
You must dump the metadata on all nodes that are configured for the DRBD resource, by using a separate dump file for each node.
IMPORTANT: *Do not* dump the metadata on one node and then simply copy the dump file to peer
nodes. *This. Will. Not. Work.*

* Shrink the backing block device on each node configured for the DRBD resource.

* Adjust the size information (`la-size-sect`) in the file `/tmp/<resource>-metadata` accordingly, on each node. Remember that `la-size-sect` must be specified in sectors.

* *仅当您使用内部元数据时* (此时可能由于收缩过程而丢失),才需要重新初始化元数据区域

drbdadm create-md <resource>

* Reimport the corrected metadata, on each node:

drbdmeta_cmd=$(drbdadm –dry-run dump-md <resource>)

${drbdmeta_cmd/dump-md/restore-md} /tmp/<resource>-metadata

Valid meta-data in place, overwrite? [need to type ‘yes’ to confirm] yes

reinitializing Successfully restored meta data

NOTE: This example uses BASH parameter substitution to generate the `drbdmeta restore-md` command necessary to restore the modified metadata for the resource. It might not work in other shells. Check your `SHELL` environment variable if you are unsure which shell you are currently using.

* 重新启用DRBD资源:

drbdadm up <resource>

=== Disabling Backing Device Flushes

CAUTION: 在使用电池备份写缓存(BBWC)的设备上运行DRBD时,应禁用设备刷新。大多数存储控制器允许在电池耗尽时自动禁用写缓存,在电池耗尽时切换到直写模式。强烈建议启用此功能。

在没有BBWC的情况下运行或在电池耗尽的BBWC上运行时,禁用DRBD的刷新 _可能会导致数据丢失_ ,不应尝试。

DRBD allows you to enable and disable <<s-disk-flush-support,backing device flushes>> separately for the replicated data set and DRBD's own metadata. Both of these options are enabled by default. If you want to disable either (or both), you would set this in the `disk` section for the DRBD configuration file, `/etc/drbd.conf`.


[source, drbd]

resource <resource> disk { disk-flushes no; …​ } …​ }


[source, drbd]

resource <resource> disk { md-flushes no; …​ } …​ }

在修改了资源配置(当然,在节点之间同步了 `/etc/drbd.conf` )之后,可以通过在两个节点上输入以下命令来启用这些设置:

drbdadm adjust <resource>


[source, drbd]

resource <resource> { disk { …​ common settings …​ }

  on host-1 {
    disk {
      md-flushes no;
=== Configuring Split Brain Behavior

==== Split Brain Notification

DRBD调用 `split brain` 处理程序(如果已配置),随时检测到split brain。要配置此处理程序,请将以下项添加到资源配置中:

resource <resource> handlers { split-brain <handler>; …​ } …​ }

_<handler>_ 可以是系统中存在的任何可执行文件。

DRBD发行版包含一个split brain handler脚本,安装为 `/usr/lib/DRBD/notify-split-brain.sh` 。它会将通知电子邮件发送到指定的地址。要将处理程序配置为将消息发送到 `root@localhost` (预期是将通知转发给实际系统管理员的电子邮件地址),请按如下所示配置 `split-brain handler` :

resource <resource> handlers { split-brain “/usr/lib/drbd/notify-split-brain.sh root”; …​ } …​ }

对正在运行的资源进行此修改(并在节点之间同步配置文件)后,无需进行其他干预即可启用处理程序。DRBD只需在下一次出现split brain时调用新配置的处理程序。

==== Automatic Split Brain Recovery Policies

CAUTION: Configuring DRBD to automatically resolve data divergence situations resulting from split-brain (or other) scenarios is configuring for potential *automatic data loss*. Understand the implications, and don't do it if you don't mean to.

TIP: 您应该花更多时间研究围栏策略、仲裁设置、群集管理器集成和冗余群集管理器通信链接,以便在第一时间*避免*数据差异。

To be able to enable and configure DRBD's automatic split brain recovery policies, you must understand that DRBD offers several configuration options for this purpose. DRBD applies its split brain recovery procedures based on the number of nodes in the Primary role at the time the split brain is detected. To that end, DRBD examines the following keywords, all found in the resource's `net` configuration section:


* `disconnect` :不要自动恢复,只需调用 `split brain` 处理程序脚本(如果已配置),断开连接并以断开模式继续。

* `discard-younger-primary` :放弃并回滚对最后担任主服务器角色的主机所做的修改。

* `discard-least-changes`:丢弃并回滚发生较少更改的主机上的更改。

* `discard-zero-changes`:如果有任何主机根本没有发生任何更改,只需在另一个主机上应用所做的所有修改并继续。


* `disconnect`:与 `after-sb-0pri` 一样,只需调用 `split brain` 处理程序脚本(如果已配置),断开连接并以断开模式继续。

* `consensus`:应用 `after-sb-0pri` 中指定的相同恢复策略。如果在应用这些策略后可以选择裂脑受害者,则自动解决。否则,行为就像指定了 `disconnect` 一样。

* `call-pri-lost-after-sb`:应用 `after-sb-0pri` 中指定的恢复策略。如果在应用这些策略后可以选择裂脑受害者,请调用受害者节点上的 `pri-lost-after-sb` 处理程序。必须在 `handlers` 部分中配置此处理程序,并要求将节点从集群中强制删除。

* `discard-secondary`:无论哪个主机当前处于第二个角色,使该主机成为裂脑受害者。

裂脑被检测到,此时资源在两个主机上都处于主要角色。此选项接受与 `after-sb-1pri` 相同的关键字,但 `discard-secondary` 和 `consensus` 除外。

NOTE: DRBD理解这三个选项的附加关键字,这里省略了这些关键字,因为它们很少使用。请参阅 `drbd.conf` 的手册页,以了解此处未讨论的脑分裂恢复关键字的详细信息。


resource <resource> { handlers { split-brain “/usr/lib/drbd/notify-split-brain.sh root” …​ } net { after-sb-0pri discard-zero-changes; after-sb-1pri discard-secondary; after-sb-2pri disconnect; …​ } …​ }

=== Creating a Stacked Three-node Setup


NOTE: Stacking is deprecated in DRBD version 9.x, as more nodes can be implemented on a single level. See <<s-drbdconf-conns>> for details.

==== Device Stacking Considerations


* 堆叠的设备是活动的。假设您已经配置了一个DRBD设备 `/dev/drbd0` ,并且上面的堆叠设备是 `/dev/drbd10` ,那么 `/dev/drbd10` 将是您装载和使用的设备。

* 设备元数据将存储两次,分别存储在底层DRBD设备 _和_ 堆叠的DRBD设备上。在堆叠设备上,必须始终使用<<s-internal-meta-data,internal metadata>>。这意味着,与未堆叠的设备相比,堆叠设备上的有效可用存储区域稍微小一些。

* 要使堆叠的上层设备运行,底层设备必须处于primary角色。

* 要同步备份节点,活动节点上的堆叠设备必须处于启动状态并且处于主要角色。

==== Configuring a Stacked Resource

在下面的示例中,节点名为 `alice` 、`bob` 和 `charlie` ,其中 `alice` 和 `bob` 组成一个两节点集群, `charlie` 是备份节点。

[source, drbd]

resource r0 { protocol C; device /dev/drbd0; disk /dev/sda6; meta-disk internal;

on alice {
  on bob {

resource r0-U { protocol A;

stacked-on-top-of r0 {
  device     /dev/drbd10;
  on charlie {
    device     /dev/drbd10;
    disk       /dev/hda6;
    address; # Public IP of the backup node
    meta-disk  internal;
与任何 `drbd.conf` 配置文件一样,它必须分布在集群中的所有节点上 - 在本例中是三个节点。请注意,在未备份的资源配置中未找到以下额外关键字:

此选项通知DRBD包含它的资源是堆叠资源。它替换了通常在任何资源配置中找到的 `on` 部分之一。不要在较低级别的资源中使用 `stacked-on-top-of` 。

NOTE: 对于堆叠资源,不需要使用<<fp-protocol-a,Protocol A>>。您可以根据您的应用程序选择任何DRBD的复制协议。


==== Enabling Stacked Resources

如果要启用堆叠资源,请先启用底层级别的资源后, 并将其提升:

drbdadm up r0 drbdadm primary r0


drbdadm create-md –stacked r0-U


drbdadm up –stacked r0-U

drbdadm primary –stacked r0-U


drbdadm create-md r0-U

drbdadm up r0-U

To automate stacked resource management, you may integrate stacked resources in your cluster manager configuration.

=== Permanently Diskless Nodes


resource kvm-mail { device /dev/drbd6; disk /dev/vg/kvm-mail; meta-disk internal;

on store1 {
  node-id   0;
on store2 {
  node-id   1;
on store3 {
  node-id   2;
on for-later-rebalancing {
  node-id   3;
# DRBD "client"
floating {
  disk      none;
  node-id   4;
  # rest omitted for brevity
For permanently diskless nodes no bitmap slot gets allocated. For such nodes the diskless status is displayed in green color since it is not an error or unexpected state. See <<s-drbd-client-internals>> for internal details.

=== Data Rebalancing


Now, as your storage demands grow, you will encounter the need for additional servers. Rather than having to buy 3 more servers at the same time, you can _rebalance_ your data across a single additional node.

.DRBD data rebalancing

In the figure above you can see the _before_ and _after_ states: from 3 nodes with three 25TiB volumes each (for a net 75TiB), to 4 nodes, with net 100TiB.

To redistribute the data across your cluster you have to choose a _new_ node, and one where you want to remove this DRBD resource. +
Please note that removing the resource from a currently _active_ node (that is, where DRBD is _Primary_) will involve either migrating the service or running this resource on this node as a <<s-drbd-client,DRBD client>>; it's easier to choose a node in _Secondary_ role. (Of course, that might not always be possible.)

==== Prepare a Bitmap Slot

您需要在每个具有要移动的资源的节点上有一个空闲的<<s-quick-sync-bitmap,bitmap slot>>供临时使用。

您可以使用<<s-first-time-up,`drbdadm create-md` time>>再分配一个,或者只需在您的配置中放置一个占位符,这样 `drbdadm` 看到后就会再保留一个插槽:

resource r0 { …​ on for-later-rebalancing { address; node-id 3; } }


. 转储元数据,
. 扩大元数据空间,
. 编辑转储文件,
. 加载更改后的元数据。

在未来的版本中,`drbdadm` 将为您提供一个快捷方式;很可能您可以通过使用 `drbdadm resize--peers _N_` ,并让内核为您重写元数据。

==== Preparing and Activating the New Node

首先,您必须在新节点上创建基础存储卷(使用例如 `lvcreate` )。然后,可以用正确的主机名、地址和存储路径填充配置中的占位符。现在将资源配置复制到所有相关节点。


drbdadm create-md <resource>

v09 Magic number not found Writing meta data…​ initialising activity log NOT initializing bitmap New drbd meta data block successfully created.

==== Starting the Initial Synchronization


This is done by defining the network connection on the existing nodes using the command:

drbdadm adjust <resource>

and starting the DRBD device on the new node using the command:

drbdadm up <resource>

==== Check Connectivity

At this time, show the status of your DRBD resource by entering the following command on the new node:

drbdadm status <resource>

Verify that _all_ other nodes are connected.

==== After the Initial Synchronization

只要新主机是 _UpToDate_ 的,配置中的其他节点之一就可以重命名为 `for-later-rebalancing` ,并保留以进行另一次迁移。

NOTE: Perhaps you want to comment the section; although that has the risk that doing a `drbdadm create-md` for a new node has too few bitmap slots for the next rebalancing. +
It might be easier to use a reserved (unused) IP address and host name.


drbdadm adjust <resource>


==== Cleaning Up


drbdsetup down <resource>

IMPORTANT: Use a `drbdsetup` command rather than a `drbdadm` command to down the resource because you cannot use `drbdadm` to down a resource that is no longer in the configuration file.

Now the lower level storage device isn't used anymore, and can either be re-used for other purposes or, if it is a logical volume, its space can be returned to the volume group using the `lvremove` command.

==== Conclusion and Further Steps


Then new resources can be configured, as there are enough nodes with free space to achieve 3-way redundancy again.

=== Configuring Quorum

To avoid split brain or diverging data of replicas one has to configure fencing. All the options for fencing rely on redundant communication in the end. That might be in the form of a management network that connects the nodes to the IPMI network interfaces of the peer machines. In case of the crm-fence-peer script it is necessary that Pacemaker's communication stays available when DRBD's network link breaks.

The quorum mechanism, however, takes a completely different approach. The basic idea is that a cluster partition may only modify the replicated data set if the number of nodes that can communicate is greater than half of the overall number of nodes. A node of such a partition _has quorum_. However, a node that does not have quorum needs to guarantee that the replicated data set is not touched, so that the node does not create a diverging data set.

通过将 `quorum` 资源选项设置为 `majority` 、`all` 或某个数值,可以启用DRBD中的仲裁实现。其中 `majority` 就是上一段中描述的行为。

==== Guaranteed Minimal Redundancy

By default every node with a disk gets a vote in the quorum election. That is, only diskless nodes do not count. So a partition with two _Inconsistent_ disks gets quorum, while a partition with one _UpToDate_ node will have quorum in a 3 node cluster. By configuring `quorum-minimum-redundancy` this behavior can be changed so that only nodes that are `UpToDate` have a vote in the quorum election. The option takes the same arguments as the `quorum` option.


考虑以下5节点集群的示例。它要求一个分区至少有3个节点,其中两个必须是 `UpToDate`:

resource quorum-demo { options { quorum majority; quorum-minimum-redundancy 2; …​ } }

==== Actions on Loss of Quorum

When a node that is running the service loses quorum it needs to cease write-operations on the data set immediately. That means that I/O immediately starts to complete all I/O requests with errors. Usually that means that a graceful shutdown is not possible, since that would require more modifications to the data set. The I/O errors propagate from the block level to the file system and from the file system to the user space application(s).

Ideally the application simply terminates in case of I/O errors. This then allows Pacemaker to unmount the filesystem and to demote the DRBD resource to secondary role. If that is true you should set the `on-no-quorum` resource option to `io-error`. Here is an example:

resource quorum-demo { options { quorum majority; on-no-quorum io-error; …​ } }

If your application does not terminate on the first I/O error, you can choose to freeze I/O instead and to reboot the node. Here is a configuration example:

resource quorum-demo { options { quorum majority; on-no-quorum suspend-io; …​ }

  handlers {
    quorum-lost "echo b > /proc/sysrq-trigger";
==== Using a Diskless Node as a Tiebreaker

A diskless node with connections to all nodes in a cluster can be used to break ties in the quorum negotiation process.







在这种情况下,当主节点和辅助节点失去连接时,它们仍然可以 "看到" 无盘分层断路器。因此,主磁盘可以继续工作,而次磁盘将其磁盘降级为过期磁盘,因此无法在那里迁移服务。




In this case, the tiebreaker node forms a partition with the primary node. The primary therefore keeps quorum, while the secondary becomes outdated. Note that the secondary's disk state will be "UpToDate", but regardless it cannot be promoted to primary because it lacks quorum.



在这种情况下,主服务器将变得不可用,并进入 "quorum suspended" 状态。这有效地导致应用程序在DRBD之上接收I/O错误。然后,集群管理器可以将节点B提升为主节点,并使服务在那里运行。

如果无盘分层断路器 "切换侧",则需要避免数据发散。考虑这个场景:





Examining another scenario:


Here, the application is running on the primary, while the secondary is unavailable. Then, the tiebreaker first loses connection to the primary, and then reconnects to the secondary. It is important to note here that *a node that has lost quorum cannot regain quorum by connecting to a diskless node*. Therefore, in this case, no node has quorum and the cluster halts.

==== Last Man Standing

It needs to be mentioned that nodes that leave a cluster gracefully are counted differently from failed nodes. In this context _leaving gracefully_ means that the leaving node marked its data as Outdated, and that it was able to tell the remaining nodes that its data is Outdated.

在所有磁盘都已过期的节点组中,该组中的任何人都无法升级到主角色 footnote:[例外情况是使用--force标志进行手动升级。我们假设使用--force的人知道他在做什么]。

An implication is that, if one node remains in a cluster where all the other nodes left gracefully, the remaining node can keep quorum. However, if any of the other nodes left ungracefully, the remaining node must assume that the departed nodes could form a partition and have access to up-to-date data.

=== Removing DRBD

For the unlikely case that you want to remove DRBD, here are the necessary steps.

. Stop the services and unmount the filesystems on top of the DRBD volumes. In case you are using a cluster manager, verify that it ceases to control the services first.
. Stop the DRBD resource(s) by using `drbdadm down <res>` or `drbdadm down all`
.. In case the DRBD resource was using internal meta-data you might choose to resize the filesystem to cover all of the backing device's space. This step effectively removes DRBD's meta-data. This is an action that can not be reversed easily. You can do that with `resize2fs <backing_dev>` for ext[234] family of file systems. It supports resizing of unmounted filesystem and under certain conditions also online grow. XFS can be grown online only with the `xfs_growfs` command.
. Mount the backing device(s) directly, start the services on top of them
. Unload the DRBD kernel driver modules with `rmmod drbd_transport_tcp` and `rmmod drbd`.
. Uninstall the DRBD software packages.

//- list divider. Keep it otherwise next included section is interpreted as list element
== 使用DRBD代理

=== DRBD Proxy Deployment Considerations

<<s-drbd-proxy,DRBD Proxy>>进程可以直接位于设置drbd的机器上,也可以放置在不同的专用服务器上。一个DRBD代理实例可以作为分布在多个节点上的多个DRBD设备的代理。

DRBD Proxy is completely transparent to DRBD. Typically you will expect a high number of data packets in flight, therefore the activity log should be reasonably large. Since this may cause longer re-sync runs after the failure of a primary node, it is recommended to enable the DRBD `csums-alg` setting.


The DRBD Proxy 3 uses several kernel features that are only available since 2.6.26, so running it on older systems (for example, RHEL 5) is not possible. Here we can still provide DRBD Proxy 1 packages, thoughfootnote:[The v1 uses a different scheduling model and will therefore not reach the same performance as v3; so even if your production setup is still RHEL 5, perhaps you can run one RHEL 6/7 VM in each data center?].

=== Installing DRBD Proxy

To obtain DRBD Proxy, please contact your LINBIT sales representative. Unless instructed otherwise, please always use the most recent DRBD Proxy release.

要在基于Debian和Debian的系统上安装DRBD Proxy,请使用dpkg工具,如下所示(用DRBD Proxy版本替换版本,用目标体系结构替换体系结构):

dpkg -i drbd-proxy_3.2.2_amd64.deb

To install DRBD Proxy on RPM based systems (like SLES or RHEL) use the RPM tool as follows (replace version with your DRBD Proxy version, and architecture with your target architecture):

rpm -i drbd-proxy-3.2.2-1.x86_64.rpm


This will install the DRBD Proxy binaries as well as an init script which usually goes into `/etc/init.d`. Please always use the init script to start/stop DRBD proxy since it also configures DRBD Proxy using the `drbdadm` tool.

=== License File

When obtaining a license from LINBIT, you will be sent a DRBD Proxy license file which is required to run DRBD Proxy. The file is called `drbd-proxy.license`, it must be copied into the `/etc` directory of the target machines, and be owned by the user/group `drbdpxy`.

cp drbd-proxy.license /etc/

=== Configuring DRBD Proxy Using LINSTOR

DRBD Proxy can be configured using LINSTOR as described in the link:https://linbit.com/drbd-user-guide/linstor-guide-1_0-en/[_LINSTOR User's Guide_].

=== Configuring DRBD Proxy Using Resource Files

DRBD Proxy can also be configured by editing resource files. It is configured by an additional section called `proxy` and additional `proxy on` sections within the host sections.


[source, drbd]

resource r0 { protocol A; device /dev/drbd15; disk /dev/VG/r0; meta-disk internal;

proxy {
	memlimit 512M;
	plugin {
		zlib level 9;
on alice {
	proxy on alice {
	on bob {
		proxy on bob {
`inside` IP地址用于DRBD和DRBD代理之间的通信,而 `outside` IP地址用于代理之间的通信。后一个通道可能必须在防火墙设置中被允许。

=== 控制DRBD代理

`drbdadm` 提供了 `proxy-up` 和 `proxy-down` 子命令,用于配置或删除与命名DRBD资源的本地DRBD代理进程的连接。这些命令由 `/etc/init.d/drbdproxy` 实现的 `start` 和 `stop` 操作使用。

DRBD代理有一个低级的配置工具,称为 `drbd-proxy-ctl`。在没有任何选项的情况下调用时,它以交互模式运行。

要避免交互模式,直接传递命令,请在命令后面使用 `-c` 参数。


drbd-proxy-ctl -c “help”


Here is a list of commands; while the first few ones are typically only used indirectly (via `drbdadm proxy-up` resp. `drbdadm proxy-down`), the latter ones give various status information.

`add connection _<name>_ _lots of arguments_`:: 创建通信路径。由于这是通过 `drbdadm proxy-up` 运行的,因此这里省略了长参数列表。

`del connection  _<name>_`:: 删除通信路径。

`set memlimit _<name>_ _<memlimit-in-bytes>_`:: Sets the memory limit for a connection; this can only be done when setting it up afresh, changing it during runtime is not possible. This command understands the usual units `k`, `M`, and `G`.

