RHEL Compatible Distribution

You may have noticed that the newsletter got one week off from its usual cadence. That is due to my two-week summer vacation. We spent

DRBD 9.2 Updates

The eight-week cadence brings the new DRBD releases 9.1.15 and 9.2.2. The two releases contain roughly the same bug fixes. What these bug fixes have in

LINBIT SDS is now on Xinnor xiRAID

LINBIT SDS and xiRAID have proven to work exceptionally well together, and with LINBIT SDS now on Xinnor xiRAID, I wanted to cover the subject

LINBIT Content & Software Updates

These days, I have been staying busy preparing for my presentation at STAC Research in London on May 4th. On the same day, Rene will speak at

Open Source Workload Orchestrators

LINBIT® SDS is available for Kubernetes (and OpenShift), Apache CloudStack, Open Stack, OpenNebula, XCP-ng, and Proxmox. When I think of a name for these, I