LINBIT Cluster
Stack Subscription

Business downtime and data loss are unacceptable.
Use DRBD together with our world-class support to keep your applications running.

Support Details

24/7 telephone support

Industry Leading Support

We deliver superior support. Our engineers are trained to handle your issues and tailor every response to your specific needs. In addition to phone and email support, LINBIT can login, troubleshoot, and provide performance tuning directly with you, on your systems, via SSH or VPN access.

Supported Software Versions

DRBD8.3 and up
LINSTOR0.7.5 and up
Pacemaker1.0.11 and up
Heartbeat3.0.5 and up
Corosync2.x and up

DRBD Support Life Cycle


DRBD ReleasesActive MaintenanceEnd of Support
8.0.0–8.0.16Mar 2006 – Mar 20092018
8.3.0–8.3.16Nov 2008 – Sep 20132022
8.4.0–8.4.12Dec 2010 – Jul 20192026
9.0.0–9.0.32Jun 2011 – Dec 20212030
9.1–Feb 2021 – Sep 20232034
9.2.0–Oct 20222036

Certified Binaries

Our repositories cover every major distribution/OS. We can typically build new packages for your specific kernel version within 24–48 hours.

Full Cluster Stack, plus STONITH and resource agents

We package and support all of the software you need to keep systems up and running. In addition to DRBD® we will build and service: Resource Agents, Pacemaker, Corosync, Heartbeat, LINSTOR® and a variety of STONITH devices.

Supported System Platforms

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, 8 & 9
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 & 15
  • Oracle Linux 7 & 8 (RHEL Compatible or UEK)
  • Debian GNU/Linux 11 & 12
  • AlmaLinux 9
  • CentOS 7 & 8
  • Ubuntu Server Edition 20.04 LTS 22.04 LTS
  • XenServer 7 & 8  (DRBD only)
  • VCS with version 5.1 and higher
  • Amazon Linux
  • RedHawk Linux – on demand


If your deployment requires support for distributions/OSs not listed here, contact us 

Pacemaker Support Life Cycle

Pacemaker VersionEnd of Support
HeartbeatJuly 2024
Pacemaker 1.0.xDecember 2020
Pacemaker 1.1.xJuly 2024
Pacemaker 2.0.xJune 2029


LINSTOR is a young project and is developing fast. Each release of LINSTOR comes with carefully tested migration scripts for the database. We recommend updating to the latest LINSTOR release at least once a year. Also, LINSTOR is not in the data path, and therefore can be updated easily. No scheduled downtime for the services (VMs, containers) is required to upgrade LINSTOR to the latest version.

We guarantee that new LINSTOR releases will work with Java-8 until March 2022. From April 2022 we will require Java-11 as runtime.

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