`show`:: 显示当前配置的通信路径。

`show memusage`:: Shows memory usage of each connection. For example, the following commands monitors memory usage:

watch -n 1 ‘drbd-proxy-ctl -c “show memusage”‘

IMPORTANT: The quotes around `show memusage` are required.

`show [h]subconnections`:: 显示当前建立的个人连接以及一些统计信息。`h` 选项以可读格式输出字节。

`show [h]connections`:: Shows currently configured connections and their states With `h` outputs bytes in human readable format. The `Status` column will show one of these states:
* _Off_:与远程DRBD代理进程没有通信。
* _Half-up_: 可以建立到远程DRBD代理的连接;Proxy => DRBD路径尚未启动。
* _DRBD-conn_: The first few packets are being pushed across the connection; but still for example a Split-Brain situation might serve it again.
* _Up_: DRBD连接已完全建立。

`shutdown`:: Shuts down the `drbd-proxy` program.
WARNING: This unconditionally terminates any DRBD connections that are using the DRBD proxy.

`quit`:: 退出客户端程序(关闭控制连接),但保留DRBD代理运行。

`print statistics`:: This prints detailed statistics for the currently active connections, in a format that can be easily parsed. Use this for integration to your monitoring solution!
NOTE: While the commands above are only accepted from UID 0 (that is, the `root` user), this one can be used by any user (provided that UNIX permissions allow access on the proxy socket at `/var/run/drbd-proxy/drbd-proxy-ctl.socket`). Refer to the init script at `/etc/init.d/drbdproxy` about setting the permissions.

=== About DRBD Proxy Plugins

Since DRBD Proxy version 3 the proxy allows to enable a few specific plugins for the WAN connection. The currently available plugins are `zstd`, `lz4`, `zlib`, and `lzma` (all software compression).

`zstd` (Zstandard) is a real-time compression algorithm, providing high compression ratios. It offers a very wide range of compression / speed trade-off, while being backed by a very fast decoder. Compression rates are dependent on "level" parameter which can be arranged between 1 to
22. Over level 20, DRBD Proxy will require more memory.

`lz4` 是一种非常快速的压缩算法;数据通常被压缩1:2到1:4,可以节省一半到三分之二的带宽。

The `zlib` plugin uses the GZIP algorithm for compression; it uses a bit more CPU than `lz4`, but gives a ratio of 1:3 to 1:5.

The `lzma` plugin uses the `liblzma2` library. It can use dictionaries of several hundred MiB; these allow for very efficient delta-compression of repeated data, even for small changes. `lzma` needs much more CPU and memory, but results in much better compression than `zlib` -- real-world tests with a VM sitting on top of DRBD gave ratios of 1:10 to 1:40. The `lzma` plugin has to be enabled in your license.

Contact LINBIT to find the best settings for your environment - it depends on the CPU (speed, number of threads), available memory, input and available output bandwidth, and expected I/O spikes. Having a week of `sysstat` data already available helps in determining the configuration, too.

NOTE: Older `compression on` in the `proxy` section is deprecated, and will be removed in a future release. Currently it is treated as `zlib level 9`.

==== Using a WAN-side Bandwidth Limit

The experimental `bwlimit` option of DRBD Proxy is broken. Do not use it, as it may cause applications on DRBD to block on I/O. It will be removed.


In the following example you would need to replace the interface name, the source port and the IP address of the peer.

tc qdisc add dev eth0 root handle 1: htb default 1

tc class add dev eth0 parent 1: classid 1:1 htb rate 1gbit

tc class add dev eth0 parent 1:1 classid 1:10 htb rate 500kbit

tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1: protocol ip prio 16 u32 \

        match ip sport 7000 0xffff \
        match ip dst flowid 1:10
# tc filter add dev eth0 parent 1: protocol ip prio 16 u32 \
        match ip dport 7000 0xffff \
        match ip dst flowid 1:10
You can remove this bandwidth limitation with:

tc qdisc del dev eth0 root handle 1

=== 故障排除

DRBD Proxy logs events through syslog using the `LOG_DAEMON` facility. Usually you will find DRBD Proxy events in `/var/log/daemon.log`.

可以使用以下命令在DRBD Proxy中启用调试模式。

drbd-proxy-ctl -c ‘set loglevel debug’

例如,如果代理连接失败,它将记录类似 `Rejecting connection because I can't connect on the other side` 的内容。在这种情况下,请检查两个节点上的DRBD是否都在运行(不是独立模式),以及两个代理是否都在运行。还要仔细检查您的配置。

== Troubleshooting and Error Recovery

This chapter describes tasks to be performed in case of hardware or system failures.

=== Getting Information About DRBD Error Codes

DRBD and the DRBD administrative tool, `drbdadm`, return POSIX error codes. If you need to get more information about a specific error code number, you can use the following command, provided that Perl is installed in your environment. For example, to get information about error code number 11, enter:

perl -e ‘print $! = 11, “\n”‘

Resource temporarily unavailable

=== Dealing with Hard Disk Failure

indexterm:[hard disk failure]indexterm:[disk failure]How to deal with hard disk failure depends on the way DRBD is configured to handle disk I/O errors (see <<s-handling-disk-errors>>), and on the type of metadata configured (see <<s-metadata>>).

For the most part, the steps described here apply only if you run DRBD directly on top of physical hard disks. They generally do not apply in case you are running DRBD layered on top of

* an MD software RAID set (in this case, use `mdadm` to manage disk replacement),
* 设备映射器RAID(使用 `dmraid` ),
* a hardware RAID appliance (follow the vendor's instructions on how to deal with failed disks),
* 一些非标准设备映射器虚拟块设备(请参阅设备映射器文档)。

==== Manually Detaching DRBD from Your Hard Disk

indexterm:[drbdadm,detach]如果DRBD是<<fp-io-error-pass-on,configured to pass on I/O errors>>(不推荐),则必须首先分离DRBD资源,即,将其与其备份存储解除关联:

drbdadm detach <resource>

通过运行 `drbdadm status` 或 `drbdadm dstate` 命令,您现在可以验证资源是否现在处于indexterm:[diskless mode]indexterm:[diskless(disk state)]indexterm:[disk state,diskless] _diskless mode_:

drbdadm status <resource>

<resource> role:Primary volume:0 disk:Diskless <peer> role:Secondary volume:0 peer-disk:UpToDate # drbdadm dstate <resource> Diskless/UpToDate

If the disk failure has occurred on your primary node, you may combine this step with a switch-over operation.

==== Automatically Detaching on I/O Error

如果DRBD是<<fp-io-error-detach,configured to automatically detach upon I/O error>>时自动分离(推荐选项),DRBD应该已经自动将资源从其备份存储中分离,而无需手动干预。您仍然可以使用 `drbdadm status` 命令来验证资源实际上是在无盘模式下运行的。

==== Replacing a Failed Disk When Using Internal Metadata

If using <<s-internal-meta-data,internal metadata>>, it is sufficient to bind the DRBD device to the new hard disk. If the new hard disk has to be addressed by another Linux device name than the defective disk, the DRBD configuration file has to be modified accordingly.

This process involves creating a new metadata set, then reattaching the resource: indexterm:[drbdadm, create-md]

drbdadm create-md <resource>

v08 Magic number not found Writing meta data…​ initialising activity log NOT initializing bitmap New drbd meta data block successfully created.

drbdadm attach <resource>

Full synchronization of the new hard disk starts instantaneously and automatically. You will be able to monitor the synchronization's progress using the `drbdadm status --verbose` command, as with any background synchronization.

==== Replacing a Failed Disk When Using External Metadata

When using <<s-external-meta-data,external metadata>>, the procedure is basically the same. However, DRBD is not able to recognize independently that the hard disk was swapped, therefore an additional step is required.

drbdadm create-md <resource>

v08 Magic number not found Writing meta data…​ initialising activity log NOT initializing bitmap New drbd meta data block successfully created.

drbdadm attach <resource>

drbdadm invalidate <resource>

WARNING: Be sure to run `drbdadm invalidate` on the node __*without*__ good data; this command will cause the local contents to be overwritten with data from the peers, so running this command on the wrong node might lose data!

Here, the `drbdadm invalidate` command triggers synchronization. Again, sync progress may be observed using the `drbdadm status --verbose` command.

=== Dealing with Node Failure

indexterm:[node failure]When DRBD detects that its peer node is down (either by true hardware failure or manual intervention), DRBD changes its connection state from _Connected_ to _Connecting_ and waits for the peer node to reappear. The DRBD resource is then said to operate in _disconnected mode_. In disconnected mode, the resource and its associated block device are fully usable, and may be promoted and demoted as necessary, but no block modifications are being replicated to the peer node. Instead, DRBD stores which blocks are being modified while disconnected, on a per-peer basis.

==== Dealing with Temporary Secondary Node Failure

indexterm:[node failure]如果当前具有次要角色中的资源的节点暂时出现故障(例如,由于随后通过替换RAM纠正的内存问题),则无需进一步干预-除了修复故障节点并使其重新联机的明显必要性之外。当这种情况发生时,两个节点只需在系统启动时重新建立连接。在此之后,DRBD将同时在主节点上所做的所有修改同步到辅助节点。

IMPORTANT: At this point, due to the nature of DRBD's re-synchronization algorithm, the resource is briefly inconsistent on the secondary node. During that short time window, the secondary node can not switch to the Primary role if the peer is unavailable. Therefore, the period in which your cluster is not redundant consists of the actual secondary node down time, plus the subsequent re-synchronization.

Please note that with DRBD 9 more than two nodes can be connected for each resource. So, for example, in the case of four nodes, a single failing secondary still leaves two other secondaries available for failover.

==== Dealing with Temporary Primary Node Failure

indexterm:[node failure]从DRBD的角度来看,主节点的故障几乎等同于次节点的故障。幸存节点检测到对等节点的故障,并切换到断开模式。DRBD不会将幸存节点提升为主要角色;集群管理应用程序有责任这样做。

When the failed node is repaired and returns to the cluster, it does so in the secondary role, therefore, as outlined in the previous section, no further manual intervention is necessary. Again, DRBD does not change the resource role back, it is up to the cluster manager to do so (if so configured).


==== Dealing with Permanent Node Failure

indexterm:[node failure]如果节点遇到不可恢复的问题或永久性破坏,则必须执行以下步骤:

* 将出现故障的硬件替换为具有类似性能和磁盘容量的硬件。
NOTE: 可以用性能较差的节点替换出现故障的节点,但不建议这样做。不支持将出现故障的节点替换为磁盘容量较小的节点,这将导致DRBD拒绝连接到被替换的节点footnote:[无论如何,它无法复制数据!].

* 安装基本系统和应用程序。
* 安装DRBD并从一个幸存的节点复制 `/etc/drbd.conf` 和所有 `/etc/drbd.d/` 文件。
* Follow the steps outlined in <<ch-configure>>, but stop short of <<s-initial-full-sync>>.

Manually starting a full device synchronization is not necessary at this point. The synchronization will commence automatically upon connection to the surviving primary or secondary node(s), or both.

=== Manual Split Brain Recovery

indexterm:[split brain]DRBD在连接再次可用且对等节点交换初始DRBD协议握手时检测到split brain。如果DRBD检测到这两个节点(或者在某个点上,在断开连接的情况下)都处于主角色中,它会立即断开复制连接。这是一条类似以下信息的信号,显示在系统日志中:

Split-Brain detected, dropping connection!

检测到裂脑后,一个节点的资源将始终处于indexterm:[StandAlone (connection state)]indexterm:[connection state] _StandAlone_ 连接状态。另一个节点也可能处于 _StandAlone_ 状态(如果两个节点同时检测到裂脑),或者处于indexterm:[Connecting (connection state)]indexterm:[connection state] _Connecting_(如果对等节点在另一个节点有机会检测到裂脑之前断开了连接)。

此时,除非您将DRBD配置为自动从裂脑恢复,否则必须通过选择一个将放弃其修改的节点(该节点称为indexterm:[split brain]_split brain victim_)进行手动干预。使用以下命令进行干预:

The split brain victim needs to be in the connection state of
_StandAlone_ or the following commands will return an error.
You can ensure it is standalone by issuing:

drbdadm disconnect <resource>


drbdadm disconnect <resource>

drbdadm secondary <resource>

drbdadm connect –discard-my-data <resource>

在另一个节点(indexterm:[split brain]_split brain survivor_)上,如果其连接状态也是 _StandAlone_ 的,则输入:

drbdadm disconnect <resource>

drbdadm connect <resource>

如果节点已处于 _Connecting_ 状态,则可以省略此步骤;然后将自动重新连接。

连接后,裂脑受害者立即将其连接状态更改为 _SyncTarget_,并由其他节点覆盖其修改。

NOTE: 裂脑受害者不受全设备同步的影响。取而代之的是,它的局部修改被回滚,对裂脑幸存者所做的任何修改都会传播给受害者。


=== Recovering a Primary Node that Lost Quorum

IMPORTANT: The following instructions apply to cases where the DRBD on-loss-of-quorum action has been set to suspend I/O operations. In cases where the action has been set to generate I/O errors, the instructions are unnecessary.

The DRBD administration tool, `drbdadm`, includes a force secondary option, `secondary --force`. If DRBD quorum was configured to suspend DRBD resource I/O operations upon loss of quorum, the force secondary option will allow you to gracefully recover the node that lost quorum and reintegrate it with the other nodes.


- DRBD version 9.1.7 or newer

- `drbd-utils` version 9.21 or newer

You can use the command `drbdadm secondary --force <all|resource_name>` to demote a primary node to secondary, in cases where you are trying to recover a primary node that lost quorum. The argument to this command can be either a single DRBD resource name or `all` to demote the node to a secondary role for all its DRBD resources.

By using this command on the primary node that lost quorum with suspended I/O operations, all the suspended I/O requests and newly submitted I/O requests will terminate with I/O errors. You can then usually unmount the file system and reconnect the node to the other nodes in your cluster. An edge case is a file system opener that does not do any I/O and just idles around. Such processes need to be removed manually before unmounting will succeed or with the help of external tools such as `fuser -k`, or the OCF file system resource agent in clustered setups.

Along with the DRBD administration tool's force secondary option, you can also add the `on-suspended-primary-outdated` option to a DRBD resource configuration file and set it to the keyword value `force-secondary`. You will also need to add the resource role conflict (`rr-conflict`) option to the DRBD resource configuration file's `net` section, and set it to `retry-connect`. This enables DRBD to automatically recover a primary node that loses quorum with suspended I/O operations. With these options configured, when such a node connects to a cluster partition that has a more recent data set, DRBD automatically demotes the primary node that lost quorum and has suspended I/O operations. Additional configurations, for example in a `handlers` section of the resource configuration file, as well as additional configurations within a cluster manager, may also be necessary to complete a fully automatic recovery setup.

Settings within a DRBD resource configuration file's `options` section that cover this scenario could look like this:

resource <resource_name> { net { rr-conflict retry-connect;


options { quorum majority; # or explicit value on-no-quorum suspend-io; on-no-data-accessible suspend-io; on-suspended-primary-outdated force-secondary;



= DRBD-enabled Applications

== DRBD Reactor

indexterm2:[DRBD Reactor] is a daemon that monitors DRBD events and reacts to them. DRBD Reactor has various potential uses, from monitoring DRBD resources and metrics, to creating failover clusters to providing highly available services that you would usually need to configure using complex cluster managers.

=== Installing DRBD Reactor

DRBD Reactor can be installed from source files found within https://github.com/LINBIT/drbd-reactor[the project's GitHub repository]. See the instructions there for details and any prerequisites.

Alternatively, LINBIT customers can install DRBD Reactor from prebuilt packages, available from LINBIT's `drbd-9` packages repository.

Once installed, you can verify DRBD Reactor's version number by using the `drbd-reactor --version` command.

=== DRBD Reactor's Components

Because DRBD Reactor has many different uses, it was split into two components: a core component and a plugin component.

==== DRBD Reactor Core

DRBD Reactor’s core component is responsible for collecting DRBD events, preparing them, and sending them to the DRBD Reactor plugins.

The core can be reloaded with an all new or an additional, updated configuration. It can stop plugin instances no longer required and start new plugin threads without losing DRBD events. Last but not least, the core has to ensure that plugins receive an initial and complete DRBD state.

==== DRBD Reactor 插件

Plugins provide DRBD Reactor with its functionality and there are different plugins for different uses. A plugin receives messages from the core component and acts upon DRBD resources based on the message content and according to the plugin’s type and configuration.

Plugins can be instantiated multiple times, so there can be multiple instances of every plugin type. So, for example, numerous plugin instances could provide high-availability in a cluster, one per DRBD resource.

==== The Promoter Plugin

The promoter plugin is arguably DRBD Reactor's most important and useful feature. You can use it to create failover clusters hosting highly available services more easily than using other more complex cluster resource managers (CRMs). If you want to get started quickly, you can finish reading this section, then skip to <<s-drbd-reactor-promoter-plugin-configuring>>. You can then try the instructions in the <<s-drbd-reactor-creating-a-ha-file-system-mount>> section for an example exercise.

The promoter plugin monitors events on DRBD resources and executes systemd units. This plugin allows DRBD Reactor to provide failover functionality to a cluster to create high-availability deployments. You can use DRBD Reactor and its promoter plugin as a replacement for other CRMs, such as Pacemaker, in many scenarios where its lightness and its configuration simplicity offer advantages.

For example, you can use the promoter plugin to configure fully automatic recovery of isolated primary nodes. Furthermore, there is no need for a separate communication layer (such as Corosync), because DRBD and DRBD Reactor (used as the CRM) will always agree on the quorum status of nodes.

A disadvantage to the promoter plugin when compared to a CRM such as Pacemaker is that it is not possible to create order constraints that are independent of colocations. For example, if a web service and a database run on different nodes, Pacemaker can constrain the web service to start after the database. DRBD Reactor and its promoter plugin cannot.

===== How the Promoter Plugin Works

The promoter plugin’s main function is that if a DRBD device can be promoted, promote it to _Primary_ and start a set of user-defined services. This could be a series of services, such as:

. Promote the DRBD device.
. Mount the device to a mount point.
. Start a database that uses a database located at the mount point.

If a resource loses quorum, DRBD Reactor stops these services so that another node that still has quorum (or the node that lost quorum when it has quorum again) can start the services.

The promoter plugin also supports Open Cluster Framework (OCF) resource agents and failure actions such as rebooting a node if a resource fails to demote, so that the resource can promote on another node.

==== The User Mode Helper (UMH) Plugin

Using this plugin and its domain specific language (DSL), you can execute a script if an event you define occurs. For example, you can run a script that sends a Slack message whenever a DRBD resource loses connection.

This functionality has existed before in DRBD with “user-defined helper scripts” in “kernel space”. However, DRBD Reactor, including the UMH plugin, can be executed in “user space”. This allows for easier container deployments and use with “read-only” host file systems such as those found within container distributions.

Using UMH plugins also provides a benefit beyond what was previously possible using user defined helper scripts: Now you can define your own rules for all the events that are possible for a DRBD resource. You are no longer limited to only the few events that there are event handlers in the kernel for.

UMH plugin scripts can be of two types:

- *User-defined filters*. These are “one-shot” UMH scripts where an event happens that triggers
  the script.

- *Kernel called helper replacements*. This type of script is currently under development. These
  are UMH scripts that require communication to and from the kernel. An event triggers the
  script but an action within the script requires the kernel to communicate back to the script
  so that the script can take a next action, based on the failure or success of the kernel’s
  action. An example of such a script would be a `before-resync-target` activated script.

==== The Prometheus Monitoring Plugin

This plugin provides a https://prometheus.io/[Prometheus] compatible endpoint that exposes various DRBD metrics, including out-of-sync bytes, resource roles (for example, _Primary_), and connection states (for example, _Connected_). This information can then be used in every monitoring solution that supports Prometheus endpoints. The full set of metrics and an example Grafana dashboard are available at the https://github.com/LINBIT/drbd-reactor/blob/master/doc/prometheus.md[DRBD Reactor GitHub repository].

==== The AgentX Plugin for SNMP Monitoring

This plugin acts as an AgentX subagent for SNMP to expose various DRBD metrics, for example, to monitor DRBD resources via SNMP. AgentX is a standardized protocol that can be used between the SNMP daemon and a subagent, such as the AgentX plugin in DRBD Reactor.

The DRBD metrics that this plugin exposes to the SNMP daemon are shown in https://github.com/LINBIT/drbd-reactor/blob/master/doc/agentx.md#metrics[the project's source code repository].

=== Configuring DRBD Reactor

Before you can run DRBD Reactor, you must configure it. Global configurations are made within a main TOML configuration file, which should be created here: `/etc/drbd-reactor.toml`. The file has to be a valid TOML (https://toml.io) file. Plugin configurations should be made within snippet files that can be placed into the default DRBD Reactor snippets directory, `/etc/drbd-reactor.d`, or into another directory if specified in the main configuration file. An https://github.com/LINBIT/drbd-reactor/blob/master/example/drbd-reactor.toml[example configuration file] can be found in the `example` directory of the DRBD Reactor GitHub repository.

For documentation purposes only, the example configuration file mentioned above contains example plugin configurations. However, for deployment, plugin configurations should always be made within snippet files.

==== Configuring DRBD Reactor's Core

DRBD Reactor’s core configuration file consists of global settings and log level settings.

Global settings include specifying a snippets directory, specifying a statistics update polling time period, as well as specifying a path to a log file. You can also set the log level within the configuration file to one of: trace, debug, info, warn, error, off. “Info” is the default log level.

See the `drbd-reactor.toml` man page for the syntax of these settings.

