Members of the LINBIT® team just returned from the CloudStack Collaboration Conference 2022 in Sofia, Bulgaria. CEO Philipp Reisner and solutions architect Yusuf Yildiz both gave presentations about integrating LINSTOR® with CloudStack.

The Benefits of Using LINSTOR in CloudStack
By using LINSTOR, you can have highly available CloudStack primary storage for your virtual machine (VM) virtual disks, because the back-end storage will be replicated by DRBD®. You will also bring to your CloudStack primary storage other benefits that come with LINSTOR. These benefits include:
- Snapshots
- Backup shipping
- Self-healing
- QoS control
- Monitoring
- And more…
What CloudStackers Need to Know About LINSTOR/DRBD
The Best Storage Solution For CloudStack: LINSTOR
A CloudStack Chapter in the LINSTOR User’s Guide
We added a chapter to the LINSTOR User’s Guide that describes how you can install and use the LINSTOR CloudStack plug-in for KVM hypervisors. The chapter includes instructions for creating a sample LINSTOR and CloudStack deployment to get you quickly into a test environment.
A Video Tutorial for Integrating LINSTOR with CloudStack
LINBIT developer Rene Peinthor also made a video that overviews installing the LINSTOR CloudStack plug-in.