Compiling Your Own WinDRBD: 1.2 Branch Preview

While still maintaining the WinDRBD 1.1 stable branch work on the WinDRBD 1.2 development branch has been started. Having a stable branch (1.1) and a development branch (1.2) allows

LINBIT Offers Official DRBD Basics Training

LINBIT® is offering an official training package for Linux system administrators who are interested in getting started using DRBD® to create high-availability and high-performance block

DRBD Starter Package

LINBIT® has been dedicated to open source since its inception. All of LINBIT’s code is freely available on GitHub, as well as prepackaged downloads on

Introducing the LINBIT GUI

A Visual Approach to LINBIT SDS Here at LINBIT®, we live at the shell prompt, but on occasion, getting a graphical view of things can