==== Configuring DRBD Reactor Plugins

You configure DRBD Reactor plugins by editing TOML formatted snippet files. Every plugin can specify an ID (`id`) in its configuration section. On a DRBD Reactor daemon reload, started plugins that are still present in the new configuration keep running. Plugins without an ID get stopped and restarted if still present in the new configuration.

IMPORTANT: For plugins without an ID, every DRBD Reactor service reload is a restart.

==== Configuring the Promoter Plugin

You will typically have one snippet file for each DRBD resource that you want DRBD Reactor and the promoter plugin to watch and manage.

Here is an example promoter plugin configuration snippet:

[promoter.resources.my_drbd_resource] <1> dependencies-as = “Requires” <2> target-as = “Requires” <3> start = [“path-to-my-file-system-mount.mount”, “foo.service”] <4> on-drbd-demote-failure = “reboot” <5> secondary-force = true <6> preferred-nodes = [“nodeA”, “nodeB”] <7>

<1> "my_drbd_resource" specifies the name of the DRBD resource that DRBD Reactor and the promoter plugin should watch and manage.

<2> Specifies the systemd dependency type to generate inter-service dependencies as.

<3> Specifies the systemd dependency type to generate service dependencies in the final target unit.

<4> `start` specifies what should be started when the watched DRBD resource is promotable. In this example, the promoter plugin would start a file system mount unit and a service unit.

<5> Specifies the action to take if a DRBD resource fails to demote, for example, after a loss of quorum event. In such a case, an action should be taken on the node that fails to demote that will trigger some "self-fencing" of the node and cause another node to promote. Actions can be one of: reboot, reboot-force, reboot-immediate, poweroff, poweroff-force, poweroff-immediate, exit, exit-force.

<6> If a node loses quorum, DRBD Reactor will try to demote the node to a secondary role. If the resource was configured to suspend I/O operations upon loss of quorum, this setting specifies whether or not to demote the node to a secondary role using `drbdadm`'s force secondary feature. See the <<s-force-secondary>> section of the DRBD User's Guide for more details. "true" is the default option if this setting is not specified. It is specified here for illustrative purposes.

<7> If set, resources are started on the preferred nodes, in the specified order, if possible.

===== Specifying a Promoter Start List Service String Spanning Multiple Lines

For formatting or readability reasons, it is possible to split a long service string across multiple lines within a promoter plugin snippet file's start list of services. You can do this by using https://toml.io/en/v1.0.0#string[TOML syntax for multi-line basic strings]. In the following example, the first and third service strings in a promoter plugin's start list are split across multiple lines. A backslash (\) at the end of a line within a multi-line basic string ensures that a newline character is not inserted between lines within the string.

start = [ “”” ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem fs_mysql device=/dev/drbd1001 \ directory=/var/lib/mysql fstype=ext4 run_fsck=no”””, “mariadb.service”, “””ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 db_virtip ip= \ cidr_netmask=24 iflabel=virtualip””” ]

TIP: You can also use this technique to split up long strings within other plugin snippet files.

===== Configuring Resource Freezing

Starting with DRBD Reactor version 0.9.0, you can configure the promoter plugin to "freeze" a resource that DRBD Reactor is controlling, rather than stopping it when a currently active node loses quorum. DRBD Reactor can then "thaw" the resource when the node regains quorum and becomes active, rather than having to restart the resource if it was stopped.

While in most cases the default stop and start behavior will be preferred, the freeze and thaw configuration could be useful for a resource that takes a long time to start, for example, a resource that includes services such as a large database. If a _Primary_ node loses quorum in such a cluster, and the remaining nodes are unable to form a partition with quorum, freezing the resource could be useful, especially if the _Primary_ node's loss of quorum was momentary, for example due to a brief network issue. When the formerly _Primary_ node with a frozen resource reconnects with its peer nodes, the node would again become _Primary_ and DRBD Reactor would thaw the resource. The result of this behavior could be that the resource is again available in seconds, rather than minutes, because the resource did not have to start from a stopped state, it only had to resume from a frozen one.

====== Requirements:

Before configuring the promoter plugin's freeze feature for a resource, you will need:

* A system that uses https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/admin-guide/cgroup-v2.html[cgroup v2], implementing unified cgroups. You can verify this by the presence of `/sys/fs/cgroup/cgroup.controllers` on your system. If this is not present, and your kernel supports it, you should be able to add the kernel command line argument `systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=1` to enable this feature.
NOTE: This should only be relevant for RHEL 8, Ubuntu 20.04, and earlier versions.

* The following DRBD options configured for the resource:
	** `on-no-quorum` set to `suspend-io`;
	** `on-no-data-accessible` set to `suspend-io`;
	** `on-suspended-primary` set to `force-secondary`;
	** `rr-conflict` (`net` option) set to `retry-connect`.

* A resource that can "tolerate" freezing and thawing. You can test how your resource (and any applications that rely on the resource) respond to freezing and thawing by using the `systemctl freeze <systemd_unit>`, and the `systemctl thaw <systemd_unit>` commands. Here you specify the systemd unit or units that correspond to the start list of services within the promoter plugin's configuration. You can use these commands to test how your applications behave, after services that they depend on are frozen and thawed.
IMPORTANT: If you are unsure whether your resource and applications will tolerate freezing, then it is safer to keep the default stop and start behavior.

To configure resource freezing, add the following line to your DRBD Reactor resource's promoter plugin snippet file:

on-quorum-loss = “freeze”

===== Using OCF Resource Agents with the Promoter Plugin

You can also configure the promoter plugin to use OCF resource agents in the `start` list of services.

NOTE: If you have a LINBIT customer or evaluation account, you can install the `resource-agents` package available in LINBIT's `drbd-9` package repository to install a suite of open source resource agent scripts, including the "Filesystem" OCF resource agent.

The syntax for specifying an OCF resource agent as a service within a `start` list is `ocf:$vendor:$agent instance-id [key=value key=value ...]`. Here, `instance-id` is user-defined and `key=value` pairs, if specified, are passed as environment variables to the created systemd unit file. For example:

start = [“ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 ip_mysql ip= cidr_netmask=16”]

IMPORTANT: The promoter plugin expects OCF resource agents in the `/usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/` directory.

===== When to Use systemd Mount Units and OCF Filesystem Resource Agents

Almost all scenarios that you might use DRBD Reactor and its promoter plugin will likely involve a file system mount. If your use case involves a promoter start list of services with other services or applications besides a file system mount, then you should use a systemd mount unit to handle the file system mounting.

However, you should not use a systemd file system mount unit if a file system mount point is the end goal, that is, it would be the last service in your promoter plugin start list of services. Instead, use an OCF Filesystem resource agent to handle mounting and unmounting the file system.

In this case, using an OCF resource agent is preferred because the resource agent will be able to escalate the demotion of nodes, by using `kill` actions and other various signals against processes that might be holding the mount point open. For example, there could be a user running an application against a file in the file system that systemd would not know about. In that case, systemd would not be able to unmount the file system and the promoter plugin would not be able to demote the node.

You can find more information in the https://github.com/LINBIT/drbd-reactor/blob/master/doc/promoter.md#ha-involving-file-system-mount-points[DRBD Reactor GitHub documentation].

==== Configuring the User Mode Helper (UMH) Plugin

Configuration for this plugin consists of:

- Rule type
- Command or script to execute
- User-defined environment variables (optional)
- Filters based on DRBD resource name, event type, or state changes

There are four different DRBD types a rule can be defined for: `resource`, `device`, `peerdevice`, or `connection`.

For each rule type, you can configure a command or script to execute using `sh -c` as well as any user-defined environment variables. User-defined environment variables are in addition to the commonly set ones:

- HOME “/”
- TERM “Linux”
- PATH “/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin”

You can also filter UMH rule types by DRBD resource name or event type (exists, create, destroy, or change).

Finally, you can filter the plugin’s action based on DRBD state changes. Filters should be based upon both the old and the new (current) DRBD state, that are reported to the plugin, because you want the plugin to react to changes. This is only possible if two states, old and new, are filtered for, otherwise the plugin might trigger randomly. For example, if you only specified a new (current) DRBD role as a DRBD state to filter for, the plugin might trigger even when the new role is the same as the old DRBD role.

Here is an example UMH plugin configuration snippet for a `resource` rule:

command = “slack.sh $DRBD_RES_NAME on $(uname -n) from $DRBD_OLD_ROLE to $DRBD_NEW_ROLE” event-type = “Change” resource-name = “my-resource” old.role = { operator = “NotEquals”, value = “Primary” } new.role = “Primary”

This example UMH plugin configuration is based on change event messages received from DRBD Reactor’s daemon for the DRBD resource specified by the `resource-name` value `my-resource`.

If the resource’s old role was not _Primary_ and its new (current) role is _Primary_, then a script named `slack.sh` runs with the arguments that follow. As the full path is not specified, the script needs to reside within the commonly set `PATH` environment variable (`/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin`) of the host machine (or container if run that way). Presumably, the script sends a message to a Slack channel informing of the resource role change. Variables specified in the command string value are substituted for based on specified values elsewhere in the plugin's configuration, for example, the value specified by `resource-name` will be substituted for `$DRBD_RES_NAME` when the command runs.

NOTE: The example configuration above uses the specified operator "NotEquals" to evaluate whether or not the `old.role` value of "Primary" was true. If you do not specify an operator, then the default operator is "Equals", as in the `new.role = "Primary"` filter in the example configuration.

There are more rules, fields, filter types, and variables that you can specify in your UMH plugin configurations. See the https://github.com/LINBIT/drbd-reactor/blob/master/doc/umh.md[UMH documentation page] in the DRBD Reactor GitHub repository for more details, explanations, examples, and caveats.

==== Configuring the Prometheus Plugin

This plugin provides a Prometheus compatible HTTP endpoint serving DRBD monitoring metrics, such as the DRBD connection state, whether or not the DRBD device has quorum, number of bytes out of sync, indication of TCP send buffer congestion, and many more. The `drbd-reactor.prometheus` man page has a full list of metrics and more details.

==== Configuring the AgentX Plugin for SNMP Monitoring

Configuring the AgentX plugin involves installing an SNMP management information base (MIB) that defines the DRBD metrics that will be exposed, configuring the SNMP daemon, and editing a DRBD Reactor configuration snippet file for the AgentX plugin.

IMPORTANT: You will need to complete the following setup steps on all your DRBD Reactor nodes.

===== Prerequisites

Before configuring this plugin to expose various DRBD metrics to an SNMP daemon, you will need to install the following packages, if they are not already installed.

For RPM-based systems:

dnf -y install net-snmp net-snmp-utils

For DEB-based systems:

apt -y install snmp snmpd

NOTE: If you encounter errors related to missing MIBs when using SNMP commands against the LINBIT MIB, you will have to download the missing MIBs. You can do this manually or else install the `snmp-mibs-downloader` DEB package.

===== AgentX Firewall Considerations

If you are using a firewall service, you will need to allow TCP traffic via port 705 for the AgentX protocol.

===== Installing the LINBIT DRBD Management Information Base

To use the AgentX plugin, download the LINBIT DRBD MIB to `/usr/share/snmp/mibs`.

curl -L https://github.com/LINBIT/drbd-reactor/raw/master/example/LINBIT-DRBD-MIB.mib \

-o /usr/share/snmp/mibs/LINBIT-DRBD-MIB.mib

===== Configuring the SNMP Daemon

To configure the SNMP service daemon, add the following lines to its configuration file (`/etc/snmp/snmpd.conf`):

add LINBIT ID to the system view and enable agentx

view systemview included . master agentx agentXSocket tcp:

IMPORTANT: Verify that the view name that you use matches a view name that is configured appropriately in the SNMP configuration file. The example above shows `systemview` as the view name used in a RHEL 8 system. For Ubuntu, the view name could be different, for example, in Ubuntu 22.04 it is `systemonly`.

Next, enable and start the service (or restart the service if it was already enabled and running):

systemctl enable –now snmpd.service

===== Editing the AgentX Plugin Configuration Snippet File

The AgentX plugin needs only minimal configuration in a DRBD Reactor snippet file. Edit the configuration snippet file by entering the following command:

drbd-reactorctl edit -t agentx agentx

Then add the following lines:

address = “localhost:705” cache-max = 60 # seconds agent-timeout = 60 # seconds snmpd waits for an answer peer-states = true # include peer connection and disk states

If you use the `drbd-reactorctl edit` command to edit a configuration snippet file, DRBD Reactor will reload the service if needed. If you are copying a previously edited snippet file to another node, you will need to reload the DRBD Reactor service on that node, by entering:

systemctl reload drbd-reactor.service


===== Verifying the AgentX Plugin Operation

Before verifying the AgentX plugin operation, first verify that the SNMP service exposes a standard, preinstalled MIB, by entering the following command:


snmpwalk -Os -c public -v 2c localhost iso.

sysDescr.0 = STRING: Linux linstor-1 5.14.0-284.30.1.el9_2.x86_64 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Fri Aug 25 09:13:12 EDT 2023 x86_64

Next, verify that the AgentX plugin is shown in the output of a `drbd-reactorctl status` command.

/etc/drbd-reactor.d/agentx.toml: AgentX: connecting to main agent at localhost:705

Next, show the LINBIT MIB table structure by entering the following command:

snmptranslate -Tp -IR -mALL linbit

Finally, you can use an `snmptable` command to show a table of the values held in the MIB, particular to your current DRBD setup and resources. The example command below starts showing the values for your DRBD resources at the `enterprises.linbit.1.2` (`enterprises.linbit.drbdData.drbdTable`) object identifier (OID) within the LINBIT MIB.

snmptable -m ALL -v 2c -c public localhost enterprises.linbit.1.2 | less -S

===== Using the AgentX Plugin With LINSTOR

If you are using DRBD Reactor and its AgentX plugin to work with LINSTOR(R)-created DRBD resources, note that these DRBD resources will start from minor number 1000, rather than 1. So, for example, to get the DRBD resource name of the first LINSTOR-created resource on a particular node, enter the following command:

snmpget -m ALL -v 2c -c public localhost .

LINBIT-DRBD-MIB::ResourceName.1000 = STRING: linstor_db

=== Using the DRBD Reactor CLI Utility

You can use the DRBD Reactor CLI utility, `drbd-reactorctl`, to control the DRBD Reactor daemon and its plugins.

IMPORTANT: This utility only operates on plugin snippets. Any existing plugin configurations in the main configuration file (not advised nor supported) should be moved to snippet files within the snippets directory.

With the `drbd-reactorctl` utility, you can:

- Get the status of the DRBD Reactor daemon and enabled plugins, by using the `drbd-reactorctl status` command.

- Edit an existing or create a new plugin configuration, by using the `drbd-reactorctl edit -t <plugin_type> <plugin_file>` command.

- Display the TOML configuration of a given plugin, by using the `drbd-reactorctl cat <plugin_file>` command.

- Enable or disable a plugin, by using the `drbd-reactorctl enable|disable <plugin_file>` command.

- Evict a promoter plugin resource from the node, by using the `drbd-reactorctl evict <plugin_file>` command.

- Restart specified plugins (or the DRBD Reactor daemon, if no plugins specified) by using the `drbd-reactorctl restart <plugin_file>` command. Remove an existing plugin and restart the daemon, by using the `drbd-reactorctl rm <plugin_file>` command.

- List the activated plugins, or optionally list disabled plugins, by using the `drbd-reactorctl ls [--disabled]` command.

For greater control of some of the above actions, there are additional options available. The `drbd-reactorctl` man page has more details and syntax information.

==== Pacemaker CRM Shell Commands and Their DRBD Reactor Client Equivalents

The following table shows some common CRM tasks and the corresponding Pacemaker CRM shell and the equivalent DRBD Reactor client commands.

|CRM task|Pacemaker CRM shell command|DRBD Reactor client command

|Get status
|`drbd-reactorctl status`

|Migrate away
|`crm resource migrate`
|`drbd-reactorctl evict`

|`crm resource unmigrate`

A DRBD Reactor client command that is equivalent to `crm resource unmigrate` is unnecessary because DRBD Reactor's promoter plugin evicts a DRBD resource in the moment, but it does not prevent the resource from failing back to the node it was evicted from later, should the situation arise. In contrast, the CRM shell `migrate` command inserts a permanent constraint into the cluster information base (CIB) that prevents the resource from running on the node the command is run on. The CRM shell `unmigrate` command is a manual intervention that removes the constraint and allows the resource to fail back to the node the command is run on. A forgotten `unmigrate` command can have dire consequences the next time the node might be needed to host the resource during an HA event.

NOTE: If you need to prevent failback to a particular node, you can evict it by using the DRBD Reactor client with the `evict --keep-masked` command and flag. This prevents failback, until the node reboots and the flag gets removed. You can remove the flag sooner than a reboot would, by using the `drbd-reactorctl evict --unmask` command. This command would be the equivalent to CRM shell's `unmigrate` command.

=== Using DRBD Reactor’s Promoter Plugin to Create a Highly Available File System Mount

In this example, you will use DRBD Reactor and the promoter plugin to create a highly available file system mount within a cluster.


- A directory `/mnt/test` created on all of your cluster nodes

- A DRBD configured resource named _ha-mount_ that is backed by a DRBD device on all nodes. The configuration examples that follow use `/dev/drbd1000`.

- The Cluster Labs "Filesystem" OCF resource agent, available through https://github.com/ClusterLabs/resource-agents/blob/main/heartbeat/Filesystem[Cluster Lab's `resource-agents` GitHub] repository, should be present in the `/usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/heartbeat` directory
NOTE: If you have a LINBIT customer or evaluation account, you can install the `resource-agents` package available in LINBIT's `drbd-9` package repository to install a suite of open source resource agent scripts, including the "Filesystem" OCF resource agent.

The DRBD resource, _ha-mount_, should have the following settings configured in its DRBD resource configuration file:

resource ha-mount { options { auto-promote no; quorum majority; on-no-quorum suspend-io; on-no-data-accessible suspend-io; […​] }


First, make one of your nodes _Primary_ for the _ha-mount_ resource.

drbdadm primary ha-mount

Then create a file system on the DRBD backed device. The ext4 file system is used in this example.

mkfs.ext4 /dev/drbd1000

Make the node _Secondary_ because after further configurations, DRBD Reactor and the Promoter plugin will control promoting nodes.

drbdadm secondary ha-mount

On all nodes that should be able to mount the DRBD backed device, create a systemd unit file:

cat << EOF > /etc/systemd/system/mnt-test.mount

Description=Mount /dev/drbd1000 to /mnt/test

What=/dev/drbd1000 Where=/mnt/test Type=ext4 EOF

IMPORTANT: The systemd unit file name must match the mount location value given by the “Where=” directive, using systemd escape logic. In the example above, `mnt-test.mount` matches the mount location given by `Where=/mnt/test`. You can use the command `systemd-escape -p --suffix=mount /my/mount/point` to convert your mount point to a systemd unit file name.

Next, on the same nodes as the previous step, create a configuration file for the DRBD Reactor promoter plugin:

cat << EOF > /etc/drbd-reactor.d/ha-mount.toml

id = “ha-mount”

start = [ “””ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem fs_test device=/dev/drbd1000 \ directory=/mnt/test fstype=ext4 run_fsck=no””” ] on-drbd-demote-failure = “reboot” EOF

NOTE: This promoter plugin configuration uses a start list of services that specifies an OCF resource agent for the file system found at your HA mount point. By using this particular resource agent, you can circumvent situations where systemd might not know about certain users and processes that might hold the mount point open and prevent it from unmounting. This could happen if you specified a systemd mount unit for the mount point, for example, `start = ["mnt-test.mount"]`, rather than using the OCF Filesystem resource agent.

To apply the configuration, enable and start the DRBD Reactor service on all nodes. If the DRBD Reactor service is already running, reload it instead.

systemctl enable drbd-reactor.service –now

Next, verify which cluster node is in the _Primary_ role for the _ha-mount_ resource and has the backing device mounted.

drbd-reactorctl status ha-mount

Test a simple failover situation on the _Primary_ node by using the DRBD Reactor CLI utility to disable the _ha-mount_ configuration.

drbd-reactorctl disable –now ha-mount

Run the DRBD Reactor status command again to verify that another node is now in the _Primary_ role and has the file system mounted.

After testing failover, you can enable the configuration on the node you disabled it on earlier.

drbd-reactorctl enable ha-mount

As a next step, you may want to read the https://linbit.com/drbd-user-guide/linstor-guide-1_0-en/#s-linstor_ha[LINSTOR User's Guide section on creating a highly available LINSTOR cluster]. There, DRBD Reactor is used to manage the LINSTOR Controller as a service so that it is highly available within your cluster.

=== Configuring DRBD Reactor's Prometheus Plugin

DRBD Reactor’s Prometheus monitoring plugin acts as a Prometheus compatible endpoint for DRBD resources and exposes various DRBD metrics. You can find a list of the available metrics in https://github.com/LINBIT/drbd-reactor/blob/master/doc/prometheus.md[the documentation folder] in the project’s GitHub repository.


- Prometheus is installed with its service enabled and running.

- Grafana is installed with its service enabled and running.

To enable the Prometheus plugin, create a simple configuration file snippet on all DRBD Reactor nodes that you are monitoring.

cat << EOF > /etc/drbd-reactor.d/prometheus.toml

enums = true address = “” EOF

Reload the DRBD Reactor service on all nodes that you are monitoring.

systemctl reload drbd-reactor.service

Add the following DRBD Reactor monitoring endpoint to your Prometheus configuration file’s `scrape_configs` section. Replace “node-x” in the `targets` lines below with either hostnames or IP addresses for your DRBD Reactor monitoring endpoint nodes. Hostnames must be resolvable from your Prometheus monitoring node.
  • job_name: drbd_reactor_endpoint static_configs:

  • targets: [‘node-0:9942’] labels: instance: ‘node-0’

  • targets: [‘node-1:9942’] labels: instance: ‘node-1’

  • targets: [‘node-2:9942’] labels: instance: ‘node-2’ […​]

Then, assuming it is already enabled and running, reload the Prometheus service by entering `sudo systemctl reload prometheus.service`.

Next, you can open your Grafana server’s URL with a web browser. If the Grafana server service is running on the same node as your Prometheus monitoring service, the URL would look like: `http://<node_IP_address_or_hostname>:3000`.

You can then log into the Grafana server web UI, add a Prometheus data source, and then add or import a Grafana dashboard that uses your Prometheus data source. An example dashboard is available at the https://grafana.com/grafana/dashboards/14339[Grafana Labs dashboards marketplace]. An example dashboard is also available as a downloadable JSON file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LINBIT/drbd-reactor/master/example/grafana-dashboard.json[here], at the DRBD Reactor GitHub project site.

== Integrating DRBD with Pacemaker Clusters


DRBD can be used in Pacemaker clusters in different ways:

* 作为后台服务运行的DRBD,用作SAN;或
* DRBD completely managed by Pacemaker through the DRBD OCF resource agent


NOTE: It's recommended to have either fencing configured or quorum enabled. (But not both. External fencing handler results may interact in conflicting ways with DRBD internal quorum.) If your cluster has communication issues (for example, a network switch loses power) and gets split, the parts might start the services (failover) and cause a *Split-Brain* when the communication resumes again.

=== Introduction to Pacemaker

Pacemaker is a sophisticated, feature-rich, and widely deployed cluster resource manager for the Linux platform. It includes a rich set of documentation. To understand this chapter, reading the following documents is highly recommended:

* https://www.clusterlabs.org/pacemaker/doc/2.1/Pacemaker_Explained/singlehtml/[Clusters From Scratch] , a step-by-step guide to configuring high-availability clusters;

* http://crmsh.github.io/documentation/index.html[CRM CLI(命令行界面)工具],CRM shell手册,一个与Pacemaker捆绑在一起的简单直观的命令行界面;

* http://clusterlabs.org/doc/en-US/Pacemaker/1.1/html/Pacemaker_Explained/[解释Pacemaker配置],解释Pacemaker背后的概念和设计的参考文件。

=== Using DRBD as a Background Service in a Pacemaker Cluster


First of all, we will use the `auto-promote` feature of DRBD, so that DRBD automatically sets itself _Primary_ when needed. This will probably apply to all of your resources, so setting that as a default "yes" in the `common` section makes sense:

[source, drbd]

common { options { auto-promote yes; …​ } }

Now you just need to use your storage, for example, through a filesystem:

.使用 `auto promote` 为DRBD支持的MySQL服务配置Pacemaker

crm configure crm(live)configure# primitive fs_mysql ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem \ params device=”/dev/drbd/by-res/mysql/0″ \ directory=”/var/lib/mysql” fstype=”ext3″ crm(live)configure# primitive ip_mysql ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 \ params ip=”″ nic=”eth0″ crm(live)configure# primitive mysqld lsb:mysqld crm(live)configure# group mysql fs_mysql ip_mysql mysqld crm(live)configure# commit crm(live)configure# exit bye


Provided that Pacemaker has control, it will only allow a single instance of that mount across your cluster.

See also <<s-pacemaker-drbd-attr>> for additional information about ordering constraints for system startup and more.

=== Adding a DRBD-backed Service to the Cluster Configuration, Including a Master-Slave Resource


NOTE: 如果您使用的是DRBD OCF资源代理,建议您将DRBD的启动、关闭、升级和降级 _专门_ 推迟到OCF资源代理。这意味着您应该禁用DRBD init脚本:

chkconfig drbd off

`ocf:linbit:drbd` ocf资源代理提供主/从功能,允许Pacemaker启动和监视多个节点上的drbd资源,并根据需要进行升级和降级。但是,您必须了解,DRBD RA在Pacemaker关闭时,以及在为节点启用待机模式时,会断开并分离它管理的所有DRBD资源。

IMPORTANT: The OCF resource agent which ships with DRBD belongs to the `linbit` provider, and therefore installs as `/usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/linbit/drbd`. There is a legacy resource agent that is included with the OCF resource agents package, which uses the `heartbeat` provider and installs into `/usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/heartbeat/drbd`. The legacy OCF RA is deprecated and should no longer be used.

To enable a DRBD-backed configuration for a MySQL database in a Pacemaker CRM cluster with the `drbd` OCF resource agent, you must create both the necessary resources, and Pacemaker constraints to ensure your service only starts on a previously promoted DRBD resource. You may do so using the `crm` shell, as outlined in the following example:

.使用 `master-slave` 资源为DRBD支持的MySQL服务配置Pacemaker

crm configure crm(live)configure# primitive drbd_mysql ocf:linbit:drbd \ params drbd_resource=”mysql” \ op monitor interval=”29s” role=”Master” \ op monitor interval=”31s” role=”Slave” crm(live)configure# ms ms_drbd_mysql drbd_mysql \ meta master-max=”1″ master-node-max=”1″ \ clone-max=”2″ clone-node-max=”1″ \ notify=”true” crm(live)configure# primitive fs_mysql ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem \ params device=”/dev/drbd/by-res/mysql/0″ \ directory=”/var/lib/mysql” fstype=”ext3″ crm(live)configure# primitive ip_mysql ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 \ params ip=”″ nic=”eth0″ crm(live)configure# primitive mysqld lsb:mysqld crm(live)configure# group mysql fs_mysql ip_mysql mysqld crm(live)configure# colocation mysql_on_drbd \ inf: mysql ms_drbd_mysql:Master crm(live)configure# order mysql_after_drbd \ inf: ms_drbd_mysql:promote mysql:start crm(live)configure# commit crm(live)configure# exit bye


See also <<s-pacemaker-drbd-attr>> for additional information about location constraints for placing the Master role.

=== Using Resource-level Fencing in Pacemaker Clusters

本节概述了在DRBD复制链接中断时防止Pacemaker升级DRBD主/从资源所需的步骤。这使得Pacemaker不会使用过时的数据启动服务,也不会在启动过程中造成不必要的 `时间扭曲` 。

To enable any resource-level fencing for DRBD, you must add the following lines to your resource configuration:

[source, drbd]

resource <resource> { net { fencing resource-only; …​ } }

You will also have to make changes to the `handlers` section depending on the cluster infrastructure being used.

Corosync-based Pacemaker clusters can use the functionality explained in <<s-pacemaker-fencing-cib>>.

IMPORTANT: It is absolutely vital to configure at least two independent cluster communications channels for this functionality to work correctly. Corosync clusters should list at least two redundant rings in `corosync.conf`, respectively several paths for knet.

==== Resource-level Fencing Using the Cluster Information Base (CIB)

To enable resource-level fencing for Pacemaker, you will have to set two options in `drbd.conf`:

[source, drbd]

resource <resource> { net { fencing resource-only; …​ } handlers { fence-peer “/usr/lib/drbd/crm-fence-peer.9.sh”; unfence-peer “/usr/lib/drbd/crm-unfence-peer.9.sh”; # Note: we used to abuse the after-resync-target handler to do the # unfence, but since 2016 have a dedicated unfence-peer handler. # Using the after-resync-target handler is wrong in some corner cases. …​ } …​ }

Therefore, if the DRBD replication link becomes disconnected, the `crm-fence-peer.9.sh` script contacts the cluster manager, determines the Pacemaker Master/Slave resource associated with this DRBD resource, and ensures that the Master/Slave resource no longer gets promoted on any node other than the currently active one. Conversely, when the connection is re-established and DRBD completes its synchronization process, then that constraint is removed and the cluster manager is free to promote the resource on any node again.

=== Using Stacked DRBD Resources in Pacemaker Clusters

NOTE: Stacking is deprecated in DRBD version 9.x, as more nodes can be implemented on a single level. See <<s-drbdconf-conns>> for details.


==== Adding Off-site Disaster Recovery to Pacemaker Clusters



在本例中, `alice` 和 `bob` 组成了一个两节点Pacemaker集群,而 `charlie` 是一个非现场节点,不由Pacemaker管理。


[source, drbd]

primitive p_drbd_r0 ocf:linbit:drbd \ params drbd_resource=”r0″

primitive p_drbd_r0-U ocf:linbit:drbd \ params drbd_resource=”r0-U”

primitive p_ip_stacked ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 \ params ip=”″ nic=”eth0″

ms ms_drbd_r0 p_drbd_r0 \ meta master-max=”1″ master-node-max=”1″ \ clone-max=”2″ clone-node-max=”1″ \ notify=”true” globally-unique=”false”

ms ms_drbd_r0-U p_drbd_r0-U \ meta master-max=”1″ clone-max=”1″ \ clone-node-max=”1″ master-node-max=”1″ \ notify=”true” globally-unique=”false”

colocation c_drbd_r0-U_on_drbd_r0 \ inf: ms_drbd_r0-U ms_drbd_r0:Master

colocation c_drbd_r0-U_on_ip \ inf: ms_drbd_r0-U p_ip_stacked

colocation c_ip_on_r0_master \ inf: p_ip_stacked ms_drbd_r0:Master

order o_ip_before_r0-U \ inf: p_ip_stacked ms_drbd_r0-U:start

order o_drbd_r0_before_r0-U \ inf: ms_drbd_r0:promote ms_drbd_r0-U:start

假设您在名为 `/tmp/crm.txt` 的临时文件中创建了此配置,则可以使用以下命令将其导入实时集群配置:

crm configure < /tmp/crm.txt

此配置将确保在 `alice` / `bob` 集群上按正确顺序执行以下操作:

. Pacemaker在两个集群节点上启动DRBD资源 `r0` ,并将一个节点提升为Master(DRBD Primary)角色。

. Pacemaker然后启动IP地址192.168.42.1,堆叠的资源将用于复制到第三个节点。它在先前提升为 `r0` DRBD资源的Master角色的节点上执行此操作。

. 在现在具有 `r0` 的主要角色和 `r0-U` 的复制IP地址的节点上,Pacemaker现在启动 `r0-U` DRBD资源,该资源连接并复制到非站点节点。

. 然后Pacemaker也将 `r0-U` 资源提升为主要角色,以便应用程序可以使用它。

Therefore, this Pacemaker configuration ensures that there is not only full data redundancy between cluster nodes, but also to the third, off-site node.

NOTE: 这种设置通常与<<s-drbd-proxy,DRBD Proxy>>一起部署。

==== Using Stacked Resources to Achieve Four-way Redundancy in Pacemaker Clusters

In this configuration, a total of three DRBD resources (two unstacked, one stacked) are used to achieve 4-way storage redundancy. This means that of a four-node cluster, up to three nodes can fail while still providing service availability.



在本例中, `alice` 、 `bob` 、 `charlie` 和 `daisy` 构成两个双节点Pacemaker集群alice和bob组成了名为 `left` 的集群,并在它们之间使用DRBD资源复制数据,而charlie和daisy在名为 `right` 的集群中使用单独的DRBD资源复制数据。第三者,堆叠的DRBD资源连接两个集群。

NOTE: 由于Pacemaker集群管理器自Pacemaker 1.0.5版起的限制,在不禁用CIB验证的情况下无法在单个四节点集群中创建此设置,这是一个高级过程,不建议用于一般用途。预计这将在未来的Pacemaker版本中得到解决。

要创建这样的配置,您首先要配置和初始化DRBD资源,如<<s-three-nodes>>中所述(除了DRBD配置的远程部分也是堆叠的,而不仅仅是本地集群)。然后,使用以下CRM配置配置Pacemaker,从集群 `left` 开始:

[source, drbd]

primitive p_drbd_left ocf:linbit:drbd \ params drbd_resource=”left”

primitive p_drbd_stacked ocf:linbit:drbd \ params drbd_resource=”stacked”

primitive p_ip_stacked_left ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 \ params ip=”″ nic=”eth0″

ms ms_drbd_left p_drbd_left \ meta master-max=”1″ master-node-max=”1″ \ clone-max=”2″ clone-node-max=”1″ \ notify=”true”

ms ms_drbd_stacked p_drbd_stacked \ meta master-max=”1″ clone-max=”1″ \ clone-node-max=”1″ master-node-max=”1″ \ notify=”true” target-role=”Master”

colocation c_ip_on_left_master \ inf: p_ip_stacked_left ms_drbd_left:Master

colocation c_drbd_stacked_on_ip_left \ inf: ms_drbd_stacked p_ip_stacked_left

order o_ip_before_stacked_left \ inf: p_ip_stacked_left ms_drbd_stacked:start

order o_drbd_left_before_stacked_left \ inf: ms_drbd_left:promote ms_drbd_stacked:start

假设您在名为 `/tmp/crm.txt` 的临时文件中创建了此配置,则可以使用以下命令将其导入实时集群配置:

crm configure < /tmp/crm.txt


. 调出DRBD资源 `left` ,在 `alice` 和 `bob` 之间复制,将资源提升到其中一个节点上的Master角色。

. 调出IP地址10.9.9.100(在 `alice` 或 `bob` 上,具体取决于其中哪一个拥有资源 `left` 的主角色)。

. 将DRBD资源 `stacked` 调到保存刚才配置的IP地址的同一节点上。

. 将堆叠的DRBD资源提升为主角色。

现在,在集群 `right` 上继续创建以下配置:

[source, drbd]

primitive p_drbd_right ocf:linbit:drbd \ params drbd_resource=”right”

primitive p_drbd_stacked ocf:linbit:drbd \ params drbd_resource=”stacked”

primitive p_ip_stacked_right ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 \ params ip=”″ nic=”eth0″

ms ms_drbd_right p_drbd_right \ meta master-max=”1″ master-node-max=”1″ \ clone-max=”2″ clone-node-max=”1″ \ notify=”true”

ms ms_drbd_stacked p_drbd_stacked \ meta master-max=”1″ clone-max=”1″ \ clone-node-max=”1″ master-node-max=”1″ \ notify=”true” target-role=”Slave”

colocation c_drbd_stacked_on_ip_right \ inf: ms_drbd_stacked p_ip_stacked_right

colocation c_ip_on_right_master \ inf: p_ip_stacked_right ms_drbd_right:Master

order o_ip_before_stacked_right \ inf: p_ip_stacked_right ms_drbd_stacked:start

order o_drbd_right_before_stacked_right \ inf: ms_drbd_right:promote ms_drbd_stacked:start


. 在 `charlie` 和 `daisy` 之间启动DRBD资源 `right` 复制,将资源提升到其中一个节点上的Master角色。

. 调出IP地址10.9.10.101(在 `charlie` 或 `daisy` 上,具体取决于其中哪个拥有资源 `right` 的主角色)。

. 将DRBD资源 `stacked` 调到保存刚才配置的IP地址的同一节点上。

. 将堆叠的DRBD资源保留在次要角色中(由于 `target role=` Slave ``)。

=== Configuring DRBD to Replicate Between Two SAN-backed Pacemaker Clusters

indexterm:[IP address, floating peers]这是一种比较高级的设置,通常用于拆分站点配置。它包括两个独立的Pacemaker集群,每个集群都可以访问单独的存储区域网络(SAN)。然后使用DRBD通过站点之间的IP链路复制存储在该SAN上的数据。



每个站点中当前充当DRBD对等点的单个节点中的哪一个没有明确定义 - DRBD对等点<<s-floating-peers, 被称为是 _浮动的_>>,;也就是说,DRBD绑定到没有绑定到特定物理机的虚拟IP地址。

NOTE: This type of setup is usually deployed together with <<s-drbd-proxy,DRBD Proxy>> or <<s-truck-based-replication,truck based replication>>, or both.


==== DRBD Resource Configuration

要使DRBD资源浮动,请按以下方式在 `DRBD.conf` 中配置它:

[source, drbd]

resource <resource> { …​ device /dev/drbd0; disk /dev/sda1; meta-disk internal; floating; floating; }

The `floating` keyword replaces the `on <host>` sections normally found in the resource configuration. In this mode, DRBD identifies peers by IP address and TCP port, rather than by host name. It is important to note that the addresses specified must be virtual cluster IP addresses, rather than physical node IP addresses, for floating to function properly. As shown in the example, in split-site configurations the two floating addresses can be expected to belong to two separate IP networks -- it is therefore vital for routers and firewalls to properly allow DRBD replication traffic between the nodes.

==== Pacemaker Resource Configuration


* 虚拟集群IP地址。

* 主/从DRBD资源(使用DRBD OCF资源代理)。

* Pacemaker约束确保资源以正确的顺序在正确的节点上启动。

要使用复制地址 `` 在2节点集群的浮动对等配置中配置名为 `mysql` 的资源,请使用以下 `crm` 命令配置Pacemaker:

crm configure crm(live)configure# primitive p_ip_float_left ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 \ params ip= crm(live)configure# primitive p_drbd_mysql ocf:linbit:drbd \ params drbd_resource=mysql crm(live)configure# ms ms_drbd_mysql drbd_mysql \ meta master-max=”1″ master-node-max=”1″ \ clone-max=”1″ clone-node-max=”1″ \ notify=”true” target-role=”Master” crm(live)configure# order drbd_after_left \ inf: p_ip_float_left ms_drbd_mysql crm(live)configure# colocation drbd_on_left \ inf: ms_drbd_mysql p_ip_float_left crm(live)configure# commit bye


. 调出IP地址10.9.9.100(在 `alice` 或 `bob` 上)。
. 根据配置的IP地址调出DRBD资源。
. 将DRBD资源提升为主要角色。

Then, to create the matching configuration in the other cluster, configure _that_ Pacemaker instance with the following commands:

crm configure crm(live)configure# primitive p_ip_float_right ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 \ params ip= crm(live)configure# primitive drbd_mysql ocf:linbit:drbd \ params drbd_resource=mysql crm(live)configure# ms ms_drbd_mysql drbd_mysql \ meta master-max=”1″ master-node-max=”1″ \ clone-max=”1″ clone-node-max=”1″ \ notify=”true” target-role=”Slave” crm(live)configure# order drbd_after_right \ inf: p_ip_float_right ms_drbd_mysql crm(live)configure# colocation drbd_on_right inf: ms_drbd_mysql p_ip_float_right crm(live)configure# commit bye


. 调出IP地址10.9.10.101(在 `charlie` 或 `daisy` 上)。
. 根据配置的IP地址调出DRBD资源。
. 将DRBD资源保留在次要角色中(由于 `target role="Slave" `)。

==== Site Failover

In split-site configurations, it may be necessary to transfer services from one site to another. This may be a consequence of a scheduled migration, or of a disastrous event. In case the migration is a normal, anticipated event, the recommended course of action is this:

* 连接到站点上即将放弃资源的集群,并将受影响的DRBD资源的 `target role` 属性从 `Master` 更改为 `Slave` 。这将根据DRBD资源的主要角色关闭所有资源,将其降级并继续运行,以便从新的主要资源接收更新。

* 连接到站点上即将接管资源的集群,并将受影响的DRBD资源的 `target role` 属性从 `Slave` 更改为 `Master` 。这将提升DRBD资源,根据DRBD资源的主要角色启动任何其他Pacemaker资源,并将更新复制到远程站点。

* 若要退回,只需颠倒程序即可。

In case of a catastrophic outage on the active site, it can be expected that the site is offline and no longer replicated to the backup site. In such an event:

* 连接到仍在运行的站点资源上的集群,并将受影响的DRBD资源的 `target role` 属性从 `Slave` 更改为 `Master` 。这将提升DRBD资源,并根据DRBD资源的主要角色启动任何其他Pacemaker资源。

* 还原或重建原始站点时,可以再次连接DRBD资源,然后使用相反的过程进行故障恢复。

=== Importing DRBD's Promotion Scores into the CIB

IMPORTANT: Everything described in this section depends on the `drbd-attr` OCF resource agent. It is available since drbd-utils version 9.15.0. On Debian/Ubuntu systems this is part of the `drbd-utils` package. On RPM based Linux distributions you need to install the `drbd-pacemaker` package.

Every DRBD resource exposes a _promotion score_ on each node where it is configured. It is a numeric value that might be 0 or positive. The value reflects how desirable it is to promote the resource to master on this particular node. A node that has an _UpToDate_ disk and two _UpToDate_ replicas has a higher score than a node with an _UpToDate_ disk and just one _UpToDate_ replica.

During startup, the _promotion score_ is 0. E.g., before the DRBD device has its backing device attached, or, if quorum is enabled, before quorum is gained. A value of 0 indicates that a promotion request will fail, and is mapped to a pacemaker score that indicates _must not run here_.

The `drbd-attr` OCF resource agent imports these promotion scores into node attributes of a Pacemaker cluster. It needs to be configured like this:

[source, drbd]

primitive drbd-attr ocf:linbit:drbd-attr clone drbd-attr-clone drbd-attr

These are _transient_ attributes (have a _lifetime_ of _reboot_ in pacemaker speak). That means, after a _reboot_ of the node, or local restart of pacemaker, those attributes will not exist until an instance of `drbd-attr` is started on that node.

You can inspect the generated attributes with `crm_mon -A -1`.

These attributed can be used in constraints for services that depend on the DRBD devices, or, when managing DRBD with the `ocf:linbit:drbd` resource agent, for the _Master_ role of that DRBD instance.

Here is an example location constraint for the example resource from <<s-pacemaker-drbd-background>>
[source, drbd]

location lo_fs_mysql fs_mysql \ rule -inf: not_defined drbd-promotion-score-mysql \ rule drbd-promotion-score-mysql: defined drbd-promotion-score-mysql

This means, provided that the attribute is not defined, the fs_mysql file system cannot be mounted here. When the attribute is defined, its value becomes the score of the location constraint.

This can also be used to cause Pacemaker to migrate a service away when DRBD loses a local backing device. Because a failed backing block device causes the promotion score to drop, other nodes with working backing devices will expose higher promotion scores.

The attributes are updated live, independent of the resource-agent's monitor operation, with a dampening delay of 5 seconds by default.

The resource agent has these optional parameters, see also its man page `ocf_linbit_drbd-attr(7)`:

 * `dampening_delay`
 * `attr_name_prefix`
 * `record_event_details`

// Keep the empty line before this comment, otherwise the next chapter is folded into this
== 在DRBD中使用LVM

indexterm:[LVM]indexterm:[Logical Volume Management]This chapter deals with managing DRBD for use with LVM2. In particular, this chapter covers how to:

* Use LVM Logical Volumes as backing devices for DRBD.

* Use DRBD devices as Physical Volumes for LVM.

* Combine these two concepts to implement a layered LVM approach using DRBD.

If you are unfamiliar with these terms, the next section, <<s-lvm-primer>>, may serve as a starting point to learn about LVM concepts. However, you are also encouraged to familiarize yourself with LVM in more detail than this section provides.

=== Introduction to LVM

LVM2是Linux device mapper框架上下文中逻辑卷管理的实现。它实际上与原始LVM实现没有任何共同点,除了名称和缩写。旧的实现(现在追溯命名为 "LVM1")被认为是过时的;本节不涉及它。


indexterm:[LVM]indexterm:[Physical Volume(LVM)]PV是由LVM独占管理的底层块设备。pv可以是整个硬盘,也可以是单独的分区。通常的做法是在硬盘上创建一个分区表,其中一个分区专用于Linux LVM的使用。

NOTE: 分区类型 "Linux LVM"(签名 `0x8E`)可用于标识供LVM独占使用的分区。然而,这并不是必需的 - LVM通过在PV初始化时写入设备的签名来识别PV。

indexterm:[LVM]indexterm:[Volume Group(LVM)]VG是LVM的基本管理单元。VG可以包括一个或多个pv。每个VG都有一个唯一的名称。VG可以在运行时通过添加额外的PV或通过扩大现有的PV来扩展。

indexterm:[LVM]indexterm:[Logical Volume (LVM)]LVs may be created during runtime within VGs and are available to the other parts of the kernel as regular block devices. As such, they may be used to hold a file system, or for any other purpose block devices may be used for. LVs may be resized while they are online, and they may also be moved from one PV to another (provided that the PVs are part of the same VG).



=== Using a Logical Volume as a DRBD Backing Device

indexterm:[LVM]indexterm:[Logical Volume(LVM)]要以这种方式使用LV,只需创建它们,然后像通常那样为DRBD初始化它们。

This example assumes that a Volume Group named `foo` already exists on both nodes of on your LVM-enabled system, and that you want to create a DRBD resource named `r0` using a Logical Volume in that Volume Group.

首先,创建逻辑卷:indexterm:[LVM]indexterm:[lvcreate (LVM command)]

lvcreate –name bar –size 10G foo

Logical volume “bar” created

当然,您必须在DRBD集群的两个节点上完成此命令。之后,在任一节点上都应该有一个名为 `/dev/foo/bar` 的块设备。

Then, you can simply enter the newly created volumes in your resource configuration:

[source, drbd]

resource r0 { …​ on alice { device /dev/drbd0; disk /dev/foo/bar; …​ } on bob { device /dev/drbd0; disk /dev/foo/bar; …​ } }

现在您可以<<s-first-time-up,continue to bring your resource up>>,就像使用非LVM块设备一样。

=== Using Automated LVM Snapshots During DRBD Synchronization



To enable automated snapshotting during resynchronization, add the following lines to your resource configuration:


resource r0 { handlers { before-resync-target “/usr/lib/drbd/snapshot-resync-target-lvm.sh”; after-resync-target “/usr/lib/drbd/unsnapshot-resync-target-lvm.sh”; } }

这两个脚本解析DRBD自动传递给它调用的任何 `handler` 的 `$DRBD_RESOURCE` 环境变量。然后, `snapshot-resync-target-lvm.sh` 脚本为资源包含的任何卷创建一个lvm快照,然后开始同步。如果脚本失败,则同步不会开始。

同步完成后, `unsnapshot-resync-target-lvm.sh` 脚本将删除不再需要的快照。如果取消快照失败,快照将继续徘徊。

IMPORTANT: 你应该尽快检查悬挂的快照。完整快照会导致快照本身及其原始卷失败。

如果您的同步源在任何时候确实出现无法修复的故障,并且您决定还原到对等机上的最新快照,则可以通过输入 `lvconvert -M` 命令来执行此操作。

=== Configuring a DRBD Resource as a Physical Volume

indexterm:[LVM]indexterm:[Physical Volume (LVM)]To prepare a DRBD resource for use as a Physical Volume, it is necessary to create a PV signature on the DRBD device. To do this, issue one of the following commands on the node where the resource is currently in the primary role: indexterm:[LVM]indexterm:[pvcreate (LVM command)]

pvcreate /dev/drbdX

pvcreate /dev/drbd/by-res/<resource>/0

NOTE: This example assumes a single-volume resource.

Now, it is necessary to include this device in the list of devices LVM scans for PV signatures. To do this, you must edit the LVM configuration file, normally named indexterm:[LVM]`/etc/lvm/lvm.conf`. Find the line in the `devices` section that contains the `filter` keyword and edit it accordingly. If _all_ your PVs are to be stored on DRBD devices, the following is an appropriate `filter` option: indexterm:[LVM]indexterm:[filter expression (LVM)]

[source, drbd]

filter = [ “a|drbd.|”, “r|.|” ]


NOTE: 默认情况下,LVM扫描在 `/dev` 中找到的所有块设备以获取PV签名。这相当于 `filter=[ "a |.*|" ]`。

If you want to use stacked resources as LVM PVs, then you will need a more explicit filter configuration. You need to verify that LVM detects PV signatures on stacked resources, while ignoring them on the corresponding lower-level resources and backing devices. This example assumes that your lower-level DRBD resources use device minors 0 through 9, whereas your stacked resources are using device minors from 10 upwards:

[source, drbd]

filter = [ “a|drbd1[0-9]|”, “r|.*|” ]

此筛选器表达式接受仅在DRBD设备 `/dev/drbd10` 到 `/dev/drbd19' 上找到的PV签名,同时拒绝(忽略)所有其他签名。

修改 `lvm.conf` 文件后,必须运行indexterm:[lvm]indexterm:[vgscan(lvm command)] `vgscan` 命令,以便lvm放弃其配置缓存并重新扫描设备以获取PV签名。

You may of course use a different `filter` configuration to match your particular system configuration. What is important to remember, however, is that you need to:

* Accept (include) the DRBD devices that you want to use as PVs.

* 拒绝(排除)相应的低级设备,以避免LVM发现重复的PV签名。


[source, drbd]

write_cache_state = 0

After disabling the LVM cache, remove any stale cache entries by deleting `/etc/lvm/cache/.cache`.


IMPORTANT: If your system has its root filesystem on LVM, Volume Groups will be activated from your initial RAM disk (initrd) during boot. In doing so, the LVM tools will evaluate an `lvm.conf` file included in the initrd image. Therefore, after you make any changes to your `lvm.conf`, you should be certain to update your initrd with the utility appropriate for your distribution (`mkinitrd`, `update-initramfs`, and so on).

配置新的PV后,可以继续将其添加到卷组,或从中创建新的卷组。当然,DRBD资源在执行此操作时必须处于主要角色。indexterm:[LVM]indexterm:[vgcreate(LVM command)]

vgcreate <name> /dev/drbdX

NOTE: 虽然可以在同一个卷组中混合DRBD和非DRBD物理卷,但不建议这样做,也不太可能有任何实际价值。

创建VG后,可以使用indexterm:[LVM]indexterm:[lvcreate(LVM command)] `lvcreate` 命令(与非DRBD支持的卷组一样)开始从中切分逻辑卷。

=== Adding a New DRBD Volume to an Existing Volume Group


IMPORTANT: 如果您的LVM卷组由Pacemaker管理,如<<s-lvm-pacemaker>>中所述,则在更改DRBD配置之前,必须将集群置于维护模式。


resource r0 { volume 0 { device /dev/drbd1; disk /dev/sda7; meta-disk internal; } volume 1 { device /dev/drbd2; disk /dev/sda8; meta-disk internal; } on alice { address; } on bob { address; } }

Verify that your DRBD configuration is identical across nodes, then issue:

drbdadm adjust r0

这将隐式调用 `drbdsetup new-minor r0 1`,以启用资源 `r0` 中的新卷 `1`。将新卷添加到复制流后,可以初始化并将其添加到卷组:

pvcreate /dev/drbd/by-res/<resource>/1

vgextend <name> /dev/drbd/by-res/<resource>/1

这将把新的PV `/dev/drbd/by res/<resource>/1` 添加到 `<name>` VG中,从而在整个VG中保持写保真度。

=== Nested LVM Configuration with DRBD

如果稍微高级一点,可以同时使用indexterm:[LVM]indexterm:[Logical Volume(LVM)]Logical Volumes作为DRBD的备份设备,同时使用DRBD设备本身作为indexterm:[LVM]indexterm:[Physical Volume(LVM)]Physical Volume。要提供示例,请考虑以下配置:

* 我们有两个分区,名为 `/dev/sda1` ,和 `/dev/sdb1` ,打算用作物理卷。

* 这两个pv都将成为名为 `local` 的卷组的一部分。

* 我们想在这个VG中创建一个10 GiB的逻辑卷,名为 `r0`。

* 这个LV将成为DRBD资源的本地备份设备,也称为 `r0`,它对应于设备 `/dev/drbd0`。

* 此设备将是另一个名为 `replicated` 的卷组的唯一PV。

* 这个VG将包含另外两个名为 `foo`(4 GiB)和 `bar`(6 GiB)的逻辑卷。

To enable this configuration, follow these steps:

* 在 `/etc/lvm/lvm.conf` 中设置适当的 `filter` 选项:
indexterm:[LVM]indexterm:[filter expression (LVM)]
[source, drbd]

filter = [“a|sd.|”, “a|drbd.|”, “r|.*|”]

修改 `lvm.conf` 文件后,必须运行indexterm:[lvm]indexterm:[vgscan(lvm command)] `vgscan` 命令,以便lvm放弃其配置缓存并重新扫描设备以获取PV签名。

* 通过设置禁用LVM缓存:
[source, drbd]

write_cache_state = 0

After disabling the LVM cache, remove any stale cache entries by deleting `/etc/lvm/cache/.cache`.

* Now you can initialize your two SCSI partitions as PVs: indexterm:[LVM]indexterm:[pvcreate (LVM command)]

pvcreate /dev/sda1

Physical volume “/dev/sda1” successfully created # pvcreate /dev/sdb1 Physical volume “/dev/sdb1” successfully created

* 下一步是创建名为 `local` 的低级VG,它由刚刚初始化的两个pv组成:indexterm:[LVM]indexterm:[vgcreate (LVM command)]

vgcreate local /dev/sda1 /dev/sda2

Volume group “local” successfully created

* Now you can create your Logical Volume to be used as DRBD's backing device: indexterm:[LVM]indexterm:[lvcreate (LVM command)]

lvcreate –name r0 –size 10G local

Logical volume “r0” created

* 在对等节点上重复所有步骤,直到现在。

* Next, edit your `/etc/drbd.conf` to create a new resource named `r0`: indexterm:[drbd.conf]
[source, drbd]

resource r0 { device /dev/drbd0; disk /dev/local/r0; meta-disk internal; on <host> { address <address>:<port>; } on <host> { address <address>:<port>; } }

创建新的资源配置后,请确保将 `drbd.conf` 内容复制到对等节点。

* 在此之后,按<<s-first-time-up>>中所述初始化资源(在两个节点上)。

* 然后,提升资源(在一个节点上):indexterm:[drbdadm,primary]

drbdadm primary r0

* Now, on the node where you just promoted your resource, initialize your DRBD device as a new Physical Volume: indexterm:[LVM]indexterm:[pvcreate (LVM command)]

pvcreate /dev/drbd0

Physical volume “/dev/drbd0” successfully created

* 使用刚刚初始化的PV在同一节点上创建名为 `replicated` 的VG:indexterm:[LVM]indexterm:[VG Create (LVM command)]

vgcreate replicated /dev/drbd0

Volume group “replicated” successfully created

* Finally, create your new Logical Volumes within this newly created VG using the `lvcreate` command: indexterm:[LVM]indexterm:[lvcreate (LVM command)]

lvcreate –name foo –size 4G replicated

Logical volume “foo” created # lvcreate –name bar –size 6G replicated Logical volume “bar” created

逻辑卷 `foo` 和 `bar` 现在可以作为本地节点上的 `/dev/replicated/foo` 和 `/dev/replicated/bar` 使用。

==== Switching the Volume Group to the Other Node

要使它们在另一个节点上可用,请首先在主节点上发出以下命令序列:indexterm:[LVM]indexterm:[vgchange(LVM command)]

vgchange -a n replicated

0 logical volume(s) in volume group “replicated” now active # drbdadm secondary r0


drbdadm primary r0

vgchange -a y replicated

2 logical volume(s) in volume group “replicated” now active

之后,块设备 `/dev/replicated/foo` 和 `/dev/replicated/bar` 将在另一个(现在是主)节点上可用。


=== Highly Available LVM with Pacemaker


To put an existing, DRBD-backed volume group under Pacemaker management, run the following commands in the `crm` shell:


primitive p_drbd_r0 ocf:linbit:drbd \ params drbd_resource=”r0″ \ op monitor interval=”29s” role=”Master” \ op monitor interval=”31s” role=”Slave” ms ms_drbd_r0 p_drbd_r0 \ meta master-max=”1″ master-node-max=”1″ \ clone-max=”2″ clone-node-max=”1″ \ notify=”true” primitive p_lvm_r0 ocf:heartbeat:LVM \ params volgrpname=”r0″ colocation c_lvm_on_drbd inf: p_lvm_r0 ms_drbd_r0:Master order o_drbd_before_lvm inf: ms_drbd_r0:promote p_lvm_r0:start commit

提交此配置后,Pacemaker将自动使 `r0` 卷组在当前具有DRBD资源主(Master)角色的节点上可用。

=== Using DRBD and LVM Without a Cluster Resource Manager

The typical high availability use case for DRBD is to use a cluster resource manager (CRM) to handle the promoting and demoting of resources, such as DRBD replicated storage volumes. However, it is possible to use DRBD without a CRM.

You might want to do this in a situation when you know that you always want a particular node to promote a DRBD resource and you know that the peer nodes are never going to take over but are only being replicated to for disaster recovery purposes.

In this case, you can use a couple of systemd unit files to handle DRBD resource promotion and make sure that back-end LVM logical volumes are activated first. You also need to make the DRBD systemd unit file for your DRBD resource a dependency of whatever file system mount might be using the DRBD resource as a backing device.

To set this up, for example, given a hypothetical DRBD resource named `webdata` and a file system mount point of `/var/lib/www`, you might enter the following commands:

systemctl enable [email protected]

systemctl enable [email protected]

echo “/dev/drbdX /var/lib/www xfs defaults,nofail,[email protected] 0 0” >> /etc/fstab

In this example, the `X` in `drbdX` is the volume number of your DRBD backing device for the `webdata` resource.

The `drbd-wait-promotable@<DRBD-resource-name>.service` is a systemd unit file that is used to wait for DRBD to connect to its peers and establish access to good data, before DRBD promotes the resource on the node.

== 将GFS与DRBD结合使用

indexterm:[GFS]indexterm:[Global File System]本章概述了将DRBD资源设置为包含共享的Global File System(GFS)的块设备所需的步骤。它包括GFS和GFS2。

To use GFS on top of DRBD, you must configure DRBD in indexterm:[dual-primary mode]<<s-dual-primary-mode,dual-primary mode>>.

IMPORTANT: DRBD 9 supports exactly two nodes with its indexterm:[dual-primary mode]<<s-dual-primary-mode,dual-primary mode>>. Attempting to use more than three nodes in the Primary state is _not_ supported and may lead to data loss.

All cluster file systems _require_ fencing - not only through the DRBD resource, but STONITH! A faulty member _must_ be killed.

You will want these settings:
net {
	fencing resource-and-stonith;
handlers {
	# Make sure the other node is confirmed
	# dead after this!
       fence-peer "/usr/lib/drbd/crm-fence-peer.9.sh";
       after-resync-target "/usr/lib/drbd/crm-unfence-peer.9.sh";

If a node becomes a disconnected primary, the `resource-and-stonith` network fencing setting will:

- Freeze all the node's I/O operations.

- Call the node's fence-peer handler.

If the fence-peer handler cannot reach the peer node, for example over an alternate network, then the fence-peer handler should STONITH the disconnected primary node. I/O operations will resume as soon as the situation is resolved.

=== Introduction to GFS

Red Hat全局文件系统(GFS)是redhat对并发访问共享存储文件系统的实现。与任何此类文件系统一样,GFS允许多个节点以读/写方式同时访问同一存储设备,而不会造成数据损坏的风险。它通过使用分布式锁管理器(DLM)来管理来自集群成员的并发访问。

GFS was designed, from the outset, for use with conventional shared storage devices. Regardless, it is perfectly possible to use DRBD, in dual-primary mode, as a replicated storage device for GFS. Applications may benefit from reduced read/write latency due to the fact that DRBD normally reads from and writes to local storage, as opposed to the SAN devices GFS is normally configured to run from. Also, of course, DRBD adds an additional physical copy to every GFS filesystem, therefore adding redundancy to the concept.


GFS文件系统通常与Red Hat自己的集群管理框架indexterm:[Red Hat cluster Suite]<<ch-rhcs,Red Hat Cluster>>紧密集成。本章解释在红帽集群上下文中DRBD与GFS的结合使用。

GFS、CLVM和Red Hat Cluster在Red Hat Enterprise Linux(RHEL)及其派生的发行版中可用,例如indexterm:[CentOS]CentOS和indexterm:[Debian GNU/Linux]Debian GNU/Linux中也提供了从相同来源构建的包。本章假设在Red Hat Enterprise Linux系统上运行GFS。

=== Creating a DRBD Resource Suitable for GFS

由于GFS是一个共享的集群文件系统,需要从所有集群节点进行并发读/写存储访问,因此用于存储GFS文件系统的任何DRBD资源都必须在<<s-dual-primary-mode,dual-primary mode>>中配置。此外,建议使用一些DRBD的<<s-automatic-split-brain-recovery-configuration,features for automatic recovery from split brain>>。为此,在资源配置中包括以下行:indexterm:[drbd.conf]

[source, drbd]

resource <resource> { net { allow-two-primaries yes; after-sb-0pri discard-zero-changes; after-sb-1pri discard-secondary; after-sb-2pri disconnect; […​] } […​] }

By configuring auto-recovery policies, with the exception of the `disconnect` option, you are effectively configuring automatic data loss on one of your nodes after a split-brain scenario. In a properly configured Pacemaker cluster with STONITH enabled, the settings above are considered safe. Be sure you understand the implications of the options you set should you choose different options. See the `drbdsetup-9.0` man page for more details.

一旦您将这些选项添加到<<ch-configure,your freshly-configured resource>>中,您就可以<<s-first-time-up,initialize your resource as you normally would>>, 提升为两个节点上的主角色。

=== Configuring LVM to Recognize the DRBD Resource

GFS uses CLVM, the cluster-aware version of LVM, to manage block devices to be used by GFS. To use CLVM with DRBD, ensure that your LVM configuration

* 使用集群锁定。为此,请在 `/etc/lvm/lvm.conf` 中设置以下选项:
[source, drbd]

locking_type = 3

* 扫描DRBD设备以识别基于DRBD的物理卷(pv)。这适用于传统(非集群)LVM;有关详细信息,请参见<<s-lvm-drbd-as-pv>>。

=== Configuring Your cluster to Support GFS

创建新的DRBD资源并 <<s-rhcs-config,completed your initial cluster configurations>>后,必须在GFS集群的两个节点上启用并启动以下系统服务:

* `cman`(这也会启动 `ccsd` 和 `fenced`),

* `clvmd`.

=== Creating a GFS Filesystem

To create a GFS filesystem on your dual-primary DRBD resource, you must first initialize it as a <<s-lvm-primer,Logical Volume for LVM>>.

与传统的、非集群感知的LVM配置相反,由于CLVM的集群感知特性,只能在一个节点上完成以下步骤:indexterm:[LVM]indexterm:[pvcreate(LVM command)]indexterm:[LVM]indexterm:[vgcreate(LVM command)]indexterm:[LVM]indexterm:[lvcreate(LVM command)]

pvcreate /dev/drbd/by-res/<resource>/0

Physical volume “/dev/drbd<num>” successfully created # vgcreate <vg-name> /dev/drbd/by-res/<resource>/0 Volume group “<vg-name>” successfully created # lvcreate –size <size> –name <lv-name> <vg-name> Logical volume “<lv-name>” created

NOTE: This example assumes a single-volume resource.

CLVM将立即通知对等节点这些更改;indexterm:[LVM]indexterm:[lvdisplay (LVM command)]indexterm:[LVM]indexterm:[lvs (LVM command)]]在对等节点上发出 `lvs`(或 `lvdisplay` )将列出新创建的逻辑卷。


mkfs -t gfs -p lock_dlm -j 2 /dev/<vg-name>/<lv-name>


mkfs -t gfs2 -p lock_dlm -j 2 -t <cluster>:<name>

The `-j` option in this command refers to the number of journals to keep for GFS. This must be identical to the number of nodes with concurrent _Primary_ role in the GFS cluster; since DRBD does not support more than two _Primary_ nodes the value to set here is always 2.

The `-t` option, applicable only for GFS2 filesystems, defines the lock table name. This follows the format _<cluster>:<name>_, where _<cluster>_ must match your cluster name as defined in `/etc/cluster/cluster.conf`. Therefore, only members of that cluster will be permitted to use the filesystem. By contrast, _<name>_ is an arbitrary file system name unique in the cluster.

=== Using Your GFS Filesystem

创建文件系统后,可以将其添加到 `/etc/fstab` :

[source, fstab]

/dev/<vg-name>/<lv-name> <mountpoint> gfs defaults 0 0


[source, fstab]

/dev/<vg-name>/<lv-name> <mountpoint> gfs2 defaults 0 0

Do not forget to make this change on both cluster nodes.

在此之后,您可以启动 `gfs` 服务(在两个节点上)来挂载新的文件系统:indexterm:[gfs]

service gfs start

From then on, if you have DRBD configured to start automatically on system startup, before the Pacemaker services and the `gfs` service, you will be able to use this GFS file system as you would use one that is configured on traditional shared storage.
== 在DRBD中使用OCFS2

indexterm:[OCFS2]indexterm:[Oracle Cluster File System]本章概述了将DRBD资源设置为包含共享Oracle Cluster文件系统版本2(OCFS2)的块设备所需的步骤。

All cluster file systems _require_ fencing - not only through the DRBD resource, but STONITH! A faulty member _must_ be killed.


	net {
		fencing resource-and-stonith;
	handlers {
		# Make sure the other node is confirmed
		# dead after this!
		outdate-peer "/sbin/kill-other-node.sh";

一定有不稳定的缓存!你可能会在https://fedorahosted.org/cluster/wiki/DRBD_Cookbook 上得到一些提示,尽管那是关于GFS2的,而不是OCFS2的。

=== Introduction to OCFS2

Oracle集群文件系统(OCFS2)是Oracle公司开发的一个并发访问共享存储文件系统。与它的前身OCFS不同,OCFS是专门设计的,只适用于Oracle数据库有效负载,OCFS2是实现大多数POSIX语义的通用文件系统。OCFS2最常见的用例可以说是Oracle Real Application Cluster(RAC),但是OCFS2也可以用于实现比如负载平衡的NFS集群。

虽然OCFS2最初设计用于传统的共享存储设备,但它同样非常适合部署在<<s-dual-primary-mode,dual-Primary DRBD>>上。从文件系统中读取的应用程序可能会受益于减少的读取延迟,这是因为DRBD从本地存储中读取和写入,而不是在正常情况下运行的SAN设备OCFS2。此外,DRBD通过向每个文件系统映像添加一个额外的副本来增加OCFS2的冗余,而不是仅仅共享一个文件系统映像。



OCFS2在SUSE Linux企业服务器(它是主要受支持的共享集群文件系统)、CentOS、Debian GNU/Linux和Ubuntu服务器版本中可用。Oracle还为Red Hat Enterprise Linux(RHEL)提供了软件包。本章假设在SUSE Linux企业服务器系统上运行OCFS2。

=== Creating a DRBD Resource Suitable for OCFS2

由于OCFS2是一个共享的群集文件系统,需要从所有群集节点进行并发读/写存储访问,因此用于存储OCFS2文件系统的任何DRBD资源都必须在<<s-dual-primary-mode,dual-primary mode>>中配置。此外,建议使用一些DRBD的<<s-automatic-split-brain-recovery-configuration,features for automatic recovery from split brain>>。为此,在资源配置中包括以下行:indexterm:[drbd.conf]

[source, drbd]

resource <resource> { net { # allow-two-primaries yes; after-sb-0pri discard-zero-changes; after-sb-1pri discard-secondary; after-sb-2pri disconnect; …​ } …​ }


不建议在初始配置时将 `allow-two-primaries` 选项设置为 `yes` 。您应该在初始资源同步完成后执行此操作。

一旦您将这些选项添加到<<ch-configure,your freshly-configured resource>>中,您就可以<<s-first-time-up,initialize your resource as you normally would>>. 当您设置了indexterm:[drbd.conf] `allow-two-primaries` 选项为 `yes` , 你就可以<<s-switch-resource-roles,promote the resource>>将两节点角色都提升为主要角色。

=== Creating an OCFS2 Filesystem

Now, use OCFS2's `mkfs` implementation to create the file system:

mkfs -t ocfs2 -N 2 -L ocfs2_drbd0 /dev/drbd0

mkfs.ocfs2 1.4.0 Filesystem label=ocfs2_drbd0 Block size=1024 (bits=10) Cluster size=4096 (bits=12) Volume size=205586432 (50192 clusters) (200768 blocks) 7 cluster groups (tail covers 4112 clusters, rest cover 7680 clusters) Journal size=4194304 Initial number of node slots: 2 Creating bitmaps: done Initializing superblock: done Writing system files: done Writing superblock: done Writing backup superblock: 0 block(s) Formatting Journals: done Writing lost+found: done mkfs.ocfs2 successful

这将在 `/dev/drbd0` 上创建一个具有两个节点插槽的OCFS2文件系统,并将文件系统标签设置为 `ocfs2_drbd0`。您可以在 `mkfs` 调用中指定其他选项;有关详细信息,请参阅 `mkfs.ocfs2` 系统手册页。

=== Pacemaker OCFS2 Management

==== Adding a Dual-Primary DRBD Resource to Pacemaker

现有的<<s-ocfs2-create-resource,Dual-Primary DRBD resource>>可通过以下 `crm` 配置添加到Pacemaker资源管理:

[source, drbd]

primitive p_drbd_ocfs2 ocf:linbit:drbd \ params drbd_resource=”ocfs2″ ms ms_drbd_ocfs2 p_drbd_ocfs2 \ meta master-max=2 clone-max=2 notify=true

IMPORTANT: 注意 `master max=2` 元变量;它为Pacemaker 主/从设备启用双主模式。这要求在DRBD配置中将 `allow-two-primaries` 也设置为 `yes`。否则,Pacemaker将在资源验证期间标记配置错误。

==== Adding OCFS2 Management Capability to Pacemaker

To manage OCFS2 and the kernel Distributed Lock Manager (DLM), Pacemaker uses a total of three different resource agents:

* `ocf:pacemaker:controld` -- Pacemaker与DLM的接口;

* `ocf:ocfs2:o2cb`--Pacemaker与ocfs2集群管理的接口;

* `ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem`--通用文件系统管理资源代理,配置为Pacemaker克隆时支持群集文件系统。


[source, drbd]

primitive p_controld ocf:pacemaker:controld primitive p_o2cb ocf:ocfs2:o2cb group g_ocfs2mgmt p_controld p_o2cb clone cl_ocfs2mgmt g_ocfs2mgmt meta interleave=true


==== Adding an OCFS2 Filesystem to Pacemaker


[source, drbd]

primitive p_fs_ocfs2 ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem \ params device=”/dev/drbd/by-res/ocfs2/0″ directory=”/srv/ocfs2″ \ fstype=”ocfs2″ options=”rw,noatime” clone cl_fs_ocfs2 p_fs_ocfs2

NOTE: This example assumes a single-volume resource.

==== Adding Required Pacemaker Constraints to Manage OCFS2 Filesystems

To tie all OCFS2-related resources and clones together, add the following constraints to your Pacemaker configuration:

[source, drbd]

order o_ocfs2 ms_drbd_ocfs2:promote cl_ocfs2mgmt:start cl_fs_ocfs2:start colocation c_ocfs2 cl_fs_ocfs2 cl_ocfs2mgmt ms_drbd_ocfs2:Master

=== Legacy OCFS2 Management (Without Pacemaker)

IMPORTANT: 本节介绍的信息适用于Pacemaker中不支持OCFS2 DLM的传统系统。此处仅作参考之用。新装置应始终使用<<s-ocfs2-pacemaker,Pacemaker>>方法。

==== Configuring Your Cluster to Support OCFS2

===== Creating the Configuration File

OCFS2使用一个中央配置文件 `/etc/OCFS2/cluster.conf`。


如果您觉得直接编辑cluster.conf文件不太舒服,还可以使用通常更方便的 `ocfs2console` 图形配置实用程序。不管您选择什么方法,您的 `/etc/ocfs2/cluster.conf` 文件内容应该大致如下:

[source, drbd]

node: ip_port = 7777 ip_address = number = 0 name = alice cluster = ocfs2

node: ip_port = 7777 ip_address = number = 1 name = bob cluster = ocfs2

cluster: node_count = 2 name = ocfs2

When you have configured you cluster, use `scp` to distribute the configuration to both nodes in the cluster.

===== Configuring the O2CB Driver in SUSE Linux Enterprise Systems

On SLES, you may use the `configure` option of the `o2cb` init script:

/etc/init.d/o2cb configure

Configuring the O2CB driver.

This will configure the on-boot properties of the O2CB driver. The following questions will determine whether the driver is loaded on boot. The current values will be shown in brackets (‘[]’). Hitting <ENTER> without typing an answer will keep that current value. Ctrl-C will abort.

Load O2CB driver on boot (y/n) [y]: Cluster to start on boot (Enter “none” to clear) [ocfs2]: Specify heartbeat dead threshold (>=7) [31]: Specify network idle timeout in ms (>=5000) [30000]: Specify network keepalive delay in ms (>=1000) [2000]: Specify network reconnect delay in ms (>=2000) [2000]: Use user-space driven heartbeat? (y/n) [n]: Writing O2CB configuration: OK Loading module “configfs”: OK Mounting configfs filesystem at /sys/kernel/config: OK Loading module “ocfs2_nodemanager”: OK Loading module “ocfs2_dlm”: OK Loading module “ocfs2_dlmfs”: OK Mounting ocfs2_dlmfs filesystem at /dlm: OK Starting O2CB cluster ocfs2: OK

===== Configuring the O2CB Driver in Debian GNU/Linux Systems
On Debian, the `configure` option to `/etc/init.d/o2cb` is not available. Instead, reconfigure the `ocfs2-tools` package to enable the driver:

dpkg-reconfigure -p medium -f readline ocfs2-tools

Configuring ocfs2-tools Would you like to start an OCFS2 cluster (O2CB) at boot time? yes Name of the cluster to start at boot time: ocfs2 The O2CB heartbeat threshold sets up the maximum time in seconds that a node awaits for an I/O operation. After it, the node “fences” itself, and you will probably see a crash.

It is calculated as the result of: (threshold – 1) x 2.

Its default value is 31 (60 seconds).

Raise it if you have slow disks and/or crashes with kernel messages like:

o2hb_write_timeout: 164 ERROR: heartbeat write timeout to device XXXX after NNNN milliseconds O2CB Heartbeat threshold: 31 Loading filesystem “configfs”: OK Mounting configfs filesystem at /sys/kernel/config: OK Loading stack plugin “o2cb”: OK Loading filesystem “ocfs2_dlmfs”: OK Mounting ocfs2_dlmfs filesystem at /dlm: OK Setting cluster stack “o2cb”: OK Starting O2CB cluster ocfs2: OK

==== Using Your OCFS2 Filesystem


mount -t ocfs2 /dev/drbd0 /shared

然后,内核日志(通过发出命令 `dmesg` 可以访问)应该包含一行类似的内容:

[source, drbd]

ocfs2: Mounting device (147,0) on (node 0, slot 0) with ordered data mode.

== 在DRBD中使用Xen


=== Introduction to Xen

Xen是一个虚拟化框架,最初在剑桥大学(英国)开发,后来由XenSource,Inc.维护(现在是Citrix的一部分)。它包含在大多数Linux发行版的最新版本中,如Debian GNU/Linux(4.0版以后)、SUSE Linux Enterprise Server(10版以后)、Red Hat Enterprise Linux(5版以后)和许多其他发行版。

Xen使用半虚拟化(一种虚拟化方法,涉及虚拟化主机和来宾虚拟机之间的高度协作)和选定的来宾操作系统,与传统的虚拟化解决方案(通常基于硬件仿真)相比,可提高性能。Xen还支持在支持适当虚拟化扩展的cpu上进行完全硬件仿真;用Xen的话说,这就是HVM( "硬件辅助虚拟机" )。

NOTE: 在撰写本文时,Xen for HVM支持的CPU扩展是英特尔的虚拟化技术(VT,以前的代号为 "Vanderpool")和AMD的安全虚拟机(SVM,以前的代号为 "Pacifica")。

Xen支持indexterm:[Xen,live migration]_live migration_,它是指在不中断的情况下,将正在运行的来宾操作系统从一个物理主机传输到另一个物理主机的能力。

When a DRBD resource is used as a replicated Virtual Block Device (VBD) for Xen, it serves to make the entire contents of a DomU's virtual disk available on two servers, which can then be configured for automatic failover. That way, DRBD does not only provide redundancy for Linux servers (as in non-virtual DRBD deployment scenarios), but also for any other operating system that can run virtually under Xen — which, in essence, includes any operating system available on 32- or 64-bit Intel compatible architectures.

=== Setting DRBD Module Parameters for Use with Xen

对于Xen Domain-0内核,建议加载DRBD模块,并将参数 `disable_sendpage` 设置为 `1`。为此,创建(或打开)文件 `/etc/modprobe.d/drbd.conf` ,并输入以下行:

[source, drbd]

options drbd disable_sendpage=1

=== Creating a DRBD Resource Suitable to Act as a Xen Virtual Block Device

Configuring a DRBD resource that is to be used as a Virtual Block Device (VBD) for Xen is fairly straightforward -- in essence, the typical configuration matches that of a DRBD resource being used for any other purpose. However, if you want to enable live migration for your guest instance, you need to enable indexterm:[Dual-Primary mode]<<s-dual-primary-mode,dual-primary mode>>for this resource:

[source, drbd]

resource <resource> { net { allow-two-primaries yes; …​ } …​ }


=== Using DRBD Virtual Block Devices

To use a DRBD resource as the virtual block device, you must add a line like the following to your Xen DomU configuration: indexterm:[Xen]

[source, drbd]

disk = [ ‘drbd:<resource>,xvda,w’ ]

This example configuration makes the DRBD resource named _resource_ available to the DomU as `/dev/xvda` in read/write mode (`w`).

Of course, you may use multiple DRBD resources with a single DomU. In that case, simply add more entries like the one provided in the example to the `disk` option, separated by commas.

NOTE: 在以下三种情况下,您不能使用此方法:

* You are configuring a fully virtual (HVM) DomU.

* You are installing your DomU using a graphical installation utility, _and_ that graphical installer does not support the `drbd:` syntax.

* You are configuring a DomU without the `kernel`, `initrd`, and `extra` options, relying instead on `bootloader` and `bootloader_args` to use a Xen pseudo-bootloader, _and_ that pseudo-bootloader does not support the `drbd:` syntax.

** pygrub+(在Xen 3.3之前)和 `domUloader.py`(在SUSE Linux企业服务器10上随Xen一起提供)是两个不支持 `drbd:` 虚拟块设备配置语法的伪引导加载程序示例。

** 自Xen 3.3 以后的 `pygrub` 和SLES 11后附带的 `domUloader.py` 版本都支持这种语法。

在这些情况下,必须使用传统的 `phy:` 设备语法和与资源关联的DRBD设备名,而不是资源名。但是,这要求您在Xen之外管理DRBD状态转换,这是一种比 `DRBD` 资源类型提供的更不灵活的方法。

=== Starting, Stopping, and Migrating DRBD-backed DomUs

.Starting the DomU
Once you have configured your DRBD-backed DomU, you may start it as you would any other DomU:

xm create <domU>

Using config file “/etc/xen/<domU>”. Started domain <domU>


.Stopping the DomU

xm shutdown -w <domU>

Domain <domU> terminated.

Again, as you would expect, the DRBD resource is returned to the secondary role after the DomU is successfully shut down.

.Migrating the DomU

xm migrate –live <domU> <destination-host>

* 资源将提升为目标主机上的主要角色。
* Live migration of _DomU_ is initiated on the local host.
* 迁移到目标主机完成后,资源将在本地降级为次要角色。


=== Internals of DRBD/Xen Integration


This device type is used to hand "physical" block devices, available in the host environment, off to a guest DomU in an essentially transparent fashion.

This device type is used to make file-based block device images available to the guest DomU. It works by creating a loop block device from the original image file, and then handing that block device off to the DomU in much the same fashion as the `phy` device type does.

If a Virtual Block Device configured in the `disk` option of a DomU configuration uses any prefix other than `phy:`, `file:`, or no prefix at all (in which case Xen defaults to using the `phy` device type), Xen expects to find a helper script named ``block-``_prefix_ in the Xen scripts directory, commonly `/etc/xen/scripts`.

DRBD发行版为 `drbd` 设备类型提供了这样一个脚本,名为 `/etc/xen/scripts/block-drbd` 。该脚本处理必要的DRBD资源状态转换,如本章前面所述。

=== Xen与Pacemaker的集成

indexterm:[Xen]indexterm:[Heartbeat]To fully capitalize on the benefits provided by having a DRBD-backed Xen VBD's, it is recommended to have Pacemaker manage the associated DomUs as Pacemaker resources.

You may configure a Xen DomU as a Pacemaker resource, and automate resource failover. To do so, use the Xen OCF resource agent. If you are using the `drbd` Xen device type described in this chapter, you will _not_ need to configure any separate `drbd` resource for use by the Xen cluster resource. Instead, the `block-drbd` helper script will do all the necessary resource transitions for you.

= Optimizing DRBD Performance

== Measuring Block Device Performance

=== Measuring Throughput

When measuring the impact of using DRBD on a system's I/O throughput, the _absolute_ throughput the system is capable of is of little relevance. What is much more interesting is the _relative_ impact DRBD has on I/O performance. Therefore, it is always necessary to measure I/O throughput both with and without DRBD.

CAUTION: The tests described in this section are intrusive; they overwrite data and bring DRBD devices out of sync. It is therefore vital that you perform them only on scratch volumes which can be discarded after testing has completed.

I/O吞吐量估计的工作原理是将大量数据写入块设备,并测量系统完成写入操作所需的时间。这可以使用相当普遍的实用程序 `dd` 轻松完成,该实用程序的最新版本包括内置的吞吐量估计。

一个简单的基于 `dd` 的吞吐量基准,假设您有一个名为 `test` 的临时资源,该资源当前已连接并且在两个节点上都处于次要角色,如下所示:

[source, drbd]


TEST_DEVICE=$(drbdadm sh-dev $TEST_RESOURCE | head -1)

TEST_LL_DEVICE=$(drbdadm sh-ll-dev $TEST_RESOURCE | head -1)

drbdadm primary $TEST_RESOURCE

for i in $(seq 5); do

    dd if=/dev/zero of=$TEST_DEVICE bs=1M count=512 oflag=direct
# drbdadm down $TEST_RESOURCE
# for i in $(seq 5); do
    dd if=/dev/zero of=$TEST_LL_DEVICE bs=1M count=512 oflag=direct
此测试只需将512MiB的数据写入DRBD设备,然后写入其备份设备进行比较。这两项测试各重复5次,以便进行一些统计平均。相关结果是由 `dd` 生成的吞吐量测量。

NOTE: 对于刚刚启用的DRBD设备,在第一次 `dd` 运行时性能会略有下降是正常的。这是因为活动日志是 `冷` 的,不需要担心。

有关一些性能数据,请参阅我们的 <<ch-throughput>> 一章。

=== Measuring Latency


与吞吐量测量一样,可以使用无处不在的 `dd` 实用程序执行I/O延迟测量,尽管设置不同,观察的焦点完全不同。

下面提供了一个简单的基于 `dd` 的延迟微基准测试,假设您有一个名为 `test` 的临时资源,该资源当前已连接,并且在两个节点上都处于次要角色:

[source, drbd]


TEST_DEVICE=$(drbdadm sh-dev $TEST_RESOURCE | head -1)

TEST_LL_DEVICE=$(drbdadm sh-ll-dev $TEST_RESOURCE | head -1)

drbdadm primary $TEST_RESOURCE

dd if=/dev/zero of=$TEST_DEVICE bs=4k count=1000 oflag=direct

drbdadm down $TEST_RESOURCE

dd if=/dev/zero of=$TEST_LL_DEVICE bs=4k count=1000 oflag=direct


重要的是要了解由 `dd` 生成的吞吐量测量与此测试完全无关;重要的是在完成所述1000次写入过程中经过的时间。将此时间除以1000可得出单个块写入的平均延迟。

NOTE: This is the _worst-case_, in that it is single-threaded and does one write strictly after the one before, that is, it runs with an I/O-depth of 1. Please refer to <<s-latency-iops>>.

== Optimizing DRBD Throughput


=== Hardware Considerations


indexterm:[throughput]I/O subsystem throughput is determined, largely, by the number and type of storage units (disks, SSDs, other Flash storage [like FusionIO], ...) that can be written to in parallel. A single, reasonably recent, SCSI or SAS disk will typically allow streaming writes of roughly 40MiB/s to the single disk; an SSD will do 300MiB/s; one of the recent Flash storages (NVMe) will be at 1GiB/s. When deployed in a striping configuration, the I/O subsystem will parallelize writes across disks, effectively multiplying a single disk's throughput by the number of stripes in the configuration. Therefore, the same 40MiB/s disks will allow effective throughput of 120MiB/s in a RAID-0 or RAID-1+0 configuration with three stripes, or 200MiB/s with five stripes; with SSDs, NVMe, or both, you can easily get to 1GiB/sec.


NOTE: 硬件中的磁盘镜像(RAID-1)通常对吞吐量的影响很小(如果有的话)。带奇偶校验的磁盘条带(RAID-5)确实对吞吐量有影响,与条带相比通常是不利的;软件中的RAID-5和RAID-6更是如此。

indexterm:[throughput]Network throughput is usually determined by the amount of traffic present on the network, and on the throughput of any routing/switching infrastructure present. These concerns are, however, largely irrelevant in DRBD replication links which are normally dedicated, back-to-back network connections. Therefore, network throughput may be improved either by switching to a higher-throughput hardware (such as 10 Gigabit Ethernet, or 56GiB InfiniBand), or by using link aggregation over several network links, as one may do using the Linux indexterm:[bonding driver]`bonding` network driver.

=== Estimating DRBD's Effects on Throughput

When estimating the throughput effects associated with DRBD, it is important to consider the following natural limitations:

* DRBD吞吐量受到原始I/O子系统的限制。
* DRBD的吞吐量受到可用网络带宽的限制。

The _lower_ of these two establishes the theoretical throughput _maximum_ available to DRBD. DRBD then reduces that baseline throughput maximum number by DRBD's additional I/O activity, which can be expected to be less than three percent of the baseline number.

* Consider the example of two cluster nodes containing I/O subsystems capable of 600 MB/s throughput, with a Gigabit Ethernet link available between them. Gigabit Ethernet can be expected to produce 110 MB/s throughput for TCP connections, therefore the network connection would be the bottleneck in this configuration and one would expect about 110 MB/s maximum DRBD throughput.

* 相比之下,如果I/O子系统仅能够以80 MB/s的速度进行持续的写操作,那么它就构成了瓶颈,您应该只期望大约77 MB/s的最大DRBD吞吐量。

=== Tuning Recommendations

DRBD offers several configuration options which may have an effect on your system's throughput. This section list some recommendations for tuning for throughput. However, since throughput is largely hardware dependent, the effects of tweaking the options described here may vary greatly from system to system. It is important to understand that these recommendations should not be interpreted as "silver bullets" which would magically remove any and all throughput bottlenecks.

==== 设置 `max-buffers` 和 `max-epoch-size`

这些选项会影响辅助节点上的写入性能。`max buffers` 是DRBD为将数据写入磁盘而分配的最大缓冲区数,而 `max-epoch-size` 是两个写入屏障之间允许的最大写入请求数。`max buffers` 必须等于或大于 `max-epoch-size` ,才能提高性能。两者的默认值都是2048;对于大多数合理的高性能硬件RAID控制器来说,将其设置为8000左右应该没问题。

[source, drbd]

resource <resource> { net { max-buffers 8000; max-epoch-size 8000; …​ } …​ }

==== Tuning the TCP Send Buffer Size

TCP发送缓冲区是用于传出TCP通信的内存缓冲区。默认情况下,它的大小设置为128 KiB。对于在高吞吐量网络(如专用千兆以太网或负载平衡的绑定连接)中使用,将其大小增加到2MiB或更大可能是有意义的。通常不建议发送缓冲区大小超过16MiB(而且也不太可能产生任何吞吐量改进)。

[source, drbd]

resource <resource> { net { sndbuf-size 2M; …​ } …​ }


[source, drbd]

resource <resource> { net { sndbuf-size 0; …​ } …​ }

请注意,您的 `sysctl` 设置 `net.ipv4.tcp_rmem` 和 `net.ipv4.tcp_wmem` 仍将影响行为;您应该检查这些设置,并可能将它们设置为类似于 `131072 1048576 16777216` (最小128kiB,默认1MiB,最大16MiB)。

WARNING: `net.ipv4.tcp_mem` 是另一个怪兽,有不同的单位-不要碰,错误的值很容易把你的机器推入内存不足的情况!

==== Tuning the Activity Log Size


[source, drbd]

resource <resource> { disk { al-extents 6007; …​ } …​ }

For tuning on striped RAID setups, please see the <<al-stripes,al-stripes>> and
<<al-stripe-size,al-stripe-size>> settings, too.

==== Disabling Barriers and Disk Flushes

WARNING: 本节概述的建议应仅适用于具有非易失性(电池支持)控制器缓存的系统。


[source, drbd]

resource <resource> { disk { disk-barrier no; disk-flushes no; …​ } …​ }

=== Achieving Better Read Performance Through Increased Redundancy

如 `read-balancing` 下 `drbd.conf` 的手册页所述,可以通过添加更多数据副本来提高读取性能。

As a ballpark figure: with a single node processing read requests, `fio` on a __FusionIO__ card gave us 100k IOPS; after enabling `read-balancing`, the performance jumped to 180k IOPS, i.e. +80%!

So, in case you're running a read-mostly workload (big databases with many random reads), it might be worth a try to turn `read-balancing` on - and, perhaps, add another copy for still more read IO throughput.

== Optimizing DRBD Latency


=== Hardware Considerations


indexterm:[latency]For _rotating media_ the I/O subsystem latency is primarily a function of disk rotation speed. Therefore, using fast-spinning disks is a valid approach for reducing I/O subsystem latency.

对于 _固态媒体_ (如固态硬盘),闪存控制器是决定因素;下一个最重要的因素是未使用的容量。使用DRBD的<<s-trim-discard>>将帮助您向控制器提供所需的信息,哪些块可以循环使用。这样,当一个写请求进入时,它可以使用一个提前清理过的块,而不必等待至 *现在* 直到有可用的空间为止。footnote:[在低端硬件上,您可以通过保留一些空间来帮助这一点,只需保留总空间的10%到20%就可以了。]

同样,使用indexterm:[battery-backed write cache]indexterm:[BBU]battery-backed write cache(BBWC)可以减少写入完成时间,还可以减少写入延迟。大多数合理的存储子系统都带有某种形式的电池备份缓存,并允许管理员配置该缓存的哪个部分用于读写操作。建议的方法是完全禁用磁盘读缓存,并将所有可用的缓存内存用于磁盘写缓存。

indexterm:[latency]Network latency is, in essence, the packet indexterm:[round-trip-time]indexterm:[RTT] round-trip time (RTT) between hosts. It is influenced by several factors, most of which are irrelevant on the dedicated, back-to-back network connections recommended for use as DRBD replication links. Therefore, it is sufficient to accept that a certain amount of latency always exists in network links, which typically is on the order of 100 to 200 microseconds (μs) packet RTT for Gigabit Ethernet.

Network latency may typically be pushed below this limit only by using lower-latency network protocols, such as running DRBD over Dolphin Express using Dolphin SuperSockets, or a 10GBe direct connection; these are typically in the 50µs range. Even better is InfiniBand, which provides even lower latency.

=== Estimating DRBD's Effects on Latency

As for throughput, when estimating the latency effects associated with DRBD, there are some important natural limitations to consider:

* DRBD延迟受原始I/O子系统的延迟限制。
* DRBD延迟受可用网络延迟的约束。

The _sum_ of the two establishes the theoretical latency _minimum_ incurred to DRBDfootnote:[for protocol C, because the other node(s) have to write to stable storage, too]. DRBD then adds to that latency a slight additional latency, which can be expected to be less than one percent.

* 以本地磁盘子系统为例,其写延迟为3ms,网络链路为0.2ms。那么,预期的DRBD延迟将为3.2ms,或者仅写到本地磁盘的延迟大约增加7%。

NOTE: Latency may be influenced by several other factors, including CPU cache misses, context switches, and others.

=== Latency Compared to IOPS

indexterm:[latency]indexterm:[IOPS]_IOPS_ is the abbreviation of "__I/O operations per second__".

Marketing typically doesn't like numbers that get smaller; press releases aren't written with "__Latency reduced by 10µs, from 50µs to 40µs now!__" in mind, they like "__Performance increased by 25%, from 20000 to now 25000 IOPS__" much more. Therefore IOPS were invented - to get a number that says "higher is better".

So, IOPS are the reciprocal of latency. The method in <<s-measure-latency>> gives you a latency measurement based on the number of IOPS for a purely sequential, single-threaded I/O load. Most other documentation will give measurements for some highly parallel I/O loadfootnote:[Like in "__16 threads, I/O-depth of 32__" - this means that 512 I/O-requests are being done in parallel!], because this gives much larger numbers.

So, please don't shy away from measuring serialized, single-threaded latency. If you want a large IOPS number, run the `fio` utility with `threads=8` and an `iodepth=16`, or some similar settings... But please remember that these numbers will not have any meaning to your setup, unless you're driving a database with many tens or hundreds of client connections active at the same time.

=== Tuning Recommendations

==== Setting DRBD's CPU Mask

DRBD allows you to set an explicit CPU mask for its kernel threads. By default, DRBD picks a single CPU for each resource. All the threads for this resource run on this CPU. This policy is generally optimal when the goal is maximum aggregate performance with more DRBD resources than CPU cores. If instead you want to maximize the performance of individual resources at the cost of total CPU usage, you can use the CPU mask parameter to allow the DRBD threads to use multiple CPUs.

In addition, for detailed fine-tuning, you can coordinate the placement of application threads with the corresponding DRBD threads. Depending on the behavior of the application and the optimization goals, it may be beneficial to either use the same CPU, or to separate the threads onto independent CPUs, that is, restrict DRBD from using the same CPUs that are used by the application.

The CPU mask value that you set in a DRBD resource configuration is a hex number (or else a string of comma-separated hex numbers, to specify a mask that includes a system's 33rd CPU core or beyond). You can specify a mask that has up to a maximum of 908 CPU cores.

When represented in binary, the least significant bit of the CPU mask represents the first CPU, the second-least significant bit the second CPU, and so forth, up to a maximum of 908 CPU cores. A set bit (1) in the binary representation of the mask means that DRBD can use the corresponding CPU. A cleared bit (0) means that DRBD cannot use the corresponding CPU.

For example, a CPU mask of 0x1 (`00000001` in binary) means DRBD can use the first CPU only. A mask of 0xC (`00001100` in binary) means that DRBD can use the third and fourth CPU.

To convert a binary mask value to the hex value (or string of hex values) needed for your DRBD resource configuration file, you can use the following commands, provided that you have the `bc` utility installed. For example, to get the hex value for the binary number 00001100 and apply the necessary formatting for the CPU mask value string, enter the following:

$ binmask=00001100 $ echo “obase=16;ibase=2;$binmask” | BC_LINE_LENGTH=0 bc | \ sed ‘:a;s/\([,]\)\([,]{8}\)\($\|,\)/\1,\2\3/;p;ta;s/,0\+/,/g’ | tail -n 1

NOTE: The `sed` command above transforms the resulting hex number (converted from the binary number in the `binmask` variable, into a string format that the function that parses the `cpu-mask` string expects.

Output from these commands will be `C`. You can then use this value in your resource configuration file, as follows, to limit DRBD to only use the third and fourth CPU cores:

[source, drbd]

resource <resource> { options { cpu-mask C; …​ } …​ }

If you need to specify a mask that represents more than 32 CPUs then you will need to use a comma separated list of 32 bit hex valuesfootnote:[DRBD uses the `bitmap_parse` function to provide the CPU mask parameter functionality. See the Linux kernel documentation for the `bitmap_parse` function: https://docs.kernel.org/core-api/kernel-api.html?highlight=bitmap_parse#c.bitmap_parse[here].], up to a maximum of 908 CPU cores. A comma must separate every group of eight hex digits (32 binary digits) in the string.

For a contrived, more complex example, if you wanted to restrict DRBD to using just the 908th, 35th, 34th, 5th, 2nd, and 1st CPUs, you would set your CPU mask as follows:

$ binmask=10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011000000000000000000000000000010011 $ echo “obase=16;ibase=2;$binmask” | BC_LINE_LENGTH=0 bc | \ sed ‘:a;s/\([,]\)\([,]{8}\)\($\|,\)/\1,\2\3/;p;ta;s/,0\+/,/g’ | tail -n 1

Output from this command will be:

$ 800,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6,13

You would then set the CPU mask parameter in your resource configuration to:

cpu-mask 800,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,6,13

Of course, to minimize CPU competition between DRBD and the application using it, you need to configure your application to use only those CPUs which DRBD does not use.

Some applications might provide for this through an entry in a configuration file, just like DRBD itself. Others include an invocation of the `taskset` command in an application init script.


However, the numbering of CPUs doesn't have to correlate with the physical partitioning. You can try the `lstopo` (or `hwloc-ls`) program for X11 or `hwloc-info -v -p` for console output to get an overview of the topology.

==== Modifying the Network MTU

将复制网络的最大传输单元(MTU)大小更改为高于默认值1500字节的值可能是有益的。通俗地说,这称为indexterm:[Jumbo frames] "启用Jumbo frames"。


ifconfig <interface> mtu <size>

ip link set <interface> mtu <size>

_<interface>_ refers to the network interface used for DRBD replication. A typical value for _<size>_ would be 9000 (bytes).

==== Enabling the Deadline I/O Scheduler

indexterm:[I O scheduler]当与高性能、支持写回的硬件RAID控制器结合使用时,DRBD延迟可能从使用简单的deadline I/O scheduler而不是CFQ调度器中受益匪浅。后者通常在默认情况下启用。

Modifications to the I/O scheduler configuration may be performed through the `sysfs` virtual file system, mounted at `/sys`. The scheduler configuration is in `/sys/block/__device__`, where _<device>_ is the backing device DRBD uses.

You can enable the deadline scheduler with the following command:

echo deadline > /sys/block/<device>/queue/scheduler

You may then also set the following values, which may provide additional latency benefits:

* Disable front merges:

echo 0 > /sys/block/<device>/queue/iosched/front_merges

* Reduce read I/O deadline to 150 milliseconds (the default is 500ms):

echo 150 > /sys/block/<device>/queue/iosched/read_expire

* Reduce write I/O deadline to 1500 milliseconds (the default is 3000ms):

echo 1500 > /sys/block/<device>/queue/iosched/write_expire

If these values effect a significant latency improvement, you may want to make them permanent so they are automatically set at system startup. indexterm:[Debian GNU/Linux]Debian and indexterm:[Ubuntu Linux]Ubuntu systems provide this functionality through the `sysfsutils` package and the `/etc/sysfs.conf` configuration file.

You may also make a global I/O scheduler selection by passing the `elevator` parameter through your kernel command line. To do so, edit your boot loader configuration (normally found in `/etc/default/grub` if you are using the GRUB boot loader) and add `elevator=deadline` to your list of kernel boot options.

= Learning More

== DRBD内幕


=== DRBD Metadata

indexterm:[metadata]DRBD stores various pieces of information about the data it keeps in a dedicated area. This metadata includes:

* DRBD设备的大小,
* 生成标识符(GI,详细说明见<<s-gi>>),
* 活动日志(AL,在<<s-activity-log>>中详细描述)。
* 快速同步位图(详见<<s-quick-sync-bitmap>>),


==== Internal Metadata

indexterm:[metadata]Configuring a resource to use internal metadata means that DRBD stores its metadata on the same physical lower-level device as the actual production data. It does so by setting aside an area at the _end_ of the device for the specific purpose of storing metadata.

Since the metadata are inextricably linked with the actual data, no special action is required from the administrator in case of a hard disk failure. The metadata are lost together with the actual data and are also restored together.

In case of the lower-level device being a single physical hard disk (as opposed to a RAID set), internal metadata may negatively affect write throughput. The performance of write requests by the application may trigger an update of the metadata in DRBD. If the metadata are stored on the same magnetic disk of a hard disk, the write operation may result in two additional movements of the write/read head of the hard disk.

If you are planning to use internal metadata in conjunction with an existing lower-level device that already has data that you want to preserve, you _must_ account for the space required by DRBD's metadata.



* Enlarge your lower-level device. This is possible with any logical volume management facility (such as indexterm:[LVM]LVM) provided that you have free space available in the corresponding volume group. It may also be supported by hardware storage solutions.

* 缩容较低级别设备上的现有文件系统。您的文件系统可能支持,也可能不支持。

* If neither of the two are possible, use <<s-external-meta-data,external metadata>> instead.


==== External Metadata

indexterm:[metadata]External metadata is simply stored on a separate, dedicated block device distinct from that which holds your production data.

For some write operations, using external metadata produces a somewhat improved latency behavior.

Meta data are not inextricably linked with the actual production data. This means that manual intervention is required in the case of a hardware failure destroying just the production data (but not DRBD metadata), to effect a full data sync from the surviving node onto the subsequently replaced disk.

Use of external metadata is also the only viable option if _all_ of the following apply:

* You are using DRBD to duplicate an existing device that already contains data you want to preserve, _and_

* 现有设备不支持扩容,_并且_

* 设备上现有的文件系统不支持收缩。

To estimate the required size of the block device dedicated to hold your device metadata, see <<s-meta-data-size>>.

NOTE: External metadata requires a minimum of a 1MB device size.

==== Estimating Metadata Size

indexterm:[metadata]You may calculate the exact space requirements for DRBD's metadata using the following formula:

.Calculating DRBD metadata size (exactly)

*_C~s~_* is the data device size in sectors, and *_N_* is the number of peers.

you are using the <<al-stripe,al-stripes>> setting, additional space of size
_al-stripes_ times _al-strip-size_ is required.

NOTE: 您可以通过发出 `blockdev --getsize64 <device>` ;为转换为MB,除以1048576(=2^20^或1024^2^)来检索设备大小(字节)。


.Estimating DRBD metadata size (approximately)

=== 生成标识符

indexterm:[generation identifiers]DRBD使用生成标识符(GIs)来标识复制数据的 "生成"。


* 确定这两个节点是否实际上是同一集群的成员(与意外连接的两个节点相反),

* 确定背景重新同步的方向(如有必要),

* 确定是否需要完全重新同步或部分重新同步是否足够,

* indexterm:[split brain]识别裂脑。

==== Data Generations



* 初始设备完全同步,

* 断开连接的资源切换到主角色,

* 主角色中的资源正在断开连接。

Therefore, we can summarize that whenever a resource is in the _Connected_ connection state, and both nodes' disk state is _UpToDate_, the current data generation on both nodes is the same. The inverse is also true. Note that the current implementation uses the lowest bit to encode the role of the node (Primary/Secondary). Therefore, the lowest bit might be different on distinct nodes even if they are considered to have the same data generation.


==== The Generation Identifier Tuple

DRBD keeps some pieces of information about current and historical data generations in the local resource metadata:


.Bitmap UUIDs

// If the resource is _Connected_, this UUID is always empty (zero). FIXME


这些项统称为 _generation identifier tuple_ ,简称为 "__GI tuple__"。

==== How Generation Identifiers Change

===== Start of a New Data Generation

当处于 _主要_ 角色的节点失去与其对等节点的连接时(通过网络故障或手动干预),DRBD按以下方式修改其本地生成标识符:


. 主节点为新的数据生成创建一个新的UUID。这将成为主节点的当前UUID。

. 前一个当前的UUID现在引用位图跟踪更改的生成,因此它成为主节点的新位图UUID。

. 在次节点上,GI元组保持不变。

===== Completion of Resynchronization

When resynchronization concludes, the synchronization target adopts the entire GI tuple from the synchronization source.


==== How DRBD Uses Generation Identifiers

When a connection between nodes is established, the two nodes exchange their currently available generation identifiers, and proceed accordingly. Several possible outcomes exist:



.匹配当前 UUIDs


The local node detects that its current UUID matches one of the peer's historical UUIDs. This implies that while the two data sets share a common ancestor, and the peer node has the up-to-date data, the information kept in the peer node's bitmap is outdated and not usable. Therefore, a normal synchronization would be insufficient. DRBD now marks the entire device as out-of-sync and initiates a full background re-synchronization, with the local node becoming the synchronization target. In the opposite case (one of the local node's historical UUID matches the peer's current UUID), DRBD performs the same steps, except that the local node becomes the synchronization source.


indexterm:[split brain]The local node detects that its current UUID differs from the peer's current UUID, and that the bitmap UUIDs match. This is split brain, but one where the data generations have the same parent. This means that DRBD invokes split brain auto-recovery strategies, if configured. Otherwise, DRBD disconnects and waits for manual split brain resolution.

The local node detects that its current UUID differs from the peer's current UUID, and that the bitmap UUIDs _do not_ match. This is split brain with unrelated ancestor generations, therefore auto-recovery strategies, even if configured, are moot. DRBD disconnects and waits for manual split brain resolution.


=== 活动日志

==== 目的

indexterm:[Activity Log]During a write operation DRBD forwards the write operation to the local backing block device, but also sends the data block over the network. These two actions occur, for all practical purposes, simultaneously. Random timing behavior may cause a situation where the write operation has been completed, but the transmission over the network has not yet taken place, or vice versa.

If, at this moment, the active node fails and failover is being initiated, then this data block is out of sync between nodes -- it has been written on the failed node prior to the failure, but replication has not yet completed. Therefore, when the node eventually recovers, this block must be removed from the data set during subsequent synchronization. Otherwise, the failed node would be "one write ahead" of the surviving node, which would violate the "all or nothing" principle of replicated storage. This is an issue that is not limited to DRBD, in fact, this issue exists in practically all replicated storage configurations. Many other storage solutions (just as DRBD itself, prior to version 0.7) therefore require that after a failure of the active node the data must be fully synchronized after its recovery.

DRBD's approach, since version 0.7, is a different one. The _activity log_ (AL), stored in the metadata area, keeps track of those blocks that have "recently" been written to. Colloquially, these areas are referred to as _hot extents_.

If a temporarily failed node that was in active mode at the time of failure is synchronized, only those hot extents highlighted in the AL need to be synchronized (plus any blocks marked in the bitmap on the now-active peer), rather than the full device. This drastically reduces synchronization time after an active node failure.

==== Active Extents

indexterm:[Activity Log]The activity log has a configurable parameter, the number of active extents. Every active extent adds 4MiB to the amount of data being retransmitted after a Primary failure. This parameter must be understood as a compromise between the following opposites:

Keeping a large activity log improves write throughput. Every time a new extent is activated, an old extent is reset to inactive. This change requires a write operation to the metadata area. If the number of active extents is high, old active extents are swapped out fairly rarely, reducing metadata write operations and thereby improving performance.


==== Selecting a Suitable Activity Log Size



_R_ 是同步速率,以MiB/s为单位。_t~sync_ 是目标同步时间,以秒为单位。_E_ 是活动范围的结果数量。

举个例子,假设集群有一个I/O子系统,其吞吐量 (_R_) 为200兆字节/秒,配置为60兆字节/秒的同步速率,并且我们希望将目标同步时间(_t~tsync~_)保持在4分或240秒:


最后,DRBD 9需要在次要节点上保持AL,因为它们的数据可能用于同步其他次要节点。

=== The Quick-sync Bitmap

indexterm:[quick-sync bitmap]indexterm:[bitmap(DRBD-specific concept)]quick sync bitmap是内部数据结构,DRBD在每个对等资源上使用它来跟踪正在同步(在两个节点上相同)或不同步的块。它只在资源处于断开连接模式时才相关。

在快速同步位图中,一位表示磁盘上的4 KiB数据块。如果该位被清除,则表示对应的块仍与对等节点同步。这意味着自断开连接时起就没有写入块。相反,如果设置了位,则意味着块已被修改,并且需要在连接再次可用时重新同步。

As DRBD detects write I/O on a disconnected device, and therefore starts setting bits in the quick-sync bitmap, it does so in RAM -- therefore avoiding expensive synchronous metadata I/O operations. Only when the corresponding blocks turn cold (that is, expire from the <<s-activity-log,Activity Log>>), DRBD makes the appropriate modifications in an on-disk representation of the quick-sync bitmap. Likewise, if the resource happens to be manually shut down on the remaining node while disconnected, DRBD flushes the _complete_ quick-sync bitmap out to persistent storage.

当对等节点恢复或重新建立连接时,DRBD结合来自两个节点的位图信息来确定必须重新同步的 _总数据集_ 。同时,DRBD<<s-gi-use,examines the generation identifiers>>以确定同步的 _方向_ 。

-- 当然,同时修改的任何其他块都会被添加到重新同步数据集中。

NOTE: 使用indexterm:[drbdadm,pause-sync] `drbdadm pause-sync` 和indexterm:[drbdadm,resume-sync]`drbdadm resume-sync`命令也可以暂停并手动恢复重新同步。但是,您不应该心平气和地这样做——中断重新同步会使辅助节点的磁盘不一致的时间超过必要的时间。

=== The Peer-fencing Interface

DRBD has an interface defined for fencingfootnote:[For a discussion about Fencing and STONITH, please see the corresponding Pacemaker page http://clusterlabs.org/doc/crm_fencing.html.] the peer node in case of the replication link being interrupted. The `fence-peer` should mark the disk(s) on the peer node as _Outdated_, or shut down the peer node. It has to fulfill these tasks under the assumption that the replication network is down.


. 在资源的(或“common”)“handler s”部分中定义了“fence peer”处理程序,然后_

. 资源的“fencing”选项设置为“resource only”或“resource and stonith”_

. the node was primary _and_ the replication link is interrupted long enough for DRBDfootnote:[That means, for example, a TCP timeout, the `ping-timeout`, or the kernel triggers a connection abort, perhaps as a result of the network link going down.] to detect a network failure. _or_

. the node should promote to primary _and_ is not connected to the peer _and_ the peer's disks are not already marked as _Outdated_.

当调用指定为“fence peer”处理程序的程序或脚本时,它具有“DRBD_RESOURCE”和“DRBD_peer”环境变量。它们分别包含受影响的DRBD资源的名称和对等主机名。


.`fence peer`handler退出代码
[format="csv", separator=";", options="header"]
Exit code;Implication
3;Peer's disk state was already _Inconsistent_.
4;Peer's disk state was successfully set to _Outdated_ (or was _Outdated_ to begin with).
5;Connection to the peer node failed, peer could not be reached.
6;Peer refused to be outdated because the affected resource was in the primary role.
7;Peer node was successfully fenced off the cluster. This should never occur unless `fencing` is set to `resource-and-stonith` for the affected resource.

=== The Client Mode

Since version 9.0.13 DRBD supports clients. A client in DRBD speak is just a permanently diskless node. In the configuration, it is expressed by using the keyword `none` for the backing block device (the `disk` keyword). You will notice that in the `drbdsetup status` output you will see the `Diskless` disk status displayed in green color. (Usually, a disk state of `Diskless` is displayed in red).

Internally all the peers of an intentional diskless node are configured with the `peer-device-option` `--bitmap=no`. That means that they will not allocate a bitmap slot in the meta-data for the intentional diskless peer. On the intentional diskless node the device gets marked with the option `--diskless=yes` while it is created with the `new-minor` sub-command of `drbdsetup`.

These flags are visible through the `events2` status command:

* a `device` might have the `client:` field. If it reports `yes` the local device was marked to be permanently diskless.

* a `peer-device` might have the `peer-client` filed. If it says `yes` then there is no change-tracking bitmap to that peer.

Relevant commands and implications:

* You can only run `drbdsetup peer-device-options --bitmap=yes ...` if bitmap slots are available in the meta-data, since a bitmap-slot gets allocated.

* The command `drbdsetup peer-device-options --bitmap=no ...` is only possible if the peer is diskless, it does _not_ unallocate the bitmap-slot.

* `drbdsetup forget-peer ...` is used to irrevocable free the bitmap-slot assigned to a certain peer.

* Connecting two peers with disk where one (or both) expect the peer to be permanently diskless fails.

//- list divider. Keep it otherwise next included section is interpreted as list element
== Getting More Information

=== Commercial DRBD Support

Commercial DRBD support, consultation, and training services are available from the project's sponsor company, https://www.linbit.com/[LINBIT].

=== Public Mailing List

关于DRBD的一般用法问题的公开邮件列表是 [email protected]。这是一个仅限订户的邮件列表,您可以在 https://lists.linbit.com/listinfo/drbd- user/ 上订阅。完整的列表存档可在 https://lists.linbit.com/pipermail/drbd-user/ 上获得。

=== Official Twitter Account

https://www.linbit.com/[LINBIT] maintains an official https://twitter.com/linbit[Twitter account].

如果你在tweet上发布了关于DRBD的信息,请附上 `#drbd` 标签。

=== 出版物

DRBD's authors have written and published several papers on DRBD in general, or a specific aspect of DRBD. Here is a short selection:

- Philipp Reisner. https://web.archive.org/web/20180623151431/https://www.netways.de/fileadmin/images/Events_Trainings/Events/OSDC/2013/Slides_2013/Philipp_Reisner_Neues_in_DRBD9.pdf[DRBD 9 - What's New], 2012.

- Lars Ellenberg. https://web.archive.org/web/20190518224551/https://lap.snt.utwente.nl/dokuwiki/_media/projecten:storage:drbd8.linux-conf.eu.2007.pdf[DRBD v8.0.x and beyond], 2007.

- Philipp Reisner. https://web.archive.org/web/20150906225118/http://drbd.linbit.com/fileadmin/drbd/publications/drbd8_orig.pdf[DRBD v8 - Replicated Storage with Shared Disk Semantics], 2007.

- Philipp Reisner. https://web.archive.org/web/20150906225736/http://drbd.linbit.com/fileadmin/drbd/publications/drbd-activity-logging_v6.pdf[Rapid resynchronization for replicated storage], 2006.

// You can find many more on http://drbd.linbit.com/home/publications/.
// mat - link gets redirected to Software Downloads?
=== Other Useful Resources

* In addition to the user's guide you are reading now, LINBIT provides more documentation such as how-to guides, video tutorials, and explanatory blog posts that are available through https://www.linbit.com[the LINBIT website]:
  ** User's guides: https://linbit.com/user-guides-and-product-documentation
  ** How-to guides: https://linbit.com/solutions-and-how-to-documentation
  ** Blog: https://linbit.com/blog
* LINBIT offers an official training course for DRBD: https://linbit.com/drbd-basics-training/[DRBD Basics].
* Wikipedia has https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DRBD[an entry on DRBD].
* The https://www.clusterlabs.org[ClusterLabs website] has useful information about using DRBD in high-availability clusters.

= 附录

== Recent Changes

This appendix is for users who upgrade from earlier DRBD versions to DRBD 9.x. It highlights some important changes to DRBD's configuration and behavior.

=== DRBD 9.2 Changelog

You can find an itemized list of updates, fixes, and changes to the DRBD 9.2 branch at the project's open source codebase repository: https://github.com/LINBIT/drbd/blob/master/ChangeLog

Some of the highlights include:

- Add RDMA transport.

- Allow resync to proceed even with continuous application I/O.

- Process control socket packets directly in "bottom half" context. This improves performance by decreasing latency.

- Perform more discards when resyncing. Resync in multiples of discard granularity.

- Support network namespaces, for better integration with containers and orchestrators such as Kubernetes.

=== DRBD 9.1 Changelog

You can find an itemized list of updates, fixes, and changes to the DRBD 9.1 branch at the project's open source codebase repository: https://github.com/LINBIT/drbd/blob/drbd-9.1/ChangeLog

Some of the highlights include:

- Reduce locking contention in sending path. This increases performance of workloads with multiple peers or high I/O depth.

- Improve support for various scenarios involving suspended I/O due to loss of quorum.

=== Changes Coming From DRBD 8.4

If you are coming to DRBD 9.x from DRBD 8.4, some noteworthy changes are detailed in the following subsections.

==== 连接

With DRBD 9, data can be replicated across more than two nodes.

This also means that stacking DRBD volumes is now deprecated (though still possible), and that using DRBD as a network-blockdevice (a <<s-drbd-client,__DRBD client__>>) now makes sense.

Associated with this change are:

- Metadata size changes (one bitmap per peer).

- `/proc/drbd` 现在只提供最少的信息,请参见
    <<s-drbdadm-status, `drbdadm status`>>.

- Resynchronization to or from <<s-multi-node,multiple peers>> is possible.

- The <<s-activity-log,activity log>> is used even when in <<s-resource-roles,Secondary>> role.

==== Auto-Promote Feature

DRBD 9 can be configured to do the _Primary_/_Secondary_ <<s-resource-roles,role switch>> automatically, on-demand.

此功能将替换 `become-primary-on` 配置值以及旧的Heartbeat v1 `drbddisk` 脚本。

See <<s-automatic-promotion>> for more details.

==== 提高性能

DRBD 9 has seen noticeable performance improvements, depending on your specific hardware it's up to two magnitudes faster (measuring number of I/O operations per second for random writes).

==== Changes to the Configuration Syntax

In DRBD 8.4, the `drbdadm` parser still accepted pre-8.4 configuration syntax for configuration files in `/etc/drbd.d` and `/etc/drbd.conf`. DRBD 9 no longer accepts pre-8.4 configuration syntax.
== Upgrading DRBD From 8.4 to 9.x

This section covers the process of upgrading DRBD from version 8.4.x to 9.x in detail. For upgrades within version 9, and for special considerations when upgrading to a particular DRBD 9.x version, refer to the <<drbd-upgrading.adoc#s-upgrading-drbd, Upgrading DRBD>> chapter in this guide.

=== Compatibility

DRBD 9.a.b releases are generally protocol compatible with DRBD 8.c.d. In particular, all DRBD 9.a.b releases other than DRBD 9.1.0 to 9.1.7 inclusive are compatible with DRBD 8.c.d.

=== General Overview

The general process for upgrading 8.4 to 9.x is as follows:

* Configure the <<s-updating-your-repo-v8-to-v9,new repositories>> (if using packages from LINBIT).
* Verify that the current situation <<s-upgrade-check-v8-to-v9,is okay>>.
* <<s-upgrade-pausing-the-cluster-v8-to-v9,Pause>> any cluster manager.
* Upgrade packages to install <<s-upgrading-the-packages-v8-to-v9,new versions>> .
* If you want to move to more than two nodes, you will need to resize the lower-level storage to provide room for the additional metadata. This topic is discussed in the <<ch-lvm,LVM Chapter>>.
* Unconfigure resources, unload DRBD 8.4, and <<s-upgrade-reload-kernel-mod-v8-to-v9,load the v9 kernel module>>.
* <<s-upgrade-convert-v8-to-v9,Convert DRBD metadata>> to format `v09`, perhaps changing the number of bitmaps in the same step.
* <<s-upgrade-start-drbd-v8-to-v9,Start the DRBD resources>> and bring the cluster node _online_ again if you are using a cluster manager.

=== Updating Your Repository

Due to the number of changes between the 8.4 and 9.x branches, LINBIT has created separate repositories for each. The best way to get LINBIT's software installed on your machines, if you have a LINBIT customer or evaluation account, is to download a small https://my.linbit.com/linbit-manage-node.py[Python helper script] and run it on your target machines.

==== Using the LINBIT Manage Node Helper Script to Enable LINBIT Repositories

Running the LINBIT helper script will allow you to enable certain LINBIT package repositories. When upgrading from DRBD 8.4, it is recommended that you enable the `drbd-9` package repository.

NOTE: While the helper script does give you the option of enabling a `drbd-9.0` package repository, this is not recommended as a way to upgrade from DRBD 8.4, as that branch only contains DRBD 9.0 and related software. It will likely be discontinued in the future and the DRBD versions 9.1+ that are available in the `drbd-9` package repository are protocol compatible with version 8.4.

To use the script to enable the `drbd-9` repository, refer to the instructions in this guide for <<drbd-install-packages.adoc#s-linbit-manage-node-script, Using a LINBIT Helper Script to Register Nodes and Configure Package Repositories>>

==== Debian/Ubuntu Systems

When using LINBIT package repositories to update DRBD 8.4 to 9.1+, note that LINBIT currently only keeps two LTS Ubuntu versions up-to-date: Focal (20.04) and Jammy (22.04). If you are running DRBD v8.4, you are likely on an older version of Ubuntu Linux than these. Before using the helper script to add LINBIT package repositories to update DRBD, you would first need to update your system to a LINBIT supported LTS version.

=== Checking the DRBD State

Before you update DRBD, verify that your resources are in sync. The output of `cat /proc/drbd` should show an _UpToDate/UpToDate_ status for your resources.

node-2# cat /proc/drbd

version: 8.4.9-1 (api:1/proto:86-101) GIT-hash: […​] build by linbit@buildsystem, 2016-11-18 14:49:21 GIT-hash: […​] build by linbit@buildsystem, 2016-11-18 14:49:21

0: cs:Connected ro:Secondary/Secondary ds:UpToDate/UpToDate C r-----
    ns:0 nr:211852 dw:211852 dr:0 al:0 bm:0 lo:0 pe:0 ua:0 ap:0 ep:1 wo:d oos:0
NOTE: The `cat /proc/drbd` command is deprecated in DRBD versions 9.x for getting resource status information. After upgrading DRBD, use the `drbdadm status` command to get resource status information.

=== Pausing the Services

Now that you know the resources are in sync, start by upgrading the secondary node. This can be done manually or according to your cluster manager's documentation.
Both processes are covered below. If you are running Pacemaker as your cluster manager do not use the manual method.

==== 手动方法

node-2# systemctl stop drbd@<resource>.target

IMPORTANT: To use the `systemctl stop` command with a DRBD resource target, you would have needed to have enabled the `drbd.service` previously. You can verify this by using the `systemctl is-enabled drbd.service` command.

==== Pacemaker

Put the secondary node into standby mode. In this example `node-2` is secondary.

node-2# crm node standby node-2

NOTE: 您可以使用 `crm-mon-rf` 或 `cat/proc/drbd` 监视群集的状态,直到它显示您的资源为 `未配置` 。

=== Upgrading the Packages

Now update your packages.


node-2# dnf -y upgrade


node-2# apt-get update && apt-get upgrade

Once the upgrade is finished you will have the latest DRBD 9.x kernel module and `drbd-utils` installed on your secondary node, `node-2`.


=== Loading the New Kernel Module

By now the DRBD module should not be in use anymore, so unload it by entering the following command:

node-2# rmmod drbd_transport_tcp; rmmod drbd

If there is a message like `ERROR: Module drbd is in use`, then not all resources have been correctly stopped.

Retry <<s-upgrading-the-packages-v8-to-v9, upgrading packages>>, or run the command `drbdadm down all` to find out which resources are still active.

Some typical issues that might prevent you from unloading the kernel module are:

  * 在DRBD支持的文件系统上有导出NFS的操作(参见 `exportfs -v` 输出)
  * 文件系统仍在安装-检查 `grep drbd/proc/mounts`
  * Loopback 设备仍然处于活动状态( `losetup -l` )
  * 直接或间接使用DRBD的device mapper( `dmsetup ls --tree` )
  * 有带DRBD-PV的LVM(`pvs`)

NOTE: This list is not complete. These are just the most common examples.

Now you can load the new DRBD module.

node-2# modprobe drbd

Next, you can verify that the version of the DRBD kernel module that is loaded is the updated 9.x version. If the installed package is for the wrong kernel version, the `modprobe` would be successful, but output from a `drbdadm --version` command would show that the DRBD kernel version (`DRBD_KERNEL_VERSION_CODE`) was still at the older 8.4 (`0x08040` in hexadecimal) version.

The output of `drbdadm --version` should show 9.x.y and look similar to this:

DRBDADM_BUILDTAG=GIT-hash:\ […​]\ build\ by\ @buildsystem\,\ 2022-09-19\ 12:15:10 DRBDADM_API_VERSION=2 DRBD_KERNEL_VERSION_CODE=0x09010b DRBD_KERNEL_VERSION=9.1.11 DRBDADM_VERSION_CODE=0x091600 DRBDADM_VERSION=9.22.0

NOTE: On the primary node, `node-1`, `drbdadm --version` will still show the

=== Migrating Your Configuration Files

DRBD 9.x is backward compatible with the 8.4 configuration files; however, some syntax has changed. See <<s-recent-changes-config>> for a full list of changes. In the meantime you can port your old configs fairly easily by using `drbdadm dump all` command. This will output both a new global configuration followed by the new resource configuration files. Take this output and make changes accordingly.


=== Changing the Metadata

Now you need to convert the on-disk metadata to the new version. You can do this by using the `drbdadm create-md` command and answering two questions.

If you want to change the number of nodes, you should already have increased the size of the lower level device, so that there is enough space to store the additional bitmaps; in that case, you would run the command below with an additional argument `--max-peers=__<N>__`. When determining the number of (possible) peers please take setups like the <<s-drbd-client>> into account.

drbdadm create-md <resource>

You want me to create a v09 style flexible-size internal meta data block. There appears to be a v08 flexible-size internal meta data block already in place on <disk> at byte offset <offset>

Valid v08 meta-data found, convert to v09? [need to type ‘yes’ to confirm] yes

md_offset <offsets…​> al_offset <offsets…​> bm_offset <offsets…​>

Found some data

==> This might destroy existing data! <==

Do you want to proceed? [need to type ‘yes’ to confirm] yes

Writing meta data…​ New drbd meta data block successfully created. success

Of course, you can pass `all` for the resource names, too. And if you feel lucky, brave, or both you can avoid the questions by using the `--force` flag like this:

drbdadm -v –max-peers=<N>  — –force create-md <resources>

IMPORTANT: The order of these arguments is important. Make sure you understand the potential data loss implications of this command before you enter it.

=== Starting DRBD Again

Now, the only thing left to do is to get the DRBD devices up and running again. You can do this by using the `drbdadm up all` command.

Next, depending on whether you are using a cluster manager or if you keep track of your DRBD resources manually, there are two different ways to bring up your resources. If you are using a cluster manager follow its documentation.

* 手动

node-2# systemctl start drbd@<resource>.target

* Pacemaker

crm node online node-2


When the two nodes are _UpToDate_ on all resources again, you can move your applications to the already upgraded node (here `node-2`), and then follow the same steps on the cluster node still running version 8.4.

1. To calculate DRBD’s exact or approximate memory requirements for your environment, refer to the formulas in this section of the DRBD 9 User’s Guide
2. For example, a deleted file’s data.
3. One favorite way was when loading the DRBD module reported “Out of memory” on a freshly booted machine with 32GiB RAM…​